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Topic: MTV ..decent programing?.. wah?
frolicking imp
posted 03-10-2003 10:04:21 PM
So it appears that the new episode of MTVs True Life might just be worth watching! Thats right boys and girls nerds and losers of all ages MTV is coming out with True Life: I'm a Gamer

Now theres sumthing I wanna see!

What do you guys think?

*A Nypmh hits you and steals your virginity*
I <3 My Deviant
posted 03-10-2003 10:05:33 PM
I think.. I'll pass.
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 03-10-2003 10:06:27 PM
They need to show more cartoons.

I kinda miss Downtown.

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 03-10-2003 10:06:32 PM
MTV is crap.
posted 03-10-2003 10:09:38 PM
Now watch as I am wild and crazy in a completely stale and rehearsed way! YEEAAAAAAAHHHH!
frolicking imp
posted 03-10-2003 10:10:05 PM
MTV has been crap for a long time now, deal with it. Most stations have gone crap..Nickelodeon, ABC (what ever happened to the original TGIF!!??!!) MTV went crap when it stopped being MUSIC television and went to "hey lets watch crappy shows and pretend they're important!" television.
*A Nypmh hits you and steals your virginity*
posted 03-10-2003 10:11:00 PM
Doesn't life suck?
not really a mmembe rof tis boered
posted 03-10-2003 10:15:32 PM
JooJooFlop said this about your mom:
They need to show more cartoons.

I kinda miss Downtown.

Clone high is pretty good, even thoguh i downaloaded allt he eps adn finsiehd the series weeks ago, ti was stillv ery entertaineing

And the episode of true life on the middle east crisis was muchbetter then the usual crap they show

Regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend to your own work and allready the evil begins to be repaired
- Self Rreliance
frolicking imp
posted 03-10-2003 10:24:00 PM
I agree, i just finished watching it, thats how I heard about the true life: I'm a gamer episode. I just think it'll be interesting to see what the "MTV community sees when they look at gamers" Meh..we'll see. or...at least I will..maybe..
*A Nypmh hits you and steals your virginity*
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 03-10-2003 10:27:34 PM
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

The Outlaw Torn
posted 03-10-2003 10:29:46 PM
Moooree Teaaaa, Weesslleeeyyy?

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

My title doesn't even make sense any more
posted 03-10-2003 10:48:00 PM
The only good TV is The Simpsons, The Daily Show, stuff on the history channel, and stuff on VH1-2 or MTV-2.
posted 03-10-2003 10:51:08 PM
OMG, this is the guy they're interviewing for it! (copy and paste) http://www.geocities.com/dark_saiyajin_princess/nin.JPG
**~*Pink Sugar Heart Attack!*~**
frolicking imp
posted 03-10-2003 11:02:04 PM
um... page unavailable... so.. who is he? typical gamer guy? or MTVized fake gamer?
*A Nypmh hits you and steals your virginity*
Steven Steve
posted 03-10-2003 11:02:23 PM
Trillee said this about your mom:
I think.. I'll pass.
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Steven Steve
posted 03-10-2003 11:02:57 PM
We were all impressed when frolicking imp wrote:
um... page unavailable... so.. who is he? typical gamer guy? or MTVized fake gamer?


"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

frolicking imp
posted 03-10-2003 11:05:51 PM
But thats what I did the first time!! *whine* oh well i got it now, well..hmmm.. umm. that guy scares me, I dont know any gamers that look like that. where'd you get that from?
are you serious...cuz I'm pretty guliable
*A Nypmh hits you and steals your virginity*
posted 03-10-2003 11:09:25 PM
I liked Daria... and that's about it.
Nwist, Who?
posted 03-10-2003 11:13:46 PM
frolicking imp wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
But thats what I did the first time!! *whine* oh well i got it now, well..hmmm.. umm. that guy scares me, I dont know any gamers that look like that. where'd you get that from?
are you serious...cuz I'm pretty guliable

Old school Zelda commerical

Cap'n Elethi
I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt...
posted 03-10-2003 11:35:18 PM
Clone High is hilarious.

Watched it a couple times when I was home sick, and it cracks me up.

Elethi Rian, A Man Of Many Talents
King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-10-2003 11:36:32 PM
This is the story...of five EverCresters...who moved in together...

This shows what happens when they stop being EverCresters...and start being Real!


Suddar charges in on Bajah playing videogames.

Suddar: Why'd you do it?!

Bajah: Do what?

Suddar: You jizzed in my peanut butter!

Bajah: Why would I jizz in your peanut butter?

Suddar: I dunno...maybe you had the hots for Amy!

Bajah: You're full of shit, man.

Suddar: If you didn't, who did?

Drysart walks in.

