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Poll: What!
Topic: What
Mr. Parcelan
posted 06-14-2005 04:07:37 PM
The best of the four. Who wins?
Sentow, Maybe
posted 06-14-2005 04:27:41 PM
Is that Shredder at the bottom? Why does he have a knife?
Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
posted 06-14-2005 04:29:55 PM
Sentow, Maybe Model 2000 was programmed to say:
Is that Shredder at the bottom? Why does he have a knife?

He has a knife because he's really Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.

Sentow, Maybe
posted 06-14-2005 04:31:02 PM
Gadani obviously shouldn't have said:
He has a knife because he's really Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.


Why doesn't he have a sword?

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 06-14-2005 04:31:10 PM
Mmmmmm, Stalinbeans...
I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
posted 06-14-2005 04:39:42 PM
This one time, at Sentow, Maybe camp:

Why doesn't he have a sword?

He does have a sword. It's on his back in that picture. He's holding a shuriken to kill an uppity bitch with stealth and silence.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 06-14-2005 05:21:47 PM
Gadani had this to say about Knight Rider:
He does have a sword. It's on his back in that picture. He's holding a shuriken to kill an uppity bitch with stealth and silence.

Shuriken != dagger.

Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 06-14-2005 05:27:49 PM
Gadani attempted to be funny by writing:
He does have a sword. It's on his back in that picture. He's holding a shuriken to kill an uppity bitch with stealth and silence.


There was a signature here... it's gone now.
posted 06-14-2005 05:40:38 PM
Hayabusa's got it in the bag. Not only is he an uber-awesome ninja with the cool spells and weapons that he somehow stores out of sight on his person, but he's got the attitude and skills of a pirate (anyone who played Ninja Gaiden knows how he single-handedly took over a Vigoorian airship)! That makes him some kind of super pirate-ninja doom warrior!
Love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides and life and death alike follow in its wake. -Phèdre nó Delaunay, Kushiel's Chosen

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

The hip-hop-happiest bunny in all of marshmallow woods
posted 06-14-2005 05:47:14 PM
Stalin would kill them all.

With his moustache.

I just spent
my last cent
purchasing this poverty.

Poing! Poing!
posted 06-14-2005 06:18:39 PM
There's six of them.
posted 06-15-2005 12:46:28 PM
posted 06-15-2005 12:53:22 PM
Kuroi Madoushiing:
Hayabusa's got it in the bag. Not only is he an uber-awesome ninja with the cool spells

for flying and bio-slime!

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 06-15-2005 01:06:25 PM
Godzilla = zillion skyscraper high monster.

Godzilla steps on civilians (a.k.a. delid)
Godzilla steps on Japanese people (a.k.a. hayabusa)
Godzilla crushes any army resistance that it is met with (a.k.a. stalin & army)
Godzilla could probably rip a banner with words on it (wtf sign)
Godzilla would eat baked beans, but then would destroy a small city with his gas.

Therefore Godzilla owns everyone, then gets some bonus points for downing an extra city.

has made another completely pointless and off-topic post that nobody cares about
posted 06-15-2005 03:48:43 PM
Goddamnit, beans or ninja, BEANS OR NINJA, GODS ABOVE SHOW ME THE WAY!
"A black cat dropped soundlessly from a high wall, like a spoonful of dark treacle and melted under the gate."
-Elizabeth Lemarchand
posted 06-16-2005 01:40:13 PM
Beans are so nasty. =/
posted 06-16-2005 01:52:51 PM
I would go gay for Ryu Hayabusa.
Steven Steve
posted 06-17-2005 09:39:33 AM
Beans, because they're the only one of those that actually exist.
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 06-17-2005 10:25:07 PM
posted 06-17-2005 10:44:25 PM
Peanut butter ass Shaq Fazum'Zen Fastfist booooze lime pole over bench lick:
Beans, because they're the only one of those that actually exist.

I'm pretty sure Stalin existed.

You could argue that since he's dead he doesn't technically "exist", but that particular can of beans might very well have been eaten by now.

posted 06-17-2005 10:52:31 PM
Maradon! stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
I'm pretty sure Stalin existed.

You could argue that since he's dead he doesn't technically "exist", but that particular can of beans might very well have been eaten by now.

I'm pretty sure Delid exists.

posted 06-18-2005 02:43:00 AM
Verily, Maradon! doth proclaim:
I'm pretty sure Stalin existed.

You could argue that since he's dead he doesn't technically "exist", but that particular can of beans might very well have been eaten by now.

I believe in a thing called irony.

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