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Topic: Anyone like Harry Potter?
posted 10-08-2001 09:01:00 AM
I shall start with the religion issue here. I do not think it is the idea of religion as much as the extremists in the religion. However, I also do not think we should have hundreds of groups randomly guessing about the powers beyond our comprehension. If we were to throw down the belief in God, or Buddah,etc. and just keep the basic idea of what they are, we would have less arguing, war, and other things like that. Also, this would make it so that instead of having dozens of small churches throughout the city, we could put one or two larger ones.

As far as Harry Potter goes, I have read part of it, and the concept is good enough, I myself, however, would rather read Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Ravlenloft, or something more mature like those.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 10-08-2001 01:29:00 PM
I don't agree with organized religion cause I think everyone gets caught up with procedure and tradition rather than real worship.

Organized religion gives people a way to say "Hey, I'm right and you're wrong. You should start believing this way, cause my Bible/Koran/Torah/etc tells me to do it." What people don't realize is that if you study different religions, you'll see they *all* have a flood myth, or some other big catastrophe that destroyed the world. They all have a "main" being, God, Allah, Zeus, Jupiter, Buddha, etc. The stories in all those books are just the way that people of that time explained things they didn't understand.

Think back to the Middle Ages. A lot of the fantastical things of that time were just ways for the people to explain what they didn't have the knowledge base to understand. Think how they'd see a plane today, or neon lights. It's the same concept with biblical text. It was all written by a human, so it's subject to flaws.

So who's right? No one really knows if they're right, but no one really knows if they aren't, either. When you organiz religion,it does more to pit one religion against each other than it does to bring people together who think the same and worship the same.

Not saying anyone shouldn't practice the religion they feel in their hearts is right. People should always do what is comfortable for them. But you don't need a church or a book or a set of pronouncments of how you should spend your life to live a good one.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

posted 10-08-2001 01:40:00 PM
Star Collective wrote, obviously thinking to hard:
I realize I'll probably get flamed for this but I need to get it off my chest.

Shame on "organized" religion. The world would be a better place without it. In fact, why not just call it "organized" crime. I can't speak for the rest of the "organized" religions but I know for damn sure that the Catholic Church isn't the monster you'd like to pretend it is. No one "makes" you put money in the collection basket, which by the way, goes to good causes and the maintenance of the local Church. No one says "This is what the bible says and you have to do it this way!" Thats ridiculous. As for the Holy Wars, you're right, that was all our fault. The Muslims didn't do shit, I mean, whats burning a few towns and slaughtering a couple thousand or even million inncocents? The Church should have just rolled over and let them devour the world. As for looking down on others because they don't believe the same way I do, everyone looks down on everyone else who doesn't believe the same way they do. I have yet to hear the Pope order the world to stop thinking and bow down. I am not intolerant of others' beliefs, but I will not tolerate them bashing the Catholic Church. You claim that we are in fact intolerant, and yet you are the on perpetrating that very evil. Shame on us, for having a faith that connects people and brings them together. Shame on us for praying for the world. Shame on us for believing something contrary to your beliefs.
Shame on us for being generous, loving, and kind. Since we are a group of people sharing the same belief with a hierarchy that has lasted for millenia, we are obviously wrong.

Wow! Extremely well put!

Maradon? Wrote, in his *sarcasm*infinite*saracsm* knowledge:
Even today many people are manipulated into giving a percentage of thier income to thier "church" so thier ministers can drive around in mercedes's and wear diamond rings.

I bed to differ! I know not 1 priest who wears a diamond ring or drives a mercedes! And we're not "manipulated" into giving money, we do out of the goodness of our hearts! Priests make LESS then minimum wage because they devoted their lives to doing good, and HELPING people. Do you really think helping people is a bad thing?

