And it has to be said... Innanimate Moogle Doll, god of all things innanimate.
Ja'deth- The lord of time who seems to never be there when you need him, but always shows up to aid the hand of a mage in his lab.
Mortious/Mightion- Siamese twins who aren't connected, Lords of pestilence and justice, respectivly. (I know it's not really like that, but it sounds like more fun.)
Parcelan- God of trickery and manipulation. Tends to accidently eat his followers when the sacramental pudding turns out to be lime flavour instead of chocolate.
Karnaj- God of all things that could be but decided that the world wasn't insane enough for them. Followers tend to be anyone who wishes not to have massive bleeding hemmoroids whenever he feels like it.
There will of course be a whole panthenon of lesser gods paying service and trying to dethrone the elder gods, but I don't feel like typing that much.