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Topic: MBTI round IV
posted 02-13-2008 05:11:16 AM
It's been a couple of years again, so click me and have a go.

In mine I've found a change.

Your Type is: INTJ

Strength of the preferences:

Introverted: 33%
iNtuitive: 88%
Thinking: 50%
Judging: 33%

* moderately expressed introvert
* very expressed intuitive personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed judging personality

Personally, I credit research and the fire brigade for that one, accompanied by my somewhat recent change in perspective.

Go for it!

Pvednes fucked around with this message on 02-13-2008 at 05:12 AM.

posted 02-13-2008 12:21:25 PM
Your Type is: ISFJ

Strength of the preferences:

Introverted: 33%
Sensing: 25%
Feeling: 25%
Judging: 33%

  • moderately expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality

  • internet poll complete

    posted 02-13-2008 12:27:28 PM
    Your Type is: ISTJ

    Introverted 78%
    Sensing 50%
    Thinking 75%
    Judging 78%

    - very expressed introvert
    - moderately expressed sensing personality
    - distinctively expressed thinking personality
    - very expressed judging personality

    Last time I took this, I was INFJ and moderately expressed in the N and F.

    Love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides and life and death alike follow in its wake. -Phèdre nó Delaunay, Kushiel's Chosen

    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

    posted 02-13-2008 04:00:55 PM
    Your Type is: ENFJ

    Extraverted: 56%
    Intuitive: 50%
    Feeling: 25%
    Judging: 67%

    You are:

    * moderately expressed extravert
    * moderately expressed intuitive personality
    * moderately expressed feeling personality
    * distinctively expressed judging personality

    This definitely changed since the last time I took it, haha.

    posted 02-13-2008 04:29:15 PM
    Your Type is: INTJ
    Strength of the preferences:

    Introverted: 44%
    iNtuitive: 25%
    Thinking: 38%
    Judging: 67%

    * moderately expressed introvert
    * moderately expressed intuitive personality
    * moderately expressed thinking personality
    * distinctively expressed judging personality

    Astronomy is a passion...
    Engineering is a love...
    My job isn't a job, it's my career, and I love every minute of it: Observatory Superintendent
    Dr. Gee
    Say it Loud, Say it Plowed!
    posted 02-13-2008 05:49:17 PM
    Introverted 56%
    Intuitive 100%
    Thinking 38%
    Judging 33%

    moderately expressed introvert
    very expressed intuitive personality
    moderately expressed thinking personality
    moderately expressed judging personality

    The main changes from the last time I took the test are that I scored more strongly intuitive and I've swapped from Feeling to Thinking.

    posted 02-13-2008 10:57:10 PM
    33% Introverted
    1% Sensing
    50% Thinking
    44% Judging

    You are:
    moderately expressed introvert
    slightly expressed sensing personality
    moderately expressed thinking personality
    moderately expressed judging personality

    posted 02-13-2008 11:32:32 PM
    Your type is: ISFP

    Introverted: 44%
    Sensing: 12%
    Feeling: 100%
    Perceiving: 44%

    moderately expressed introvert
    slightly expressed sensing personality
    very expressed feeling personality
    moderately expressed perceiving personality

    posted 02-13-2008 11:33:12 PM
    Introverted: 56%
    Sensing: 12%
    Thinking: 62%
    Judging: 1%

    * moderately expressed introvert
    * slightly expressed sensing personality
    * distinctively expressed thinking personality
    * slightly expressed judging personality

    posted 02-13-2008 11:55:42 PM

    really varies from day to day.

    Asha'man fucked around with this message on 02-13-2008 at 11:56 PM.

    posted 02-14-2008 12:13:18 AM
    From http://keirsey.com/handler.aspx?s=keirsey&f=fourtemps&tab=5&c=architect
    The Portait of the Architect (INTP)

    Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition, it is the structural engineering role -- architechtonics -- that reaches the highest development in these Rationals, and it is for this reason they are aptly called the "Architects." Their major interest is in figuring out structure, build, configuration -- the spatiality of things.

    As the engineering capabilities the Architects increase so does their desire to let others know about whatever has come of their engineering efforts. So they tend to take up an accomodating role in their social exchanges. On the other hand they have less and less desire, if they ever had any, to direct the activities of others. Only when forced to by circumstance do they allow themselves to take charge of activities, and they exit the role as soon as they can without injuring the enterprise.

