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Topic: Final Fantasy XI
posted 07-11-2001 08:39:00 AM
Dont know if anyone noticed but I was just look at another page and it said that FFXI will be a MMORPG, what are your opinions on this?
posted 07-11-2001 08:42:00 AM
I recall they were going to make FFX have online capabilities, but they were scrapped during the creation. The intention was to allow in game access to Sony's online walkthroughs, etc, I believe.

If it's done well, it'd be worth looking into. That is, if I can get the broadband connection for my PS2.

Palador ChibiDragon
posted 07-11-2001 09:37:00 AM
Well, it might be good, or it might be bad.

If it's bad, it will become another FF8, a lesson in what NOT to do. A lesson that doesn't kill the series, but leads to a better one next time.

If it's good, odds are it will be INCREDABLE! Just look at some of the typical FF things that you can expect...

Classes like Summoner, Black/white/red/blue mages, Dragon Knights, and rogues.

Chocobos, boats, and air ships.

Unusual races as player characters. Immagine playing a creature like Red 13 as a mage or dragon knight.

A good chance for a cool magic system. Was there EVER a cooler system than materia?

Gods, I hope they do a good job. That would make it the coolest of all games.....

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 07-11-2001 09:52:00 AM
If FFXI is an MMORPG, I hope that instead of classes, they use the Job system. You would get JP in your "job" to spend on skills and abilities, like a Monk's combat moves or a Mage's magic. In addition, if you were in a group, you would get JP in all the other group members' jobs. For example, if you were a white mage grouped with a knight, you would get, say, 10JP for healing the knight, and would get 5JP in the Knight job whenever he attacked or used a special move.

Then, all they'd need to worry about is race/job possibilities. For example, I could see a Bahamut as a knight or monk, but not as a black mage.

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