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Topic: NSFW! Fox News Oops?
posted 07-01-2004 05:02:26 PM
My apologies if this has been seen before. You may lynch me if it's not "news" to the forum.

Fox News Ooops complete with video

At first, when I saw this I thought it was fake - but after viewing the newsclip, I'm not so sure. Apparently Fox was doing a story on internet porn and they showed a particular website on the screen. They managed to blur out the boobs, but left the sausage shot pretty plainly visible.

If it IS real, do you think they'll have to suffer through an FCC investigation and fines ala Janet Jackson's nipple?

posted 07-01-2004 05:08:51 PM
LMAO that is funny.
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 07-01-2004 05:11:01 PM
Gravity'sAngel's fortune cookie read:
They managed to blur out the boobs, but left the sausage shot pretty plainly visible.

I didn't notice it until you mentioned it.

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
posted 07-01-2004 05:55:47 PM
Azizza was naked while typing this:
LMAO that is funny.

That, definatly was one of the funnier things I have seen today

~That which yields, is not always weak~
Kaglaaz How'ler
posted 07-02-2004 12:18:33 AM
*laughs* Hadn't noticed that before but had seen a time or two during the story yesterday where there were a nipple or two that missed being obscured.
posted 07-02-2004 12:24:29 AM
To me a nipple isn't that big a deal. But I think they are gonna get in trouble for showing the guy playing hide the Salami with that woman.
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 07-02-2004 01:19:46 AM
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Azizza said:
To me a nipple isn't that big a deal. But I think they are gonna get in trouble for showing the guy playing hide the Salami with that woman.

Yeah I think that in general the US needs to relax some of it's censorship rules. I don't want to see hardcore sex on every channel or anything, but toplessness isn't bad, and the logic behind censoring words in songs is just plain idiotic.

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

posted 07-02-2004 08:58:23 PM
While I agree wholeheartedly, good luck sneaking that past the soccer moms of america
posted 07-03-2004 12:52:49 AM
What's even worse is that MTV has started censoring words like "pill" in refence to any sort of drug, etc. in songs. Hell, somebody needs to go back and look at some Beatles and Aerosmith lyrics, and realize that none of this is new,
Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 07-03-2004 05:44:51 AM
I just want to know whats so important on rappers shirts that needs to be blurred out.
(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
posted 07-03-2004 04:16:50 PM
their cracking wise about our mamas
I Didnt ask to be Secretary of Balloon Doggies, the Balloon Doggies demanded it!
posted 07-03-2004 05:27:06 PM
Elvish Crack Piper came out of the closet to say:
I just want to know whats so important on rappers shirts that needs to be blurred out.

Differential equations. Most people don't know that most successful rappers have masters degrees in mathematics and physics. They have to blur out the shirts or else impressionable young urban youths might develop an interest in education, and if they did that, who'd make the food at McDonalds?

Drysart fucked around with this message on 07-03-2004 at 05:27 PM.

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 07-03-2004 06:56:32 PM
What I find even more funny is like, shows and Channels like Spike TV (The PROCLRAIMED Mans Network) felt the need to like, blurb the nipples on a show called "Stripperella" that, unless you were a moron you caught all the blatant "Beaver" "Packing Fudge" Tits and ass jokes and comments anyway... And it's supposedly the MAN'S network.. Retarded.

Or even worse you have shows like Nip/Tuck and such that will FLAT out show him banging a chick, now I mean FULL motion from behind, and show ALL kinds of glorious male ass shots... But if the camera gets into range of the womans boobs, she suddenly has her hands (Which were previously on said naked man ass) on her boobs covering everything up, or tricky camera use doing it. Thier man MARKET is men... And unless you are gay, seeing gratidous man ass is not appealing. And if you are going to show every part of the boob BUT the nipple, or blatant sexual grinding (With full visuals except for the woman's naughty parts) why even bother having it in there at ALL.. Just insinuate it or something, that crap is just annoying.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 07-03-2004 06:57:51 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Drysart was all like:
and if they did that, who'd make the food at McDonalds?

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