    The Architects' distant goal is always to rearrange the environment somehow, to shape, to construct, to devise, whether it be buildings, institutions, enterprises, or theories. They look upon the world -- natural and civil -- as little more than raw material to be reshaped according to their design, as a formless stone for their hammer and chisel. Ayn Rand, master of the Rational character, describes this characteristic in the architect Howard Roark, her protagonist in The Fountainhead:

    He was looking at the granite. He did not laugh as his eyes stopped in awareness of the earth around him. His face was like a law of nature-a thing one could not question, alter or implore. It had high cheekbones over gaunt, hollow cheeks; gray eyes, cold and steady; a contemptuous mouth, shut tight, the mouth of an executioner or a saint. He looked at the granite. To be cut, he thought, and made into walls. He looked at a tree. To be split and made into rafters. He looked at a streak of rust on the stone and thought of iron ore under the ground. To be melted and to emerge as girders against the sky. These rocks, he thought, are here for me; waiting for the drill, the dynamite and my voice; waiting to be split, ripped, pounded, reborn, waiting for the shape my hands will give to them. [The Fountainhead, pp 15-16]

    Many regard this attitude as arrogant, and Architects are likely, especially in their later years, after finding out that most others are faking an understanding of the laws of nature, to think of themselves as the prime movers who must pit themselves against nature and society in an endless struggle to define ends clearly and adopt whatever means that promise success. If this is arrogance, then at least it is not vanity, and without question it has driven the design engineers to take the lead in molding the structure of civilization.

    Albert Einstein as the iconic Rational is an Architect

    Dr. David Keirsey, Robert Rosen, George Soros, Gregory Peck, James Madison, Ludwig Boltzman, Charles Darwin, Adam Smith, and Thomas Jefferson" /> are examples of the Architect Rationals

    "Jesus saves, Buddha enlightens, Cthulhu thinks you'll make a nice sandwich."
    posted 02-14-2008 09:32:48 AM
    Your Type is
    Perceiving 11

    Cherveny fucked around with this message on 02-14-2008 at 09:35 AM.

    Road Warrior Queef
    posted 02-14-2008 09:44:36 AM
    Your Type is

    You are:

    * moderately expressed introvert
    * moderately expressed intuitive personality
    * distinctively expressed thinking personality
    * slightly expressed perceiving personality

    That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

    Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


    posted 02-14-2008 12:08:24 PM
    Delphi Aegis
    Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
    posted 02-14-2008 12:34:46 PM
    Your Type is

    You are:
    moderately expressed introvert
    distinctively expressed intuitive personality
    moderately expressed thinking personality
    slightly expressed perceiving personality

    I like taking things apart.

    posted 02-14-2008 12:48:12 PM

    33 75 65 67

    Vallo fucked around with this message on 02-14-2008 at 12:48 PM.

    There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive.
    posted 02-14-2008 12:54:03 PM
    Cold in an Alley
    posted 02-14-2008 01:18:37 PM
    Extraverted 1%
    Intuitive 38%
    Thinking 25%
    Judging 89%

    A little closer to Sensing than before, but other than that unchanged.

    Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
    There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
    I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
    Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
    Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

    posted 02-14-2008 08:50:10 PM

    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
    Strength of the preferences %
    56 50 62 22

    I oscillate between INTJ and -P

    ""...destructive analysis of the familiar is the only method of approach to an understanding of fundamentally different modes of expression." -Edward Sapir, Language
    posted 02-14-2008 11:54:29 PM
    Wow, the jump from 15 to 18 is a really big one!

    Gadani from three years ago said:
    Your Type is:
    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
    78% 50% 75% 22%

    You are:
    very expressed introvert

    moderately expressed intuitive personality

    distinctively expressed thinking personality

    slightly expressed judging personality

    Gadani from yesterday said:
    Your Type is: ENFJ

    Extraverted: 56%
    Intuitive: 50%
    Feeling: 25%
    Judging: 67%

    You are:

    * moderately expressed extravert
    * moderately expressed intuitive personality
    * moderately expressed feeling personality
    * distinctively expressed judging personality

    Not gay; just weird
    posted 02-15-2008 02:56:45 AM
    Your Type is
    Introverted 89
    Sensing 62
    Feeling 12
    Judging 11

    Azymyth fucked around with this message on 02-15-2008 at 03:00 AM.

    I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

    Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

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