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Topic: ITT, eight degrees of Kevin Bacon...
Gunslinger Moogle
No longer a gimmick
posted 10-01-2004 10:19:37 PM
...with a twist.

(or was it Kevin Spacey? Whatever)

Anyway, in this thread: link moon pies and the Congo as directly as possible.


moogle is the 3241727861th binary digit of pi

Disclaimer: I'm just kidding, I love all living things.
The fastest draw in the Crest.
"The Internet is MY critical thinking course." -Maradon
"Gambling for the husband, an abortion for the wife and fireworks for the kids they chose to keep? Fuck you, Disneyland. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the happiest place on Earth." -JooJooFlop

Queen of the Smoofs
posted 10-01-2004 10:24:41 PM
Like...moon pies the food?
posted 10-01-2004 10:31:21 PM
Moon pies are like the moon, right? And the moon is cheese, and cheese is the favorite dish of mice. And mice are like tiny rats, that you'd find on ships, that sailed from Europe, that went to Africa, AND THAT'S WHERE THE CONGO IS!


Moon pies are little pies, right? What else goes with pies? CLOWNS. And you find clowns at the circus, with monkeys and GORILLAS! And gorillas come from... the Congo.


Moon pies, who likes pies? Drysart. And he also likes Dark Elves, and Dark Elves live underground and are evil. Mole people live underground and are evil, how is this connected to the Congo? The largest outbreak of mole people was just near the Congo back in the fall of 1972(When several college students and their prof. on a trip found and destroyed a whole cell of mole people who had been ravaging the countryside despite the army's best efforts) , which is where the secret entrance to their underground lairs is.


Jargum fucked around with this message on 10-01-2004 at 10:31 PM.

posted 10-02-2004 12:19:00 AM
People in the congo sometimes eat moon pies.
posted 10-02-2004 12:19:35 AM
I so win.
Super Kagrama
posted 10-02-2004 01:21:34 AM
ien the DEADELY JUNGAELS aedn archapaelgoes oef the congoe the deadely MOOEN MONKEYES maek the faebaeled mooen pie!!11 i waes an advenatuaere sent too retrieveas the fabaeld moon pei recipei!!11 i was offared vaery maeny treasueres incluedign beauteiful maeidens aedn MAENY VALAUBALE REICHAS!!11buet i stoel the moaneys anyeways buet i waes hungaery so OFF FOER the MOOEN PIES I GOE!!!1

iet waes a VAERY DANGEROUES TREAK!!11i haed too navigaets the horriefiyign beveals aedn bowealrys of the FOOED COURAET befoear i coueld fiend the passaegea too my palanes!!!1oence we wear UEP IN the AIER LIAK a dinosaeur i begaen too studaey the maney maps left behiend by the fabaeled archeaologiest HENDRICK VOEN WERBERUGER!!1 buet i haev the KEEN SEANTS soo i haed noo needs foer a map!!1aend my haends wer messy so i uesd it aes a napkien becaeus the compaenies aer too cheape too provied napekins foer the fooed!!!11 IET SI A LUNAER CONSPIARECY!!1

aes sooen as i staepped oeff the plaen i knew SOEMTHIGEN WAS AMASSSIGNE!!11 the naetives glaered aet me wieth the horrieabel glient of soemoen who haes ingeasted oen too maney MOOEN PIAES!!!1i haeds too deriaeve the secreate froem them befoaer it waes TOO LAET too get baeck in tiem foer the dinosuaer moevie on tv!!11

i stoearmed intoo the suparmaekeat liak the TRUE HEAREON i aem aedn shashayaed intoo the grietty baecks of the supaermaekt!!11sooen i discovaeraed the horribael trueth aftaer throwiegn a guaerd out the windowe:; mooen pies waer maed ouet of leaves aedn not moonlieght as previaously recorarded EARLIEAR IN the STOERYE!!11yuo caen beat yuor wief i waes ouet of thear in a secoaend, sliem jihme!!11 buet the devioues locaels ateampeted too stoep me by throewign their hueg beareds from the mooen pie consumpaetion at me!!11 luckaeily i aem a MASTAER AT SKIPPEIGN the ROEE aedn so i felle dowen on the grouend

iet seaemead too be the eand untiel the mooen pies begaen too WOERK THEIR MOEON MAEGIC!!11the leaves in the mooen pies wear vaery voraceious aedn turned the stomaechs oef all the peopeal intoo a wieldeialy twiested knoet of twiesteadness!!1 i waes abael too escaep by comaendeerign the aeirplaen aftaer the piloet fell ouet of the plaen!!11 iet waes a vaery tremeandoues adventuaer, aedn too thsi daey forwareds, i alwayes eate my greeans!!1unles they aer leaves becaeuse i knowe iet si a traep!!11A DEVIOUE TRAEP!!!!!1111 okaey taht si the edn

i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 10-02-2004 01:26:51 AM
Maradon! had this to say about Tron:
I so win.

Distant second.

posted 10-02-2004 02:59:17 AM
Soylent Green and Confuscius.
Heart Attack
posted 10-02-2004 08:21:24 AM
Yes, Kagrama can turn anything into pure comedy gold!
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

Not Much Fun Anymore
posted 10-02-2004 09:09:54 AM
I can barely understand what he said, but what I did understand was pretty funny.
"France tried to turtle, but Hitler did a tank rush before they were ready. Just shows how horribly unbalanced real life is. They should release a patch."
Gunslinger Moogle
No longer a gimmick
posted 10-02-2004 09:54:02 PM
The creepy thing is, I made this thread because of a discussion in English class.


moogle is the 3241727861th binary digit of pi

Disclaimer: I'm just kidding, I love all living things.
The fastest draw in the Crest.
"The Internet is MY critical thinking course." -Maradon
"Gambling for the husband, an abortion for the wife and fireworks for the kids they chose to keep? Fuck you, Disneyland. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the happiest place on Earth." -JooJooFlop

Cartoon Broccoli Boy
posted 10-02-2004 11:26:39 PM
Gunslinger Moogle wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
The creepy thing is, I made this thread because of a discussion in English class.


...is about to receive a million dollars? Or perhaps a trophy?

Thief: "I have come to a realisation. Dragons are not real in a general sense, but they may exist in certain specific cases."
Fighter: "Like how quantum mechanics describes how subatomic particles can spontaneously pop into existence at random!"
Thief: "No, that's stupid and stop making up words."
--8-Bit Theater
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