Drysart: Hey guys, don't touch the peanut butter, I jizzed in it.

Suddar: YOU!?! But...I thought we were best friends! We went through Boot Camp together!

Drysart: It's not personal, I mean...I didn't know it was YOUR peanut butter.

Bajah: Let's ask nem-x.

A small Asian man wearing several pimp accessories waltzes in.

nem-x: Hay hay haaaaaaaaay, whassap mah niggaz!!!!!!!111

And THAT would be entertaining MTV.

Roll for initiative, Monkey Boy!
posted 03-10-2003 11:42:54 PM
A man with a huge bulge in his pants walks in holding himself.

Blindy: God damn. Anyone have some elastic bands? I wore my jock strap out... again. Cheap peices of --

Nem-X: Roofles!

Blindy: ... never had that problem, huh?

(I tease because I love!)

On a plane ride, the more it shakes,
The more I have to let go.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-11-2003 05:05:29 AM
Okay...rant about the current state of television incoming...


This rant has been brought to you by the letters R and G, and Winnie the Pooh. Thank you.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 03-11-2003 05:32:58 AM
I wouldn't mind "reality television" if it wasn't so bloody demeaning. People used to get pissed because they said sitcoms were demeaning and sure enough the networks went ahead and made it worse. Do you realize there's another Survivor? Cripes.

There was "The Real World" and it was cool. At first. Then there was "Road Rules" which was like The Real World on the road with game show elements. Then there was that writers' strike...

That's what caused this asinine explosion of reality shows. The writers of the sitcoms were getting tired of crappy paychecks so they went on strike. Networks resolved to survive anyway so they turned to "reality television".

What I don't think the networks realize is that there's no brand loyalty to these shows. If someone watched "Cheers" in the old days, they would watch it religiously. I remember my parents watching that show every week. And Night Court. And the Cosby Show. And Hill Street Blues. And St. Elsewhere. When those shows had their final episodes it meant something. Right now the only show that I think people would mourn is the Simpsons, and then just barely. Hell even X-Files petered out (though that was the network beating a dead horse).

But every season we have a slew of new one-shot shows that don't make it back the next year. If drama has taught us nothing else, it's that good writing (Law and Order, anyone?) will beat out over anything. Law and Order has changed literally every character on the show at this point (with the possible exception of Jerry Orbach...been so long I can't remember if he was with the show to start or not) and it keeps going because it's well written. It has two spinoffs that are going strong. I directly lay the success of shows like the two CSI series and the "Without a Trace" show at the feet of Law and Order, which taught us that good writing will keep an audience together longer than fad shows.

Unfortunately the only network that seems set on holding on to well-written shows is NBC, and they're starting to fade out. Friends will come to an end. Frasier is going to end. Must See TV is going the way of TGIF.

I farking hate reality TV.

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-11-2003 05:37:24 AM
I watched Night Court religiously.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 03-11-2003 05:40:37 AM
John Larroquette's "Dan Fielding" the oversexed pervert DA was hilarious.
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Beta Tested
posted 03-11-2003 07:10:35 AM
TV sucks nuts. It's all reality shows, which are stupid and boring, and lose my attention after I realize its just another stupid reality television show.

I want the goddamned sitcoms of old back. I didn't get most of them, but I sat and watched Home Improvement for the longest time with my parents, and I'd sit and watch alot of whatever else they watched. Now that I'm older I'm sure I would have more of an understanding to the shows, and I'm certain I'd find them more entertaining than the crap thats being played non stop.

And besides, when the networks find something that's a big hit, they start to play it non stop. Who wants to be a Millionaire(it's early, I doubt I spelt that right), started being played ever weeknight in hour long blocks, then it got Unpopular because the network sold out by playing it so much. They just want to make as much money as they can as fast as they can, that's not the way to go about it. Build loyal viewers damnit, not the next big fad.

What's this thing do?
That would be sooo cool if it wasn't going to hurt us.
Melphina's Magelo
not really a mmembe rof tis boered
posted 03-11-2003 09:05:03 AM
I think the main reason for realtiy shwos uscking os much is their choice of popels, is it that ahrd to put five popel ein a hsoue together who arent all either whiny overly dramatic bitches and dumbass collages students/dropouts

c'mon, if they put like a clown, a taxidermist, an anciant chiese kungfu amster, a profesional ferret legger and a garbage man in the same hosue in showed their everyday life and itneraction, much mroe poeple whould watch

as for the sitcom thing, their some really great oens, but for the msot part they seem just as shallow, unfunny and irelevent as any reality show, so its not liek their the holy savior of all tv

the simpsons needs to die, it used to be one fo the funneist shows on television....now it just isnt

as for allt eh reality shows only lasting one season isnt a reason not haev any brand loyalty, jsut ook at anime, its a rarity for a seires to last mroe then 26 episods and yet their few things with mroe loyalty then ceratain animes

and fianlly, my solution for the crap on tv problem: start importing gameshwos from japabn, they gt the craziest game shwos in japan, yet the best we have in dotn forget your toothbrush and they barley ever show that anymore

Regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend to your own work and allready the evil begins to be repaired
- Self Rreliance
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 03-11-2003 09:11:31 AM
MTV. MUSIC Television. Where's the god damned music!??!

on MTV2 thats where... I say all that shit programming should have been dumped on MTV2 and MTV should have gone back to it's roots.

