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Topic: Since I'm bored, racial statistical analysis!
Technology Luddite
posted 01-28-2002 01:49:41 PM
Giantt had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
My always succeeded at Baking more than my warrior. Always. I tested that several times. Go figure.

The reason you're succeding more often is because higher wis (or int, whatever the case is) is raising your baking skill; it's your better baking skill that's responsible for your success. I don't care if you have 255 int or wis, you're just not going to get that wedding cake very often with baking at 1.... until your high wis or int raises your baking skill.

This is a fact, not an opinion, and I'm not the only one who knows and believes this... ask any master of any tradeskill. Read the eqtraders message boards.

If your succeeding more often, it's because of your baking skill, not your wisdom, simple fact.

[ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Troodon ]

posted 01-28-2002 01:50:59 PM
Ferrel had this to say about (_|_):
I'll have to go check the most recent research, but, not long ago through logs and experience with my friends enchanter and alot of other enchanters, it was proven that charisma had such a small effect on mes duration, it was passed off as "Negligible." So much so, that the possitive effect could easily be counted as random chance.

I seem to recall a similar test run on STR that concluded with similar results.

Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-28-2002 05:23:29 PM
Reynar had this to say about Tron:
For melee's, putting any starting points into anything but sta (until you reach 100) is a total waste.


Lots of the high end armor in the game can be REALLY heavy. And that means you'll need quite a bit of strength to carry everything you need. You can't depend upon +STR items to give you +100 or so STR, and you won't always be able to get an Enchanter in an EXP group. Besides, melees generally get HP by the planetloads anyway.

Strength is a big stat for melees, especially those that wear heavy armor (Warriors, Paladins, Shadowknights). It not only really helps them out with their carrying capacity (1STR = 1 pound), but it also is the sole stat that helps out with ATK (how often you hit in melee) and adds to your damage. For a tank melee, this really helps their taunt, and thus is CRUCIAL. Because you want the mob to be on you, not tearing the sh*t out of the cleric.

Want proof? Start... Oh, say, two Half-Elf Warriors. Pump all of one's points into STR. Pump all of one's points into STA. Level them up to level 5. While the one with the big STA will have ~5-10 more HP, this WILL NOT MATTER. THe one with the big STR will be constantly hitting, and doing more damage, taking the enemies out before they can do lots of damage to him. And, should you be untwinked, you'll need to go for bronze armor, and while 105 STR won't keep you from getting encumbered, it will REALLY help.

How do I know this? I used to start a lot of warriors. I pumped all of their points into STA, because after all, the more HP, the better, right? Wrong. Enemies take longer to kill, and do more damage to you, meaning the cleric has to use more mana healing you. Then, something magical happened. I suddenly decided to pump as many points possible into STR with a Half-Elf warrior, named Ruien. I'd just try it for a bit, it was a throwaway character, so why not?

Ruien is now level 15, and will be 2 years old this May 20.

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 01-28-2002 05:26:11 PM
Ruv, I think I'll trust Reynar over you.
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
posted 01-28-2002 05:30:12 PM
D wrote this stupid crap:
Ruv, I think I'll trust Reynar over you.

I will point you to this

Ruvyen Warblade wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
...Ruien is now level 15, and will be 2 years old this May 20.
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 01-28-2002 05:34:41 PM
Pyscho_Pike had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I will point you to this

Ruvyen Warblade wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
...Ruien is now level 15, and will be 2 years old this May 20.

I see that. Yet I do not see the relevance.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-28-2002 05:45:14 PM
By the "Level 15, 2 years old" bit, I meant that he turned out to NOT be a throwaway character.

Didn't you even read my post? Yeah, it was long, but still, check the end of it.

Ruien was originally going to be an experimental throwaway character. I'd just check it out, see what full Strength was like. I didn't originally intend to keep him.

He's come this far. 2 years. While I haven't gotten in as much playtime as I want to lately, that will be remedied by spring break and weekends.

And again, I state: Ruien was originally going to be a throwaway. Gain a few levels just to check it out, then delete. I liked him so much, I kept him for this long.

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 01-28-2002 06:44:01 PM
Listening to Ruvyen about EQ is like getting dating advice from the Blob.

Makes about as much sense as a hobbit basketball team.

Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-28-2002 06:53:05 PM
Mr. Parcelan stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Listening to Ruvyen about EQ is like getting dating advice from the Blob.

Makes about as much sense as a hobbit basketball team.

A hobbit basketball team WOULD work, it would just take a lot of practice and strength. However, they'd be really good at stealing the ball.

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 01-28-2002 07:19:34 PM
Ruvyen Warblade had this to say about (_|_):
By the "Level 15, 2 years old" bit, I meant that he turned out to NOT be a throwaway character.
Didn't you even read my post? Yeah, it was long, but still, check the end of it.

D had this to say about Cuba:
I do not see the relevance.
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
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