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Topic: Sig pic search!
omg mack attack :(
posted 12-27-2001 09:21:08 PM
Since the Christmas season has passed, Mr. Hanky must pass away as well.

So I'm holdin a sig picture contest! Whoever shows me the niftiest that I shall use shall receive...

one two three fo let me see that tootsie roll
Aaron (the good one)
posted 12-27-2001 09:32:39 PM


Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Coolest Hamster Pimp Ever!
posted 12-27-2001 09:35:23 PM

"Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mr. Duck
Likes to ____!
posted 12-27-2001 09:37:50 PM
posted 12-27-2001 09:37:51 PM
I Didnt ask to be Secretary of Balloon Doggies, the Balloon Doggies demanded it!
King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 12-27-2001 09:39:10 PM
Hmmm...someone got in the "PC Portraits"
posted 12-27-2001 09:41:46 PM
yeah I like them
I Didnt ask to be Secretary of Balloon Doggies, the Balloon Doggies demanded it!
posted 12-27-2001 09:42:24 PM

I <3 My Deviant
posted 12-27-2001 09:48:24 PM

posted 12-27-2001 09:59:18 PM
New Sigpic,
Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
Aaron (the good one)
posted 12-27-2001 10:00:15 PM
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Heart Attack
posted 12-27-2001 10:03:12 PM
Uh, this is off-topic, and all, but, um, where can I meet Butterfly Girl?


I mean, she looks like a nice person.

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

Palador ChibiDragon
posted 12-27-2001 10:18:29 PM
I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
Aaron (the good one)
posted 12-27-2001 10:23:32 PM
Ooo...that chick from Castlevania : Symphony of the Night
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 12-27-2001 10:23:32 PM
Oh, jeez, LASH!
Palador ChibiDragon
posted 12-27-2001 11:45:19 PM
Or, try this one.

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
posted 12-27-2001 11:51:37 PM
Suchii had this to say about Pirotess:


Mr. Duck
Likes to ____!
posted 12-27-2001 11:52:38 PM
Palador ChibiDragon impressed everyone with:
Or, try this one.

you have a alucard somewhere in there?

Palador ChibiDragon
posted 12-28-2001 02:25:43 AM
Mr. Duck had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
you have a alucard somewhere in there?

In fact, I do. I used it as a sigpic when Mr Vlad Dracul (or whatever the heck his name was) was getting himself on down the yellow brick road of banning. I don't think anyone ever got the little joke of that....

Anyway, I see you found that picture somewhere for yourself, so I won't bother posting it.

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
posted 12-28-2001 03:26:38 AM

ooo pwetty

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: Leck ]

Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 12-28-2001 03:56:04 AM
*will attempt to draw Lazzay when she gets home tnite* ^_^
"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
Toast the Destroyer
posted 12-28-2001 03:58:15 AM
And back to toast the regular instead of toast the santa.
Woody Hearn - Cartoonist
GU Comics
I don't give a damn.
posted 12-28-2001 12:01:37 PM
Cold in an Alley
posted 12-28-2001 12:12:05 PM
(*starts saving to his hard drive*)

Oh, and click HERE for my submissions. Anything on the page is useable, yes that first picture is clear, and yes there are one or two duplicates.

Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

Aaron (the good one)
posted 12-28-2001 06:51:53 PM

Prefect has been thinking of NONO things with Lazzy!

Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
posted 12-29-2001 01:23:33 AM
My contributions to the search are here.

Sorry for the delay in suggestion, but my school server keeps going down and I wanted to post when it was working. I'm not even sure if this will work when you eventually look at it, but here's hopin.

Feed my hungry soul.
Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 12-29-2001 02:02:20 AM

will osmeone resize that for me?
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 12-29-2001 09:14:32 AM
Arrenn Lightblade had this to say about dark elf butts:
will osmeone resize that for me?

I do believe that picture has been used before. Avatar, it might of been.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Palador ChibiDragon
posted 12-29-2001 09:36:04 AM
Demitri had this to say about pies:
I do believe that picture has been used before. Avatar, it might of been.

Yah, but there's nothing wrong with him using it. Azrael isn't using it right now, and I think his current sigpic (minus the santa hat) is a better match for him anyway.

Just wondering, you've seen the movie this pic comes from, right? X is a cool movie, but it's kinda strange...

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
posted 12-29-2001 04:05:47 PM
You can have mine, if you like. I'm trying to find something more manly (I am a guy, in case no one realized that ). Maybe I'll draw one, now that I have a scanner and photoshop (Disposable income, go!).

EDIT: freaking graemlins won't bend to my will...

[ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: Bloodcookie ]

""...destructive analysis of the familiar is the only method of approach to an understanding of fundamentally different modes of expression." -Edward Sapir, Language
posted 12-29-2001 06:40:55 PM
posted 12-29-2001 07:53:38 PM
Lashanna wrote this stupid crap:
New Sigpic,

Heh... heh heh...

Ayerine Angelyre
posted 12-29-2001 07:59:29 PM
omg mack attack :(
posted 12-29-2001 08:03:26 PM
I do believe we have a winnar!

Thank j00 Ryuujin!!!

one two three fo let me see that tootsie roll
Agent A
Underpowered on Purpose
posted 12-29-2001 10:17:12 PM
Arrenn Lightblade had this to say about Jimmy Carter:

will osmeone resize that for me?

That looks like that one guy from X.
"How do you all feel about beastiality with taxidermy? It seems like most people aren't very down with it, in fact, alot of people are only medium down with it. But if you only get to second base, where's the harm, right?"
- Melora Creager
posted 01-01-2002 04:12:38 PM
Lazuli stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
I do believe we have a winnar!

Thank j00 Ryuujin!!!

No Prob

Azrael Heavenblade
Damn Dirty Godmoder
posted 01-01-2002 04:50:29 PM
Demitri had this to say about dark elf butts:
I do believe that picture has been used before. Avatar, it might of been.

Who is now me I might add You can use it, but I still might use it in the future, sides, I'm thinking of editing one of the other pics in Ragabash's Archive for my sig.

"The basic tool for manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them." - Philip K. Dick
Azrael Heavenblade
Damn Dirty Godmoder
posted 01-01-2002 04:57:46 PM

[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Azrael/Cthon ]

"The basic tool for manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them." - Philip K. Dick
posted 01-01-2002 05:07:52 PM
another test... BTW i drew this one, whaddya think guys? I would post the whole thing but i have nowhere to upload it to at the moment.
posted 01-01-2002 05:13:47 PM
Leck wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
i have nowhere to upload it to at the moment.
I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
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