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Topic: Photos!
SCA babe!!!
posted 11-10-2001 05:01:00 PM
Well, we went out today and got a new scanner, that even develops film.

Soryr aboutthe coloring on the second picture, it's the kind of pic I get from negatives. I'm not REALLY a ghost, I promise.. I am as pale as the first pic, though.


((You should copy and paste, because geocities suXXor.))

Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 11-10-2001 05:13:00 PM
Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 11-10-2001 06:44:00 PM
Very nice pictures.

You have long hair. I love long hair.

*resist urge to run fingers through Gikkwiny's hair*

SCA babe!!!
posted 11-10-2001 06:55:00 PM
She shakes out her hair, and winks at ImNotTrent

Feel free.

Koska Kintaro
Not Banned Yet
posted 11-10-2001 07:06:00 PM
See, I TOLD you you were pretty!

[ 11-10-2001: Message edited by: Koska Kintaro ]

SCA babe!!!
posted 11-10-2001 07:08:00 PM
Blinks, then blushies

I'm not that pretty. But thank you.

Koska Kintaro
Not Banned Yet
posted 11-10-2001 07:10:00 PM
Gikkwiny had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
I'm not that pretty.

Don't disagree with me! You know what happens to people who disagree with me!

I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 11-10-2001 07:10:00 PM
Beautiful in my book.
Crazed Ex-Angel
posted 11-10-2001 07:21:00 PM
*hugs Gikk* You ARE pretty!
"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. " - the "Professor" - The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
posted 11-10-2001 07:25:00 PM
after seeing these pictures, i have come to the conclusion that Gikkwiny = very pretty
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ph34r me
This uselss post brought to you by:
Anthrax - The other white powder

SCA babe!!!
posted 11-10-2001 07:26:00 PM
Thank you guys.

And I don't know, honestly.

Mara: What happens? Looks confused

[ 11-10-2001: Message edited by: Gikkwiny ]

Olethros et Teleute
Everyone's favorite seven foot tall, orc-hating, bad-ass barbarian babe!
posted 11-10-2001 08:23:00 PM
Gikkwiny had this to say about pies:
Thank you guys.

And I don't know, honestly.

Mara: What happens? Looks confused

Bah, you're just modest
Don't diss yourself , you are a very pretty young woman.
So who else is going to show themselves? I know we've done this before, but I always seem to miss those threads And this is a good opportunity for those of you who have been shy before

Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 11-10-2001 08:25:00 PM
You want pics? Here's ME!
posted 11-10-2001 08:27:00 PM
Wow! You're very pretty, Gikk!

Don't you deny it

posted 11-10-2001 08:29:00 PM
Yes Gikk you are a very pretty young woman.
"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." - Tom Lehrer.
Sadomasochism: It's Fun!
Taylen Ashenbow
Rangers never run we mearly stratigically retreat.
Thats not a train thats a pull, my trains are always much bigger.
Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 11-10-2001 08:29:00 PM
Gik si = cute.
SCA babe!!!
posted 11-10-2001 08:30:00 PM
Thankies. and I'm not that modest. I tlak WAY to much. <--- notes the lack of modesty.

I just don't think I'm extrodinarily pretty, is all.

Refers to IRC, and just WAITS for teh goatees.

posted 11-10-2001 08:43:00 PM
OOh Pretty long dark hair and beautiful shoulders!
I Didnt ask to be Secretary of Balloon Doggies, the Balloon Doggies demanded it!
Koska Kintaro
Not Banned Yet
posted 11-10-2001 08:47:00 PM
Are you British fred?

You sorta look british

Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 11-10-2001 09:04:00 PM
No, I'm Australian. (Gah! Everyone knows Pved's Aus but no-one knows me, and I'm the one that introduced him to EC! *grumbles on for quite some time*
Koska Kintaro
Not Banned Yet
posted 11-10-2001 09:05:00 PM
Fred Chook had this to say about Robocop:
No, I'm Australian. (Gah! Everyone knows Pved's Aus but no-one knows me, and I'm the one that introduced him to EC! *grumbles on for quite some time*

I didn't know pved was austrailian

posted 11-10-2001 09:08:00 PM
You didn't? Sheesh.
Koska Kintaro
Not Banned Yet
posted 11-10-2001 09:17:00 PM
Fred Chook wrote this stupid crap:
You want pics? Here's ME!

