Geez, why do you all make posts where I am needed on the weekends when I am less likely to be around, eh? [ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Bajah ]
Suchii stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
I do not play ANY fps games on my computer anymore. I do so badly it is a sin... I can go 54-8 on assault on my friends computer (70 fps and 100 ping), while at home do 10-20 if I am lucky!
Sig pic done with Microsoft paint, Work that doobie Pikachu.
Kameks had this to say about John Romero:
Suuuuuuure i aint beliving these so called lewt skills till i see em sister
She's got an old monitor and a dialup. Not sure what kinda video card, but I believe she said once that her PC was a 333.
If I can convince her to run away with me and get a large mansion with 36 rooms and a super network of pure gaming, then that will change. But until then....
Kameks impressed everyone with:
[QUOTE]Suchii stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
[qb]I do not play ANY fps games on my computer anymore. I do so badly it is a sin... I can go 54-8 on assault on my friends computer (70 fps and 100 ping), while at home do 10-20 if I am lucky!
Tell you what. Next time I hit Cazzie's house, I will set up a post here and we can play ^_^
We were all impressed when De lid g am ond wrote:
Let's talk about more naked Suchii
We were all impressed when De lid g am ond wrote:
Let's talk about more naked Suchii
Bajah sed:
I will have to hurt you.
uhh whats this thread about then ? it says
eh ? [ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Anklebitur D'gnome ]
I bet deli was nekkie in the shower too! Good thing I got pix to blackmail oreos out of him ^_^
Bajah had this to say about pies:
She's got an old monitor and a dialup. Not sure what kinda video card, but I believe she said once that her PC was a 333.
[granpa voice]Pah, CS-Players today are snobs. Back in the early betas, I used to play on a P1-150 in software mode. And I was good, not uber, but good, I was in one of the top Austrian clans(not that this means much ).[/granpa voice]
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Mortious Shadowstalker was all like:
This thread should be re-named, "I CRAVE ATTEEEEEEEENTION! AHAHAHA!"
Narf, I do this stuff for fun. We all had a good laugh, pulled some screwy stunts, and had fun.
Thread successful!
We were all impressed when Mortious Shadowstalker wrote:
Walnut Whips = Superior Oreos
You're just saying that because it has the word "Whips" in it.
Bajah had this to say:
You're just saying that because it has the word "Whips" in it.
[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Mr. Duck ]
Modrakien had this to say about pies:
[granpa voice]Pah, CS-Players today are snobs. Back in the early betas, I used to play on a P1-150 in software mode. And I was good, not uber, but good, I was in one of the top Austrian clans(not that this means much).[/granpa voice]
I have an AMD K6-2 366. The defective batch. It has REALLY HORRIBLY GOD AWFUL 3D processing. A friend of mine has a P350, gets MUCH better framerates in everything. Another friend has a P200, and plays CS silky smooth. Just plain bad hardware :x
Suchii wrote this stupid crap:
I have an AMD K6-2 366. The defective batch. It has REALLY HORRIBLY GOD AWFUL 3D processing. A friend of mine has a P350, gets MUCH better framerates in everything. Another friend has a P200, and plays CS silky smooth. Just plain bad hardware :x
Ouch. Pre-Athlon AMD processor. That just plain hurts. My condolences.
De lid g am ond wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
I have pictures of myself naked too!
Is that what those are? I thought it was just a REALLY ugly girl.
Bajah had this to say about pies:
Is that what those are? I thought it was just a REALLY ugly girl.
itai.... *_*;