wtf is a spray, exactly? I hear people talking about it all the time.
Press T and this logo appears on the wall.
Verily, Giantt doth proclaim:
It has no default key. You HAVE to set it up.
mine was T by default. my spray was also the half-life logo in orange, though.
i never did understand sprays, lol.
The logic train ran off the tracks when Gydyon said:
Never mind. Got it. Fae should like it.
That rocked!
I need to figure out Sprays, may have some fun with that..
I took a screenshot of it, but I don't think I'm going to mess with C&P and whatnot.
I hate myself. BUT DON'T UNDO IT. Either of you two. Unless YOU Want to do it. Because I don't want to do it again.
Black Mage had this to say about Captain Planet:
Cheaters will be banned.I hate myself. BUT DON'T UNDO IT. Either of you two. Unless YOU Want to do it. Because I don't want to do it again.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Black Mage had this to say about Optimus Prime:
It also gives away enemies posistions. They run through it, they go "UNF", you go 'Mhmmmm'...
BM, stop having sybar in the nerve gas grenades.
It makes my spray too small to be funny, too.
quote:I only sybar in Militia.
Lenlalron attempted to be funny by writing:
BM, stop having sybar in the nerve gas grenades.
Although Firearms has my attention lately..and my TFC Clan demands a bit of work.
That is all.
Black Mage had this to say about Knight Rider:
3k 3k... Have I played that one?
No. It felt the Wrath of Thine Administrator before it was used much.
D had this to say about Cuba:
No. It felt the Wrath of Thine Administrator before it was used much.
But why? It's the only map in which you can shoot a Chickenmobile with a stationary machinegun!
Shot myself in the head with that machine gun, once. Was fun. ^_^
Lashanna stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Kinda funny, because I have almost no concept of what the real smoke grenades looked like, I played about a week on Temple of Chaos, before I came to Liquid Gaming...
They LOOK the same as they do on LG, dood. LG's just do damage too
I cant wait till im actually allowedo to play so I can put this to good use =) [ 03-25-2002: Message edited by: Taeldian ]
I have decided to almost always use the pump shotgun and JUSt the pump shotgun so I get really really good with it
Nobody really understood why Arttemis the Twink wrote:
I think like a Jeepathon 1k would be hilarious, though. Bunch of horse-drawn carriages charging at each other, making passes with an M249.
I'd rather see Amish slingshot drive-bys.
or they could throw rocks. It'd still be funny to hear the trash talk.
"Jebediah, I stone thee!"
[ 03-26-2002: Message edited by: Black Mage ]
Lashanna had this to say about Optimus Prime:
"Thou Art a Lady of the Night and a Woman of Ill Repute who excessively partakes in the usage of the Arctic Warfare SuperMagnum."
That makes it sound like some sort of kinky sex toy.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Lashanna was all like:
Kinda funny, because I have almost no concept of what the real smoke grenades looked like, I played about a week on Temple of Chaos, before I came to Liquid Gaming...
We have default CS smoke grens. They have freaky little TSC smoke grens.