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Topic: Cleric epic changed. No joke.
posted 01-23-2002 10:10:59 AM
My 52 necro can solo in SF for hours on end without any kind of add he can't handle. Any druid or bard with half a brain can kite around any number of adds in skyfire. I like the change, instead of beeing rage, he's now sevesomeoranother 2. People will have a tracker out for him at the appropriate times, once he spawns they race each other by gating into SF. I think it's a huge improvement over having someone sit in sol b at a fixed spawn all day.
Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
posted 01-23-2002 10:22:17 AM
Aggro in SF works differently than in most other zones then. I was expecting that, like in most zones, aggro will chain.
Beep. Beep. Beep... Ohh... I think my porridge is done.
My fellow Americans, as you know, my foreign policy can be summed up in five words: "Iludium-236 Explosive Space Modulator."
When it comes down to it, searching the web without Google is like straining sewage with your teeth.
Delphi Aegis
posted 01-23-2002 11:44:58 AM
I just wanna get this straight in my head.. I'll do a hypothetical thing here.

Cleric1 is sitting on rage. Cleric2 with his guild is in FGs, but cleric1 doesnt know this.

Rage pops. Cleric1 calls in his guild while Cleric2 starts buffing. Cleric1's guild gets there, and starts buffing as cleric2's guild finishes buffing.

Cleric1 hands in the pearl. The dragon spawns. Cleric2's guild comes in and takes the dragon, and cleric2 loots the heart.

Now cleric2 has a pearl to get the heart, AND a heart. Cleric1 is screwed because you NEED A PEARL to spawn Rage to get the heart.
This was bad.

Now as it is: You wait one day (More or less) In solB for the merchant form to spawn. You give him the pearl. He gives you a hint as to where he will appear next (Skyfire).

Since the killable verzion of Zordak is utterly independant of the merchant version, you do NOT need the pearl to spawn him anymore.. So if someone takes the dragon from you, and loots that heart container thing, You dont have to worry about starting your entire quest again.

Thats how I saw this. Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno, but I see it as an excellent change.

Mostly. No more FG raids with Aego up.

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Fippy's VP
posted 01-23-2002 12:18:56 PM
Tier had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
[QB]This is bad. Plain and simple.

Cleric #1 gives pearl to Merchant Zordak.

Dragon Zordak spawns.

Cleric #2 KSes him.

Cleric #1 is stuck with a pearl that won't spawn Zordak.


It doesnt work that way now. Read the information again.

Mightion Defensor
posted 01-23-2002 12:26:02 PM
So, theoretically, you could get the heart container before the pearl, then?
Delphi Aegis
posted 01-23-2002 12:27:35 PM
Mightion Defensor had this to say about Pirotess:
So, theoretically, you could get the heart container before the pearl, then?

Yeah, but yer not supposed to know where the dragon version spawns until the merchant tells you.

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Fippy's VP
posted 01-23-2002 12:27:53 PM
Mightion Defensor had this to say about (_|_):
So, theoretically, you could get the heart container before the pearl, then?


Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 01-23-2002 12:30:11 PM
We were all impressed when Delphi wrote:
Yeah, but yer not supposed to know where the dragon version spawns until the merchant tells you.

People will figure out his spawnpoint in no time, unless they put him on a random spawn location in skyfire.

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
Mightion Defensor
posted 01-23-2002 12:30:42 PM
We were all impressed when Ferrel wrote:

Ah. I see now.

This IS better - not perfect, not ideal, but better.

posted 01-23-2002 12:34:49 PM
I did all the steps for the Cleric epic up to Zordak, the Elemental, the king note and the Priest in Sol Temple, by myself within 2 days.

The Priest only took 2 groups and I got my guild to help me do that on the second day after I finished what I could do solo. The king note drops so often that it's rare for a guild not to have a few spares.

This quest is too easy from the start. That's the problem.

Unless you want it to be this easy, then why not just give every cleric his epic as soon as he dings 50?

"Unlike adults, children have little need to deceive themselves." - Goethe
Happiness is subjective, subject yourself to it whenever possible.
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore
Wise men still seek Him.
Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 01-23-2002 12:56:38 PM
Kanid had this to say about pies:
why not just give every cleric his epic as soon as he dings 50?

Anyone -truthfully- have an objection to that?

posted 01-23-2002 01:00:04 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Pesco was all like:
Anyone -truthfully- have an objection to that?

How about 16?

Cleric Of Mithaniel Marr, Xegony Server
Wields Spiky Mace
"If at first you don't succeed, get the warrior a rez."
posted 01-23-2002 01:17:25 PM
Is it a 3 day spawn on a fixed timer? or is it as Absor posted:

"every few days (except after a server goes down, then he will appear a little faster)."

posted 01-23-2002 01:20:26 PM
Ooops.. when I typed a 3 I meant 4
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 01-23-2002 02:47:44 PM
wow Absor really does talk like Hal 9000
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

posted 01-23-2002 05:05:07 PM
Mightion Defensor stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
So, theoretically, you could get the heart container before the pearl, then?

Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 01-23-2002 05:08:16 PM
I swear that Drys has an image for every thread, and a horde of trained monkeys who go out and find images for anything he wants.
posted 01-23-2002 05:57:36 PM

dah daH dAH DAH!

posted 01-23-2002 06:07:41 PM
Drysart had this to say about Tron:


Beep. Beep. Beep... Ohh... I think my porridge is done.
My fellow Americans, as you know, my foreign policy can be summed up in five words: "Iludium-236 Explosive Space Modulator."
When it comes down to it, searching the web without Google is like straining sewage with your teeth.
posted 01-23-2002 06:13:35 PM

I'm happy to know I wasn't the only one who started thinking Zelda when we started talking about "Heart Containers and Pearls."
Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
posted 01-23-2002 06:43:46 PM
Lashanna had this to say about John Romero:

I'm happy to know I wasn't the only one who started thinking Zelda when we started talking about "Heart Containers and Pearls."

I was too, hehe.

Pesco had this to say about dark elf butts:
Anyone -truthfully- have an objection to that?

I do.
It should be 51. That's the level the effect is usable at.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piƱa coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
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