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Topic: Are all the sigs broken or is it just me?
Lalian Viajante
posted 09-09-2002 09:50:37 AM
It could be me because right now I am running Netscape 4.7 on some outdated Sun UltraSparc. I don't know Netscape so I have no idea how old this is.
posted 09-09-2002 09:54:51 AM
You're running an old netscape on an obscure machine and you want to know if it's the boards that are broken?
Lalian Viajante
posted 09-09-2002 01:29:39 PM
I don't think I'd call a Sun UltraSparc an obscure machine... They're one of the best Unix workstations around. However my Netscape is quite old. I am going to talk to the admin about getting Mozilla instead.

[ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: Lalian Viajante ]

I <3 My Deviant
posted 09-09-2002 01:33:20 PM
just go to the site, and download it =P hell with talkin to peoples!

oh.. and..

your hair needs to be longer


posted 09-09-2002 01:33:41 PM
Verily, Lalian Viajante doth proclaim:
I don't think I'd call a Sun UltraSparc an obscure machine... They're one of the best Unix workstations around. However my Netscape is quite old. I am going to talk to the admin about getting Mozilla instead.

it won't work on mozilla either.

And yes, despite being the best Unix workstation around, it is quite obscure. Unix workstations period are quite obscure.

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 09-09-2002 01:54:24 PM
The logic train ran off the tracks when Maradön² said:
it won't work on mozilla either.

And yes, despite being the best Unix workstation around, it is quite obscure. Unix workstations period are quite obscure.

I dont even remember the last time I saw a Unix Workstation...

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
posted 09-09-2002 02:11:42 PM
Faelynn LeAndris had this to say about Robocop:

I dont even remember the last time I saw a Unix Workstation...

I used one for a footstool... does that count as having seen one?

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