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Topic: .... what fucktards invented this?
Random Insanity Generator
Condom Ninja El Supremo
posted 03-28-2003 12:22:16 PM
Pulled from Freedom To Tinker...

Use a Firewall, Go to Jail

The states of Massachusetts and Texas are preparing to consider bills that apparently are intended to extend the national Digital Millennium Copyright Act. (TX bill; MA bill) The bills are obviously related to each other somehow, since they are textually similar.

Here is one example of the far-reaching harmful effects of these bills. Both bills would flatly ban the possession, sale, or use of technologies that "conceal from a communication service provider ... the existence or place of origin or destination of any communication". Your ISP is a communcation service provider, so anything that concealed the origin or destination of any communication from your ISP would be illegal -- with no exceptions.

If you send or receive your email via an encrypted connection, you're in violation, because the "To" and "From" lines of the emails are concealed from your ISP by encryption. (The encryption conceals the destinations of outgoing messages, and the sources of incoming messages.)

Worse yet, Network Address Translation (NAT), a technology widely used for enterprise security, operates by translating the "from" and "to" fields of Internet packets, thereby concealing the source or destination of each packet, and hence violating these bills. Most security "firewalls" use NAT, so if you use a firewall, you're in violation.

If you have a home DSL router, or if you use the "Internet Connection Sharing" feature of your favorite operating system product, you're in violation because these connection sharing technologies use NAT. Most operating system products (including every version of Windows introduced in the last five years, and virtually all versions of Linux) would also apparently be banned, because they support connection sharing via NAT.

And this is just one example of the problems with these bills. Yikes.

UPDATE (6:35 PM): It's worse than I thought. Similar bills are on the table in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alaska, Tennessee, and Colorado.

UPDATE (March 28, 9:00 AM): Clarified the paragraph above about encrypted email, to eliminate an ambiguity.
Topic(s): Security
Posted by Edward W. Felten at 01:04 PM | permanent link | Followups (9)

* NullDevice kicks the server. "Floggings will continue until processing power improves!"
"That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos." -- Harry Dresden
That's what playing Ragnarok Online taught me: There's no problem in the universe that can't be resolved by the proper application of daggers to faces.
wants Kloie's mom OH SO BAD
posted 03-28-2003 12:24:41 PM
Durn hicks, prolly dudn't even know wut a fahrwall is...
posted 03-28-2003 12:25:21 PM
Glad I live in the North. ^_^
Ukko The Popa Bear
posted 03-28-2003 12:34:41 PM
... somehow, Canada seem more and more lovely
Random Insanity Generator
Condom Ninja El Supremo
posted 03-28-2003 12:35:42 PM
Ukko The Popa Bear had this to say about Cuba:
... somehow, Canada seem more and more lovely

Shoosh you! Get back to drawing.

* NullDevice kicks the server. "Floggings will continue until processing power improves!"
"That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos." -- Harry Dresden
That's what playing Ragnarok Online taught me: There's no problem in the universe that can't be resolved by the proper application of daggers to faces.
posted 03-28-2003 12:38:51 PM
Tatsukaze had this to say about Captain Planet:
Durn hicks, prolly dudn't even know wut a fahrwall is...

You know I don't see many hicks in Massachusetts, and I belive there a few large computer/Software companys in Texas.

posted 03-28-2003 12:38:59 PM
O land of the freeeee, I sing of theeee
wants Kloie's mom OH SO BAD
posted 03-28-2003 12:40:00 PM
Peter enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
You know I don't see many hicks in Massachusetts, and I belive there a few large computer/Software companys in Texas.