But.. thats ok... VH1 and More Music USA have stepped in to fill the void. Music videos, music related shows, band interviews and music news... real music television weooot.

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
not really a mmembe rof tis boered
posted 03-11-2003 09:15:23 AM
Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde had this to say about Optimus Prime:
MTV. MUSIC Television. Where's the god damned music!??!

on MTV2 thats where... I say all that shit programming should have been dumped on MTV2 and MTV should have gone back to it's roots.

But.. thats ok... VH1 and More Music USA have stepped in to fill the void. Music videos, music related shows, band interviews and music news... real music television weooot.

You say it as if youa ctually want mtv to play music more?, they could play music 24 horus a day ad theyd still play nothing but creed, vanessa carltin, jenifer lopez and nelly

Regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend to your own work and allready the evil begins to be repaired
- Self Rreliance
frolicking imp
posted 03-11-2003 04:45:37 PM
thats true, the music MTV plays is crap anyway. Did anyone have MTVX? (mtv extreme) before it went to MTVJams (black music) Now there was quality music programming! nothing but music all the time! no crappy shows just pure good old rock from all ages.

Other than that, the only TV i really watch is Boy Meets World (thats sum classic quality programming) and Boston Public, even though my mother and I seem to be the only people who like it. I judt think they deal with lots of really conterversial issues, its cool

*A Nypmh hits you and steals your virginity*
not really a mmembe rof tis boered
posted 03-11-2003 05:56:00 PM
frolicking imp's account was hax0red to write:

Other than that, the only TV i really watch is Boy Meets World (thats sum classic quality programming) and Boston Public

love them shows, havent watched boston public in a whiel but i used t wathc th show rligiosuly up to a few months ago, n

Regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend to your own work and allready the evil begins to be repaired
- Self Rreliance
posted 03-11-2003 05:58:55 PM
The reason Nickelodeon sucks, as well as MTv, is because they're both owned by Viacom, which also sucks
Queen of the Smoofs
posted 03-11-2003 05:59:46 PM
I liked the old Rugrats.

But Hey Arnold is still good.

posted 03-11-2003 06:01:43 PM
Hey Arnold, Spongebob, and Zim are the only real reasons Nickelodeon isn't deleted from my channel memory
not really a mmembe rof tis boered
posted 03-11-2003 06:12:45 PM
Skaw had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Hey Arnold, Spongebob, and Zim are the only real reasons Nickelodeon isn't deleted from my channel memory

what bout rocko's modern life and ren and stimpy?

Regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend to your own work and allready the evil begins to be repaired
- Self Rreliance
Queen of the Smoofs
posted 03-11-2003 06:19:22 PM
Does Rocko still play anymore?
not really a mmembe rof tis boered
posted 03-11-2003 06:50:56 PM
Not sure, io saw an episdoe a few motnhs ago at a realyl bizare time, adn a bunch of the eps are on kaaza

Regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend to your own work and allready the evil begins to be repaired
- Self Rreliance
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 03-11-2003 06:54:52 PM
This one time, at Mog camp:
You say it as if youa ctually want mtv to play music more?, they could play music 24 horus a day ad theyd still play nothing but creed, vanessa carltin, jenifer lopez and nelly

doesnt matter. Isn't the point of music television, oh. i dont know... playing music?
Not these gay ass shows that have nothing to do with music.

Besides, radios play the same thing over and over. MP3 playlists play the same songs over again. Whats the difference?

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
not really a mmembe rof tis boered
posted 03-11-2003 06:58:25 PM
From the book of Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde, chapter 3, verse 16:
doesnt matter. Isn't the point of music television, oh. i dont know... playing music?
Not these gay ass shows that have nothing to do with music.

Besides, radios play the same thing over and over. MP3 playlists play the same songs over again. Whats the difference?

I ignore tegh radio beocsue it plays the same BAD songs ver and over, mp3 playslist palyt e same GOOD songs over and over

wether bad music is better then retarded programng is debatable, but i say they should both be ignored wso it matters little

Regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer; if not, attend to your own work and allready the evil begins to be repaired
- Self Rreliance
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