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Topic: Keyboard Question
posted 12-05-2003 06:26:22 AM
What could cause a keyboards left and up arrow keys, and both control keys, as in each one, on both sides of the space bar, to cease working, but have everything else work fine?

Joy. Found out my Numlock key, and the /, -, and * next to it are gone too. wtfwtfwtf

And just incase, yes, I tried another keyboard in the port, and those keys worked fine.

[ 12-05-2003: Message edited by: Skaw ]

Suicide (Also: Gay.)
posted 12-05-2003 07:45:12 AM
have you ever looked at the pressure sheet behind a keyboard?
Lots of keys that you would never expect to be related are. I wouldn't be able to say for sure if you just killed one of the traces on the pressure sheet, but I would bet dollers to doughnuts that you did. I think it's time for a new keyboard Skaw.
posted 12-05-2003 08:39:15 AM
I offer product replacement suggestion http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproduct.asp?description=23-126-124

can you please fix my title
posted 12-05-2003 08:47:23 AM
could be the springs under the keys. you ever turn that keyboard upside down and wack it a few times? knock all the dirt and hair and other things that might be in there out? drag a knife along the keys to pull out hair etc?

my cats shed alot so every now and they I have to do this.

Good news? keyboards are cheap. I dont particularly like cordless devices though.

[ 12-05-2003: Message edited by: Somthor ]

Im confused as always[xIMG]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-8/356687/somthorsig3.JPG[/img]
posted 12-05-2003 09:37:50 AM
So quoth Somthor:
could be the springs under the keys. you ever turn that keyboard upside down and wack it a few times? knock all the dirt and hair and other things that might be in there out? drag a knife along the keys to pull out hair etc?

my cats shed alot so every now and they I have to do this.

Good news? keyboards are cheap. I dont particularly like cordless devices though.

Honestly, the mouse is wonderful from Logitech (Mx700) ... although, I am still getting use to the keyboard... I can't tell if I am still having some "lag" that I had from my standard keyboard, or something due to the wireless factor... whatever it is, I did not have any real issues for when it would matter more (ie, gaming). Although, I have yet to test it on an FPS. =/

But yeh, keybaords are cheap... hell, I at one point had 2-3 spare ones (don't ask how, because I don't really remember... too many computers i guess). Can probably just find some computer friend that might even have a spare.

posted 12-05-2003 05:39:16 PM
Somthor had this to say about (_|_):
could be the springs under the keys. you ever turn that keyboard upside down and wack it a few times? knock all the dirt and hair and other things that might be in there out? drag a knife along the keys to pull out hair etc?

my cats shed alot so every now and they I have to do this.

Good news? keyboards are cheap. I dont particularly like cordless devices though.

I popped off a few off them, and there was nothing keeping them from being pressed all the way down. I'm going to put in an order for a new keyboard, since I won't be able to go out and get one this weekend. And I'm not buying anything Logitech

posted 12-05-2003 06:28:16 PM
Skaw thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
And I'm not buying anything Logitech

[ 12-05-2003: Message edited by: Valso ]

Falaanla Marr
posted 12-05-2003 07:11:33 PM
Valso had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
I offer product replacement suggestion http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproduct.asp?description=23-126-124

Wonderful suggestion, i love mine.

And Skaw: It works exceptionally well

[ 12-05-2003: Message edited by: Falaanla Marr ]

posted 12-05-2003 07:36:05 PM
Skaw painfully thought these words up:
And I'm not buying anything Logitech

"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
posted 12-05-2003 09:13:32 PM
I prefer Microsoft keyboards.
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 12-05-2003 09:26:59 PM
I need a split board with all the handy buttons along the top that I've gotten used to. They run about forty bucks.
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

posted 12-05-2003 09:37:34 PM
Skaw had this to say about John Romero:
I prefer Microsoft keyboards.

This is not one of those AMD vs Intel debates... Logitech4t3hwin!

posted 12-06-2003 11:48:34 AM
MS Keyboards are overpriced and generaly less comfortable to type on
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 12-06-2003 02:01:44 PM
I got an MX700 for my birthday six months ago.

We loves it, yes....

posted 12-06-2003 04:45:11 PM
It's not that I don't like Logitech, its that they're usually too bulky. I don't really have enough room for a huge keyboard.
Falaanla Marr
posted 12-06-2003 04:48:13 PM
Skaw had this to say about Captain Planet:
It's not that I don't like Logitech, its that they're usually too bulky. I don't really have enough room for a huge keyboard.

funny, this one i have is not as thick as my last microsoft keyboard, and about the same length!

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