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Topic: Ham Radio
Urinary Tract Infection
posted 08-14-2005 09:09:10 PM
Out of curiousity, any amateur radio operators floating around?

My interest in it mainly comes from the fact that the satellite we're (hopefully!) launching in the fall is going to be using a ham frequency for communications, and it'd be nice to have a general idea of what the hell is going on in that wacky RF world. It also seems like a cool hobby (albeit with lots of old, stodgy, crazy people involved). Also, hey, being more knowledgeable about RF communications can never be a bad thing.

My main problems at the moment is just catching up with their vocabulary (or maybe I just hang around the hardcore hams, I dunno). I don't think I'll have a terrible time with the first exam, although I am kinda having trouble finding out exactly what's on it, although I have 'till mid-fall to find out.


Fun with Chocolate
posted 08-14-2005 09:37:43 PM
When I was a kid my dad had a whole base station set up at our house. He got me my own call sign to go with his. I don't remember all that much, I just remember that it was totally fun.

"Breaker breaker.. this is PuppyDawg.. come back good buddy.. what's your 10-4?"

Big Easy
posted 08-14-2005 10:34:06 PM
Never got my license, but I set up a base station once in a while and listen to traffic when I get bored. Never quite have the time or interest to speak out on those channels. I can get enough of that from the Internet or Citizen's Bands. If you're looking for a good resource to learn Morse code or just about anything else, NuMorse from Nu-Ware is pretty good. It's worth the licensing fee, and I don't say that often.
"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Unbelievably, a goldfish can kill a gorilla. However, it does require a substantial element of surprise." -- George Carlin
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." -- Benjamin Franklin
"I finally figured out what e-mail is for. It's for communicating with people you'd rather not talk to." -- Also George Carlin
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity." -- "The Second Coming" by Wm. Butler Yeats
posted 08-15-2005 08:29:50 PM
Little Slugger is still out there... he's still at large!
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