Don't he look like Sam Rockwell?

[ 11-10-2001: Message edited by: Koska Kintaro ]

SCA babe!!!
posted 11-10-2001 09:26:00 PM
I like. I see resemlance.
both adorable. can only tlak in incomplete sentances.

oh well.

Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 11-10-2001 09:27:00 PM


I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 11-10-2001 09:28:00 PM
Gikkwiny had this to say about Duck Tales:
I like. I see resemlance.
both adorable. can only tlak in incomplete sentances.

oh well.

Not to nitpick, but half of those are complete sentences =)

Akiraiu Zenko
Is actually a giddy schoolgirl
posted 11-10-2001 11:14:00 PM
I've met Gik IRL. She's quite fun to converse with.
The artist formerly known as Zephyer Kyuukaze.
Murdoc Halfshadow
Was once named Bob
posted 11-11-2001 07:32:00 AM
I see some new additions to EC Faces here!
posted 11-11-2001 04:32:00 PM
now a days I assume everybody is australian or canadian, its safer that way. ^_^
I Didnt ask to be Secretary of Balloon Doggies, the Balloon Doggies demanded it!
Alleria Qui'farush
posted 11-11-2001 05:15:00 PM
Wow, very pretty. ^_^
Agent A
Underpowered on Purpose
posted 11-11-2001 06:01:00 PM
no one will ever see me!

Other than the people that know me.

"How do you all feel about beastiality with taxidermy? It seems like most people aren't very down with it, in fact, alot of people are only medium down with it. But if you only get to second base, where's the harm, right?"
- Melora Creager
posted 11-11-2001 06:02:00 PM
*tackles Gikkwiny and smooches her*
Hot stuff!
Aaron (the good one)
posted 11-11-2001 06:04:00 PM
I'm hotter!!!
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
posted 11-11-2001 06:05:00 PM
De lid g am ond had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
I'm hotter!!!

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ph34r me
This uselss post brought to you by:
Anthrax - The other white powder

posted 11-11-2001 06:33:00 PM
*pets gikwinny's hair...*

Can I braid your hair? I do a great 5 strand plait...

And you are very pretty. I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating crackers... you know... as long as you shared.

Do you believe in fondue? You know you do.
If you look deep within your heart you will find... melted cheese.
SCA babe!!!
posted 11-11-2001 07:16:00 PM
Sure! but I'mnot a cracker person. I'm a TOAST person. So, are you amiable to toast?
Jania Arindelil
Is really cute and cuddly... just needs a hug
posted 11-11-2001 07:18:00 PM

Fred looks like Corey Feldman!

[ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Jania ]

Jania Arindelil
Dragon Guardian, Grandmaster Archer
Very Cranky Person
"I'll torture you so slowly, you'll think it's a career." - Darwin Mayflower
Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 11-11-2001 11:00:00 PM
Gikkwiny had this to say about Tron:
She shakes out her hair, and winks at ImNotTrent

Feel free.

*sits next to Gikkwiny, runs his fingers through her hair a lot*

Fred Chook
Has a corpse rotting somewhere, even as we speak!
posted 11-11-2001 11:07:00 PM
Jania had this to say about dark elf butts:

Fred looks like Corey Feldman!

Er, who?
Olethros et Teleute
Everyone's favorite seven foot tall, orc-hating, bad-ass barbarian babe!
posted 11-12-2001 01:05:00 AM
Gikkwiny wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Sure! but I'mnot a cracker person. I'm a TOAST person. So, are you amiable to toast?

You eat toast in bed? Isn't it hard to butter it like that?

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