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Topic: A serious question
posted 11-06-2003 02:08:27 AM
I hope I never have to endure this particular situation, but the thought bugs at me nonetheless.

Say you're having sweet sex with your lover/wife/husband or whoever, when you suddenly fart. How do you pass this off? No doubt it would ruin the moment (Unless your partner has a fart fetish).

How would you handle this situation?

Death of Rats
posted 11-06-2003 02:10:42 AM
If your lover or what ever is a she, and she has her legs around you, you could always say stop squeezing so hard, otherwise, I'd just ignore it and finish.
A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
Hostile Makeover
Evil as chocolate covered thistles
posted 11-06-2003 02:13:34 AM
Laughter is always the remedy in that sort of situation. Real life isn't as romantic as it's made out to be, and if the person you're with is all weirded out... a good laugh is usually an excellent tension breaker.
posted 11-06-2003 02:25:20 AM
I once farted really loud while making out with a girl.

I screamed and hid in her hallway closet for like a half hour.

Mr. Parcelan
posted 11-06-2003 02:51:02 AM
It's only a faux pas if they're doing something to your butt and you fart in their face.
posted 11-06-2003 02:52:45 AM
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about (_|_):
It's only a faux pas if they're doing something to your butt and you fart in their face.

Unless they ask you to

Mr. Parcelan
posted 11-06-2003 02:53:36 AM
Maradon!'s fortune cookie read:
Unless they ask you to

Well, then it's not a faux pas, but it's disturbing nonetheless.

posted 11-06-2003 03:22:06 AM
The logic train ran off the tracks when Mr. Parcelan said:
Well, then it's not a faux pas, but it's disturbing nonetheless.


posted 11-06-2003 04:09:37 AM
Thrust in as deep as you can, and pretend its your afterburner kicking in.

Depending on the last time you had Taco Bell, it may just be true.

OR, jump out of bed, and kick the dog.

Tastes best with pudding
posted 11-07-2003 01:20:23 AM
So quoth Kahuna Ryuu:
Say you're having sweet sex with your lover/wife/husband or whoever, when you suddenly fart. How do you pass this off?

How would you handle this situation?

Hope like heck that they dont leave skidmarks....

Were-Tigress Disciple of Lycanthropy
Perma-lowbie, addicted to MMORPGs
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posted 11-07-2003 12:24:12 PM
Well if you are a girl and you fart, you could allways say, "It calls for you...."
posted 11-07-2003 02:52:30 PM
I'd just laugh about it, at least with my current girlfriend. Doubt it would ruin the moment any. It's amusing.
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