So you want to start a revolution. Well, you know...
posted 10-08-2001 01:53:00 PM
If you look at all the religions most of them have alot in common. They all have the begining of time and the end of time written down. Although if your good or bad you go to different places.
This is my opinion.
My family was considered pagan, back in 1968 this wasn't the most popular thing to be.
(psychic ability, tarot cards, numerology) all this was normal in my house.
I chose to go to church and my family didn't have a problem with it.
I myself am not a catholic, jewish, muslim, buddist, doaist, satanist, or wiccan.
But I have many friends who are all the above, I respect thier right to believe anyway they see fit, that is the great thing about being an american, a person can worship an eggplant if they wish.
I figure especially now it's really nice to have anything that might give you comfort. For alot of people religion is comforting, it's nice to think of something or someone else controlling things.
I am considered to be a christian although I read tarot cards, and I don't go to church, I do read my bible and I do pray.
In the Bible God never said you had to be perfect, but that an effort is required, I personally think that is why alot of people choose no religion, cause there is just to much effort to try.
Flame me if you want to, but it's just my personal opinion, and after 33 years I think I actually have a right to voice it.
posted 10-08-2001 01:55:00 PM
I don't recall ever seeing anyone point to Catholocism specifically. Im not positive why the Muslims/(weren't they turks at the time? I don't remember) "started it" *he started it, nuh uh, he did!* And frankly I don't care. But my guess is it was a religion reason. LOOK! IM BASHING MUSLIMS NOW! I didn't respond to get your feathers ruffled. Don't make it an attack on you personally when its not, nor is it an attack on Catholics. Read my statements again with an open mind. If you'll notice, I never said "Believe the way I do." I stated my 5 reasons why I don't like organized religion, as was Requested. Granted Im not Maradon?. At any rate, don't take it personally as it certainly wasn't meant to as an attack on anyone.
Feed my hungry soul.
posted 10-08-2001 02:02:00 PM
Elspeth had this to say about Cuba:
I bed to differ! I know not 1 priest who wears a diamond ring or drives a mercedes!

I was talking about a couple types of baptists who do this sort of thing. "The Church" demands a certain percent of the family's income in exchange for thier souls.

But like I said;

Originally posted by ME:
I'm not suggesting that ALL organized religion will invaribly stunt the mental growth of it's follwers and manipulate them, only that it frequently does.

The fact remains that organization in religion really isn't needed. It provides no enlightenment that you couldn't accomplish on your own and frequently only accomplishes the opposite, turning you into a closed-minded, hateful, gullible person. Case in point:

Originally posted by Star Collective:
As for the Holy Wars, you're right, that was all our fault. The Muslims didn't do shit, I mean, whats burning a few towns and slaughtering a couple thousand or even million inncocents?

You would have a point if that were true.

It isn't.

During the crusades the muslims did nothing but defend thier land against invading crusaders. They never even left thier borders.

Aside from that I really have nothing to say to you. You're incapable of seeing any flaws in your way of thinking because you're already a victim of "Organized Thought". Your opinion is based on nothing more than the idea that "It's the way the Church tells me it is" and is thus meaningless.

[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Maradon? ]

Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 10-08-2001 02:11:00 PM
Id like to add to this.. my reference to the Catholic Church was due to what *I* have seen and witnessed.. yes the church was used as a way to get a stronghold on the native peoples of latin america.. because the heirarchy was similar to that of their own.. the native people.. aztecs especially.. bastardized Catholicism and instead of worshipping many patron deities of this and that.. they have refocused it onto the saints.. Oh and btw.. please tell me about all those poor people persecuted for going against the teachings of the Catholic church and trying to just read the bible instead of following ritual.. persecuted to death.. martyrs.. countless martyrs.. entire families.. The catholic people as a whole arent evil.. but they arent innocent either.. Dont turn this into us vs. them.. frankly my point was to be simply put.... as Kull the Conqueror said.

Let people worship what gods they will..

and I add to that.. so long as it doesnt infringe on other people's rights in any way.. harmful or otherwise.

"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
posted 10-08-2001 02:14:00 PM
Maradon, shame on you, just when people were starting to like you again. hehehe oh well the best laid plans of mice and men.
They say there are three topics you never discuss in polite company, Sex, Religion, and Politics. Well you hit the one that is sure to piss everyone off.
Right now those of us who do believe in a higher power or organized religion of some sort, well its given us comfort, it's that little hug that we needed when everything safe and normal went to hell in a hand basket.
I'm not saying anyone was right or wrong, but I'm sure that it could have been handled in a more tactfull way.
I'm not saying being a realist is a bad thing, but there are still some people who are very much effected by the events of sept 11th.
Please let me live in my little glass house and keep your stones to yourself.
Super Kagrama
posted 10-08-2001 02:19:00 PM
Maradon? had this to say about Captain Planet:
During the crusades the muslims did nothing but defend thier land against invading crusaders. They never even left thier borders.