You missed Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina.

posted 03-28-2003 12:45:58 PM
This insanity brought to you by Tatsukaze:
You missed Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Not to Famlier With Tennesee, or South Carolina, But Georgia is home to some of the biggest companys in the US, even the world, Not to mention a great deal of banking centers are down there, I imagine there are a enough there to know what a firewall is, if not network security.

wants Kloie's mom OH SO BAD
posted 03-28-2003 12:47:29 PM
posted 03-28-2003 12:50:22 PM
I related news, hundreds of middle-eastern and eastern-european hackers have been spotted in the streets dancing in sudden outbursts of joy.
Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
hay guys whats going on in this title?
posted 03-28-2003 01:30:11 PM
Shazorx / Modrakien had this to say about dark elf butts:
I related news, hundreds of middle-eastern and eastern-european hackers have been spotted in the streets dancing in sudden outbursts of joy.
posted 03-28-2003 01:45:32 PM
They think they got problems with hacking right now...this is gonna be hacker haven for sure

May as well do a big book for all isp like a big phone book to help them.

Cookie Goddess!
posted 03-28-2003 02:02:46 PM
Omg! Jewel..your sig pic is just too cute!!

<snuggles the little kitten>

Cookie Goddess Supreme
Furry Kitsune of Power!
Pouncer of the 12th degree!
"Cxularath ftombn gonoragh pv'iornw hqxoxon targh!"
Translated: "Sell your soul for a cookie?"
posted 03-28-2003 04:53:06 PM
It'll never pass.
I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piƱa coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 03-28-2003 04:55:53 PM
What a bunch of morans.
Random Insanity Generator
Condom Ninja El Supremo
posted 03-28-2003 05:28:25 PM
Densetsu had this to say about dark elf butts:
It'll never pass.

That's what you think....

* NullDevice kicks the server. "Floggings will continue until processing power improves!"
"That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos." -- Harry Dresden
That's what playing Ragnarok Online taught me: There's no problem in the universe that can't be resolved by the proper application of daggers to faces.
Doesn't Like You. Specifically you.
posted 03-28-2003 05:34:24 PM
If you take action and write letters to the government and such explaining exactly how bad it'd be, it'll never pass. Most problems arise from people saying to themselves that this is horrible, then never letting the government know. And if it does pass, it sets precedent and the rest of the states will try to adopt it so yeah. I'm done now.
The hip-hop-happiest bunny in all of marshmallow woods
posted 03-28-2003 05:36:37 PM
I vote Canada takes over Alaska once and for all!


I just spent
my last cent
purchasing this poverty.

In a Fire
posted 03-28-2003 05:59:44 PM
Even if it does pass they can't enforce it. Sorry but they can't go into every home, business, and college campus and tell them to shut down their networks. That just will not and can not happen.
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 03-28-2003 06:05:53 PM
wow.. thats... asinine..
Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
Delphi Aegis
Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
posted 03-28-2003 06:51:02 PM
Laws will NEVER catch up to technology until people that know how to turn one ON get into politics.

But people who can do that, and understand computers to, say the point of RIG or Drysart's knowledge make more moolah from making games, rather then kissing babies.

Random Insanity Generator
Condom Ninja El Supremo
posted 03-28-2003 07:41:26 PM
Kissing hands and shaking babies? Sounds like a plan...
* NullDevice kicks the server. "Floggings will continue until processing power improves!"
"That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos." -- Harry Dresden
That's what playing Ragnarok Online taught me: There's no problem in the universe that can't be resolved by the proper application of daggers to faces.
Delphi Aegis
Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
posted 03-28-2003 08:07:58 PM
Random Insanity Generator had this to say about the Spice Girls:
Kissing hands and shaking babies? Sounds like a plan...

Yeah. You just have to have no moral compass whatsoever, along with the ability to lie convincingly in front of the entire nation and stuff.

I exaggerate, sue me.

Random Insanity Generator
Condom Ninja El Supremo
posted 03-28-2003 08:22:22 PM
Delphi Aegis's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Yeah. You just have to have no moral compass whatsoever, along with the ability to lie convincingly in front of the entire nation and stuff.

Is that all? Shit, I could run for office in my sleep...

* NullDevice kicks the server. "Floggings will continue until processing power improves!"
"That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos." -- Harry Dresden
That's what playing Ragnarok Online taught me: There's no problem in the universe that can't be resolved by the proper application of daggers to faces.
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