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Topic: Last One To Post, WINS!
posted 01-05-2002 02:20:04 PM
I know what you want! You coveteth my ice cream bar! *tearful eyed* I've had this ice cream bar...since I was a child. *getting angry* People always trying to take it from me! WHY CAN'T THEY JUST LEAVE ME...ALOOOONE!
Feed my hungry soul.
Lounge Lizard
posted 01-05-2002 02:21:49 PM
I WIN! No more posting allowed!


Palou Sabaco
The Sexiest Lizard in Kelethin!
I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 02:27:28 PM
I think Odelay means "Last sentence is false."

I'm allowed to win now.

Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 01-05-2002 02:37:43 PM
I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 02:38:47 PM
Oh, so you think you can beat me at posting too?
Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 01-05-2002 02:41:34 PM
Of course I can.
Lounge Lizard
posted 01-05-2002 04:29:49 PM
Just passin through...
Palou Sabaco
The Sexiest Lizard in Kelethin!
I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 04:36:41 PM
Don't mind me, I'm just winning.
Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 01-05-2002 05:58:55 PM
Not if I have anything to say about it
C'mon, fear the fangs... plz
posted 01-05-2002 06:10:15 PM
I will snatch victory from you fingertips.. or something.
Silently, the unnamed Senshi drew a small jewel-hilted athame from some form of pocket-space, and lightly ran it across the back of her left hand. Good, she wasn't one of those fools that slashed their palm open whenever one of the various reasons to use blood arose. I did the same with my own vorpal-bladed athame. It was a much plainer affair than my counterpart's, but I bet hers couldn't call up a higher-level demon just by carving a smiley face in the ground.
-Ranma in Can it get any worse by Dark Phoenix
I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 06:14:30 PM
Sure, I'll yet you win.

Yeah, right.

Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
posted 01-05-2002 06:19:36 PM
Palou had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Just passin through...

What's Odelay?


Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 01-05-2002 06:23:10 PM
WaisztarrozBarrimas had this to say about Pirotess:
Sure, I'll yet you win.

Yeah, right.

I will win this!

I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 06:27:24 PM
Me winning > You winning
Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 01-05-2002 06:41:10 PM
WaisztarrozBarrimas had this to say about (_|_):
Me winning > You winning

But you cannot win at all!

Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-05-2002 06:49:55 PM

Best word I could think of. Ergh...

posted 01-05-2002 07:00:06 PM
(backs away from Ruvyen)
posted 01-05-2002 07:06:44 PM
Gen winning > (WaisztarroBarrimas>Jalal d'Yarr)*infinity.
I am no longer an idiot.
posted 01-05-2002 07:14:56 PM
And its Genericgirl in the lead! followed by Cassandra! Ruvyen in a weak third, followed closely by Jalal, and Waisz is in another time zone

[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Otku ]

Zaile Ghostmaker
You've gotta remember, I'm an EverQuest character.
posted 01-05-2002 07:21:56 PM
Hummm, I've heard licking toads can get you stoned.

*looks around*

Hummm, no toads. What else can I use? A-hah! I know!

*licks the Iksar*

Whoaaaaa. Trippy...

I find that most problems can be solved by excessive violence.

It is held in thought
only by the understanding
of the Wind.

I am no longer an idiot.
posted 01-05-2002 07:23:41 PM
And OH MY GOD!! RYU KAMEN TAKES THE LEAD!! I dont think anybody saw this coming!

[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Otku ]

posted 01-05-2002 07:40:49 PM
Yeah, I saw it comming out of my rear view mirror. Yep, shes still there.
I <3 My Deviant
posted 01-05-2002 07:44:58 PM
posted 01-05-2002 07:49:34 PM
Ryu Kamen wrote this stupid crap:
*licks the Iksar*

Whoaaaaa. Trippy...

Does it even work that way?

posted 01-05-2002 07:54:34 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Ryuujin was all like:
Does it even work that way?

I'm willing to find out, hon.

(pins Ryuujin down, and starts licking)

I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 08:02:00 PM
Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-05-2002 08:08:17 PM
*Breaks out a blitzball, and after much throwing it at people, takes the lead!*


I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 08:10:55 PM
*Breaks Ruvyen's PS2 and takes the lead.*
Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
posted 01-05-2002 08:11:23 PM
*gives Cassandra a bottle of ick remove* Here, this is for when you are done with that Lizard.

Oh, Im winning.

Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 01-05-2002 08:13:18 PM
Cassandra impressed everyone with:
(pins Ryuujin down, and starts licking)

*hops up and down* Pin me down next!!

I love democracy
posted 01-05-2002 08:13:56 PM
Posting leads to Spamming. Spamming leads to Trolling. Trolling...leads to the Dark Side.
Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-05-2002 08:14:50 PM
WaisztarrozBarrimas had this to say about John Romero:
*Breaks Ruvyen's PS2 and takes the lead.*

You... You... Broke it...

Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 01-05-2002 08:15:06 PM
*grabs a flashlight*

Okay, I'm ready.

The Last Strider
I will die alone
posted 01-05-2002 08:16:17 PM
Cassandra had this to say about Captain Planet:
I'm willing to find out, hon.

(pins Ryuujin down, and starts licking)

*starts to sputter*
"We have listened to you speak since the dawn of time, and we have learned to imatoot you exarktly."-The Simpsons

Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.

Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-05-2002 08:18:37 PM
...(_|_)! (_|_)!

*Runs towards the (_|_), putting him in the lead!*

The Fatty Man
posted 01-05-2002 08:27:07 PM
I'm not even in this race, I'm just standing here....But it looks like I'm winning!
Life is long... eat to pass the time.
posted 01-05-2002 08:34:46 PM
Cassandra had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I'm willing to find out, hon.

(pins Ryuujin down, and starts licking)

laughs and struggles under Cass

HAHAHA! Stop..STOP! HAHAHA! That tickles!

posted 01-05-2002 08:59:12 PM
Postedy Post Post
Heart Attack
posted 01-05-2002 09:14:51 PM

So going back into lurkerdomness was simply a clever ruse to win, eh?


To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 01-05-2002 09:18:32 PM
And Jally takes the lead!
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