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Topic: Ecommerce finished?
Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 09-07-2004 05:32:43 PM

Go go math!

While it hasn't been proven to be true, it'd be interesting if they really had figured it out.

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 09-07-2004 05:45:22 PM
..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Not The Rapist
posted 09-07-2004 05:48:50 PM
Fuck me! That's not cool.
"Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will bring you honour. She will be your crowning glory."
-Proverbs 4:8-9
posted 09-07-2004 05:50:36 PM
Alek obviously shouldn't have said:
Fuck me! That's not cool.

Ecommerce can get a new way of doing business... if this were true (which it doesn't seem to be) we will have solved one of the perennial questions in mathematics, which is very cool.

Not The Rapist
posted 09-07-2004 06:08:43 PM
Noxhil had this to say about Cuba:
Ecommerce can get a new way of doing business... if this were true (which it doesn't seem to be) we will have solved one of the perennial questions in mathematics, which is very cool.

Yes, I just hope it doesn't mean I'll have to go to the store. I hate shopping.

"Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will bring you honour. She will be your crowning glory."
-Proverbs 4:8-9
Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 09-07-2004 06:42:01 PM
*patiently awaits affordable retinal scanners*
(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
Espio Idsavant
You have gotten better at Being a Lush! (200)
posted 09-07-2004 06:51:08 PM
Elvish Crack Piper impressed everyone with:
*patiently awaits affordable retinal scanners*

Retinal scanners are local security (ie, to verify your ID to your terminal). Local security means jackshit if the network/remote security (ie, the encryption pattern for communication) is compromised, at least as far as ecommerce is concerned.
And you can still be free, If time will set you free
And going higher than the mountain tops
And go high like the wind don't stop...

[ My gooberish Live Journal thingy ]

eet bugz
posted 09-07-2004 08:24:14 PM
i'm waiting for it to be something obvious like changing the base prime number X and doing something to find prime number Y after converting to base 10 or something
play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
Aaron (the good one)
posted 09-07-2004 08:43:05 PM
X^2 + 1 ?
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Not The Rapist
posted 09-07-2004 09:01:49 PM
Verily, diadem doth proclaim:
i'm waiting for it to be something obvious like changing the base prime number X and doing something to find prime number Y after converting to base 10 or something

I like swords.

"Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will bring you honour. She will be your crowning glory."
-Proverbs 4:8-9
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