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Topic: A change of pace. (NSF56K)
posted 02-15-2005 08:13:23 PM
I decided to take a short break from Ultramarines and do a bit of work on my Eldar army. I figured I should start at the top and work my way down.
So here is my new Farseer. I still haven't named him so feel free to suggest something.

"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
Poing! Poing!
posted 02-15-2005 08:16:24 PM
Sentow, Maybe
posted 02-15-2005 08:17:21 PM
Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
The Imp
posted 02-15-2005 09:24:11 PM
I wish my farseer looked that good
posted 02-15-2005 09:26:16 PM
Did you ever fix up that tank thingie?
posted 02-15-2005 10:01:09 PM
I just Got my hands on some of the New SPace Marine Minies, Sadly i Lack a decent camera to take pics with. But with the New Plastic Space marin Commander spru I got a spiffy Commander for My landraider. I have ot go bas and paint my new vets, danm spiffy models I must say.

---By the Way, any suggestion on how to paint the eye balls on those unhelmeted Marines?

Office Linebacker
posted 02-15-2005 10:02:16 PM
Zair spewed forth this undeniable truth:
I wish any of my minis looked that good
posted 02-15-2005 10:15:30 PM
"Farseer? I can't see a goddamn thing with this hat on!"

""...destructive analysis of the familiar is the only method of approach to an understanding of fundamentally different modes of expression." -Edward Sapir, Language
posted 02-15-2005 11:41:59 PM
Faces are a pain in the ass for me. Flesh is without question one thing that I still struggle to do right. The secret to eyes though is a steady hand, a very fine detail brush in good quality, and a Magnifying glass helps.
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
posted 02-15-2005 11:43:20 PM
holy depth-of-field!
posted 02-15-2005 11:53:44 PM
Verily, Vorbis doth proclaim:
holy depth-of-field!

I like my macro setting

"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
posted 02-15-2005 11:55:57 PM
So quoth Azizza:
I like my macro setting

You have like, what, a centimeter of range?

posted 02-16-2005 04:40:18 PM
Tried to take some pics of mine, but the POS cam I have doesn't like close up.

Here is what happens close up

posted 02-16-2005 05:06:10 PM
WTF Is that a Predator Turret on top of a land Raider.. That thing has 3 Twin linked Lascannons and twin linked Assault cannons? *cough*Chesse*cough*
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
I don't give a damn.
posted 02-16-2005 08:19:17 PM
Azizza had this to say about Pirotess:
WTF Is that a Predator Turret on top of a land Raider.. That thing has 3 Twin linked Lascannons and twin linked Assault cannons? *cough*Chesse*cough*

It would be cheese if there was any point to having more than one (or one twink-linked) lascannon in 4th edition.

Zaza fucked around with this message on 02-16-2005 at 08:19 PM.

posted 02-16-2005 08:50:26 PM
That would be a twin linked autocannon on the turret. The pred turret can be flipped out for any other style turret, the twin linked lascannon, the normal Autocannon, or even the assault cannon one from the Bael, and iffin I am guessing right, the missle launcher from the new Whirlwind. The assault cannon belongs on my Crusader really and since I dislike to glueing stuff in, I can flip that out for the heavy bolters or lascannon from the Razorbacks. Besides, it's the Capt's. (That fellow up top with the Melta/Bolter Comigun and Power sword) ride, think it was going to be Normal?

Two More pics, these are really, like the best I can get out of this POS, Hell I haven't even resized them, Going to try to grab a better cam to take pics as soon as I paint the Tank captain.

Peter fucked around with this message on 02-16-2005 at 08:59 PM.

Sarudani Miolnir
Old-school poster
posted 02-17-2005 06:42:27 AM
Sheperd Paine has written a few books on detailing models and figures. "How to build dioramas" covers several facets of this, including how to paint faces and eyes. Amazon carries them, and your local hobby store likely has them as well. Well worth the price.

My memory is a bit fuzzy, as I haven't read my copy since before a good portion of the membership here was born. But I remember it going something like this:

Eyes are painted as vertical streaks before you paint the flesh tone. A skinny black line for the pupil, then a slightly wider streak of the iris color on either side. You then "whittle" away at them with flesh tone till they're the proper size /shape. Don't try to make the iris completely round, people squint in sunlight and the top and bottom of the iris would be partially hidden by their eyelids. Also, don't use white for the rest of the eye, you can't see it unless your up close to someone (e.g. "Dont shoot till you can see the whites of their eyes.") and in scale it makes the figure look popeyed. On a light skinned figure, just use flesh tone. On a dark skinned figure, a mix of the flesh tone and white would be appropriate for the rest of the eyeball.


Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 02-18-2005 12:51:08 AM
That Farseer looks like his name should be "Captain Tuttles"
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Swims in Erotic Circles
posted 02-18-2005 12:54:07 AM
Your models are fucking beautiful
posted 02-18-2005 12:15:14 PM
Later today I will post images of my entire Ultramariens 2nd Company. Most are not painted yet but the image is still quite impressive
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
eet bugz
posted 02-18-2005 01:18:06 PM
Azizza had this to say about Cuba:
Faces are a pain in the ass for me. Flesh is without question one thing that I still struggle to do right. The secret to eyes though is a steady hand, a very fine detail brush in good quality, and a Magnifying glass helps.

don't suppose you can buy some stickers for that and apply them with crazy glue or use a fountian pen instead?

play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 02-18-2005 02:53:23 PM
From the book of Azizza, chapter 3, verse 16:

"HELP! HELP! This small flying drone landed on my head!"

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Sentow, Maybe
posted 02-18-2005 07:43:03 PM
I have to comment again on the badassery of Azizza's models

This makes me want to play Eldar.

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
posted 02-19-2005 02:33:46 PM
Sorry guys. No images of my entire company yet. Doing some force reorganization. So instead here is my new captain, Ajax. He is a conversion obviously. I am not done yet but he is getting close.

"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 02-20-2005 12:48:29 AM
You absolutely have to give us pictures of him when he is done.
Office Linebacker
posted 02-20-2005 02:07:58 PM
I don't really care for the eagle-head backpack, but everything else has a very high awesomeness factor.
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