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Topic: What's the opposite of a blessing in disguise?
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 08-24-2001 01:08:00 AM
I thought getting a job would at least improve things slightly for me.

Why? With no source of income, my life was awful. I was nearing losing my car. I couldn't buy anything for myself. I couldn't spend any money on ANYTHING outside of the essentials. Gas, Car, food... anything else, almost even internet connection, took the axe. My parents had to sponsor my schooling, and they're paying for the i-net connection until I get on my feet again (Mainly so they don't lose THEIR i-net connection).

Now I have a job, I have income, but I hafta ask if it is really a good thing? I hardly have time to spend online, I rarely see my friends, my work hours SUCK, I'm almost constantly exhausted (It's only four days into the new schedule, so maybe I'll get used to it), and my self esteem has dropped just as far down as it was while I was unemployed.

But, money makes this world go round, and I need this job for money. Right now, the job market in Utah is flooded, so the fact that I have /ANY/ job is good. Not to mention that one huge call center around here (Comm.comm) laid off 900+ people on monday, flooding the market even more... Finding this job was half a miracle.

So I'm stuck, right now. I can try to change my hours, but working full time is necessary, for a while at least, while I get my bills back under control... I don't want my schooling for my certs to take the axe, because I hate to think that way I wouldn't have much of a future... In the mean time, I'm feeling like crap, depressed, upset, exhausted, and generally not in very good shape. Maybe it's the transition from not working, to suddenly going 8 1/2 hours, but even so... I've never had that transition be this bad before.

I'm not asking for suggestions or pity or what not... I guess I'm just trying to get my feelings out in the open 'cause this is really bothering me, you know? I just type things to try and express myself, only way I really know how to anymore. Seems like all I do lately is bitch... I'm sorry to hafta throw that at all of you.

Kekvit Irae
posted 08-24-2001 01:16:00 AM
Originally posted by Khyron:
What's the opposite of a blessing in disguise?

A curse in the open?

Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 08-24-2001 01:19:00 AM
Wow. I have no idea how to respond to that.


I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Pooh Ogre
Keeper of the Shoulders of Peachis Perching
posted 08-24-2001 01:27:00 AM
It could be a blessing in disguise...

After my dad died and everything, I was totally not worth half a shit (really!). I stayed unemployed for two months before I decided to find a job (It's a good thing I saved up money before quitting).

But I reached a point where my options were find a job, or be out in the street on my ass, and I needed to support my son, so I had to get to it, even though I didn't feel ready for it. I took the first job offer I got, of all things a position working as an overnight teller at a bank inside a Wal-Mart.

I never planned on keeping this job with the bank, I didn't even want it at first. I figured I'd work here about a month or two to get the bills paid and then move on. But opportunities presented themself and I saw a place to grow...

I love this job now, it's more than I could of ever asked for. It was exactly what I needed at the time in my life.

I hope your job turns out to be as rewarding for you, I really do. Try to succeed, push hard, and you'll always be rewarded for the effort...

Bah, it's late and I'm starting to sound incoherant...


Vidi, vici, veni.
Nae's Stooge
posted 08-24-2001 01:55:00 AM
Originally posted by Khyron:
What's the opposite of a blessing in disguise?

A wolf in sheeps clothing?

Veni, vidi, vici
Morathu RaThoth5
posted 08-24-2001 05:12:00 AM
A fist in a velvet glove.


The Camel Spider
I will EAT YOUR FACE! And then, I will EAT YOUR SOUL!
posted 08-24-2001 05:26:00 AM
Originally posted by Khyron:
What's the opposite of a blessing in disguise?


It's called a camel spider because it lives in the Middle East and feeds on large animals such as camels, dogs and humans. It approaches when the "prey" is asleep/resting and macerates any exposed flesh (it's mouth opens into four digging/rasping "fangs" and like a spider it covers it's prospestive meal with digestive juices to make it easier to ingest - the camel spider's "saliva" also contains a powerful anaesthetic which allows it to feed on living prey). A fully-grown camel spider can grow up to 7-8 inches in body length. They're very aggressive and always hungry. They can and do hiss, while the bigger ones squeal, and can move at ~30mph. Also, its jaws are, relatively speaking, the strongest of any animal on the planet.
Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 08-25-2001 11:47:00 AM
*gently hugs Khyron* remember what I said darlin.. we are here for you
"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
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