I hate it when people use religion as an escape clause for doing something wrong. Or when they try to force it onto others. That's not right.

i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
posted 10-08-2001 04:11:00 PM
I liked the Harry Potter books... especially because they have promoted reading by kids who would otherwise never voluntarily open a book. My favorite 'pro-Potter' moment was having a friend's 12 year old son peruse my bookshelves because I'd read and liked the Potter books, and he was curious what else I liked.

When/if I get around to having kids of my own, I'll have 'em read the books as soon as they possibly can. Anything that prompts a love of reading and an inquisitive approach to the world gets thumbs up.

Religion: Those who judge the religious beliefs of a group based on the actions of a few are no less guilty of closed-mindedness and preconception than those they accuse. The whole point of freedom of religion is that everyone gets to choose.

"Question everything"

Do you believe in fondue? You know you do.
If you look deep within your heart you will find... melted cheese.
posted 10-08-2001 08:37:00 PM
Maradon? had this to say about Captain Planet:
you're already a victim of "Organized Thought". Your opinion is based on nothing more than the idea that "It's the way the Church tells me it is" and is thus meaningless.

Oh my lord, are you ASSUMING you think I'm going by, as you say, "What the church tells me"? Let me sum up what you're saying here:
People that go to church have no opinions of their own and then obviously their opinion is "meaningless".

That is perhaps the most idiotic thing I have heard in a looong time, a LONG time. Jeesh Maradon, think of ALL the people in the world that go to Church. You're saying ALL of them are close minded. Well sir, you are WRONG

So you want to start a revolution. Well, you know...
posted 10-08-2001 08:42:00 PM
Maradon? had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Aside from that I really have nothing to say to you. You're incapable of seeing any flaws in your way of thinking because you're already a victim of "Organized Thought". Your opinion is based on nothing more than the idea that "It's the way the Church tells me it is" and is thus meaningless.

That's the lamest way out of an argument I think I've ever seen.

Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 10-08-2001 08:45:00 PM
We were all impressed when Elspeth wrote:
Oh my lord, are you ASSUMING you think I'm going by, as you say, "What the church tells me"? Let me sum up what you're saying here:
People that go to church have no opinions of their own and then obviously their opinion is "meaningless".

That is perhaps the most idiotic thing I have heard in a looong time, a LONG time. Jeesh Maradon, think of ALL the people in the world that go to Church. You're saying ALL of them are close minded. Well sir, you are WRONG

Read the full thing before putting gasoline in the fire. That comment was aimed at someone, not at every single religious out there.

Toast the Destroyer
posted 10-08-2001 08:53:00 PM
Note: as I have stated before... and will state again.

Maradon is an idiot of immeasurable proportions.

That is all.

Woody Hearn - Cartoonist
GU Comics
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 10-08-2001 08:55:00 PM
Woody had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Note: as I have stated before... and will state again.

Maradon is an idiot of immeasurable proportions.

That is all.

Riiiight. Yet, he has a valid argument here. Go back to trolling EQ threads.

I love Woody he makes me sweat and I like to dream about him. I know you thought I was diggin on him... but I really just want to touch his butt.

[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Woody ]

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Toast the Destroyer
posted 10-08-2001 09:01:00 PM
Careful who you call troll junior.
Woody Hearn - Cartoonist
GU Comics
Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 10-08-2001 09:02:00 PM

You tell 'em Woodsters

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 10-08-2001 09:04:00 PM
Woody had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Careful who you call troll junior.

Spank me again verbally Woody? Please? I love you.

[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Woody ]

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 10-09-2001 12:21:00 PM
I choose not to have a religion because no one religion fits exactly how I believe. The closest is Gnosticism, and even then it's still off.

So I don't choose to not have a religion because I refuse to "put forth the effort". I choose to not have a religion because I have my own way of worship and there's no group out there for me to gather with.

Not that I would. I'm a singular type of person. I'd rather believe how I do, and leave it at that. I don't need like-minded people around to make my beliefs valuable to myself.

That's one reason a lot of people get into organized religion. They have to have their beliefs validated. Not all, but when I *did* go to church, I saw that at times.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

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