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Topic: Conversations in class
Beta is in school
posted 10-01-2002 10:48:25 AM
Me:"You know, we wouldn't have to learn how to concantonate code if you would let us use a higher screen rez then 800x600.."
Teach:"Yea, maybe someday we'll get better computers"
Me:"But these can go higher, I saw them do it last year in the library"(They're the same damned dells)
Teach:"Well, that's just the way it is."
Friend:"You know, you're really damned picky"
Me:"Why? Because I don't like having a SMALL ASS screen rez?"
Me:"*pause* You're the one that takes 10 hours to move a damned PCI card dude."
Friend:"Yeah, but I'm not picky, I'm a perfectionist"

Yeah... I'll pay attention to the C++ class now.

posted 10-01-2002 11:20:02 AM
You are really picky
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 10-01-2002 11:44:11 AM
"let us" ?

Fuck that. Do it, wuss.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 10-01-2002 12:04:37 PM
Properties are locked duh. I've tried. I COULD kill the program that keeps them locked, but the system admin would probably get a red flag and get me in trouble for it the next day or something.

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
posted 10-01-2002 02:13:07 PM
Exactly how my school is, except in the networking lab.. We wont let them have control of that, mwahaha.

It also gets even worse, turns out they are having a 'Gaming Tournament' in my school.. and I was like, hmm these could be intresting! Turns out its like n64 blitz football games or something.. No real games to be played like a FPS or anything.

Coolest Hamster Pimp Ever!
posted 10-01-2002 02:20:20 PM
Kirane had this to say about pies:
Exactly how my school is, except in the networking lab.. We wont let them have control of that, mwahaha.

It also gets even worse, turns out they are having a 'Gaming Tournament' in my school.. and I was like, hmm these could be intresting! Turns out its like n64 blitz football games or something.. No real games to be played like a FPS or anything.

Dude NC schools are paranoid about that stuff

the school board would flip out if some one mentioned hosting a FPS tourny at a school

"Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I like pizza.
posted 10-03-2002 08:50:31 PM
That'd be cool, though!
Naota Nandaba
Don't ask me about any goddamned bannings!
posted 10-03-2002 09:14:10 PM
800x600 is lame. He's not picky.
Nothing amazing happens here.
Only the ordinary.
posted 10-03-2002 09:15:21 PM
Kegwen 2.0's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
800x600 is lame. He's not picky.


I'm often amazed at how difficult it is to work in.

posted 10-03-2002 09:48:04 PM
i think i have more fun in class than you do!

this is what it was like in 6th hour today!

*Matt turns to Ashley and starts molesting himself to try to scare her.*

*Ashley grabs her boob and shrugs with a look on her face saying, "yeah? okay? AND?"*

*Matt freaks out.*

*Ashley starts a chain reaction and suddenly 5 other girls in class begin to grab their boobs at Matt and he begins to panic because he'll have to find a new way to scare Meghan.*


Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 10-03-2002 09:53:21 PM
Kloie had this to say about Captain Planet:
i think i have more fun in class than you do!

this is what it was like in 6th hour today!

*Matt turns to Ashley and starts molesting himself to try to scare her.*

*Ashley grabs her boob and shrugs with a look on her face saying, "yeah? okay? AND?"*

*Matt freaks out.*

*Ashley starts a chain reaction and suddenly 5 other girls in class begin to grab their boobs at Matt and he begins to panic because he'll have to find a new way to scare Meghan.*


*screams* AHHHH! T.E.H BOOBIES!!!

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
posted 10-03-2002 09:56:58 PM
Verily, JooJooFlop doth proclaim:
*screams* AHHHH! T.E.H BOOBIES!!!

something like that.

Ashley likes to shake her butt alot, too.

Owes Drysart $40
posted 10-03-2002 10:43:53 PM
Peh. Ours are locked in 640x480, no right click, only things in start menu are shut down and log off, cant open my computer or anything that can mess with the system, and and bunch of little features disabled.
Rodent King
Stabbed in the Eye
posted 10-03-2002 10:53:09 PM
Hehe, I was afriad of "Big Brother" too for a while, now I'm a senior, so it's no big deal if i get caught. I've downloaded pretty much whatever the hell I wanted and nobody's done anything yet.
My inner child is bigger than my outer adult.
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