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Topic: This is how our D&D game went
posted 07-28-2002 11:59:11 PM
<DMCthulhu> Okay...lesse.
<Rosaline> Then you do the meat of the character on your own
<DMCthulhu> Time to lay some ground rules
<Sutiiben> you said meat
<Lyinar> I opened it on my laptop out of curiousity, but didn't use it to make my HS chars
<DMCthulhu> That means
<DMCthulhu> I love that button.
<DMCthulhu> NOW THEN
<DMCthulhu> Rule number one: PCs and...audience members. Feel free to correct me. Audience members via PM. PCs
can do it in the main chat.
<DMCthulhu> Frankly, I haven't played 3rd Ed in a while. Been faithful to 2nd Ed.
<DMCthulhu> So I might screw up.
<DMCthulhu> Like..use your charisma modifier to add to attack damage
* Lyinar chuckles
<DMCthulhu> But if I say "This creature is pained by your good looks" or "Your so damn busty..and my my, look
at those curves, you deal five extra damage" then say nothing.
<DMCthulhu> Second rule: We go slowly.
<Rosaline> ...
* Rosaline laughs.
<DMCthulhu> Do not jump about in combat. I will eat your face if you do.
<DMCthulhu> Fuck. Hold on. Out of paper.
<Lyinar> ick
<DMCthulhu> Now then..what else..
<DMCthulhu> Oh yes.
<DMCthulhu> Thirdly
* Murdoc set Acrobat Distiller to his default printer
<DMCthulhu> Guess what! Your not all comedians.
<DMCthulhu> This specifically refers to Mr. Ninja.
<Sutiiben> biatch
<D-> Like hell I'm not.
<DMCthulhu> Yea, sometimes you say something so pithy I urinate all over myself.
<Sutiiben> haha
<DMCthulhu> However, these times tend to be far and few apart.
<Lyinar> heheheheh
<DMCthulhu> So, when we're playing, PM your jokes to others. Even to me. I like to laugh, but it will get us
off track in the main chat.
<DMCthulhu> I do not want to get off track.
<DMCthulhu> For those that disobey:
<Waisztarroz> Sorry, was eating dinner
<DMCthulhu> PCs: Docking of expirance if I am angry. Or..a special someone comes to visit you where-ever you
are. You'd much rather have the docking of the expiriance. I assure you.
* Lyinar laughs
<DMCthulhu> Viewers: I will kick you. Simple as that. If we're playing and you barage the chat with "cock cock
cock ass cock shit bitch! lolol i will hump your dead monkey! rorlrljif38148"
<Sutiiben> haha
<DMCthulhu> Then I will kick you.
<DMCthulhu> As much as I enjoy hearing about cocks and bitches, I prefer my Dungeons and a few Dragons.
<DMCthulhu> Mazes and Monsters. Whatever floats your boat.
* Murdoc has a boat?
<Rosaline> How come he gets a boat?
<Rosaline> That's not fair...
<DMCthulhu> Okay then. You have about five minutes to talk about what you want. I am getting a drink. Be back.
<DMCthulhu> everyone gets a boat!
<DMCthulhu> YAY!
<Sutiiben> wot the fog
<Murdoc> Sutiiben has a dinghy
<DMCthulhu> WAIT
<DMCthulhu> Almost forgot
<Sutiiben> yes
<DMCthulhu> Spell casters!
<DMCthulhu> That means you Waisz
<DMCthulhu> While I have not implemented spells yet, just wait.
<DMCthulhu> If you try and learn Melf's Acid Arrow..be warned. The spell will remain the same, but..things
about it will change.
<Waisztarroz> Okay
<Waisztarroz> I read all of what you said
<DMCthulhu> That means: I have not edited spells yet.
<DMCthulhu> Now then. Chat as you will. I shall return.
<Waisztarroz> Sorry my char sheet was a bitch =P
<Waisztarroz> I guess I better pick spells
<Waisztarroz> Bitch
<Waisztarroz> =P
<Murdoc> Your charsheet was a bitch? Did it have puppies?
<Lyinar> If you're starting at level one, he couldn't know melf's acid arrow yet anyway :P
<DMCthulhu> I know, just using an example
<Waisztarroz> We're starting at level 23 x 10^59
<Waisztarroz> Duh
<DMCthulhu> Yes 'Doc, a whole litter
<Waisztarroz> =P
<Lyinar> Hehehehehe
<Sutiiben> I'm listening to the zelda 64 windmill music
<Rosaline> ..
<Lyinar> And you're doing this why?
* Waisztarroz goes off to quickly get spells
<DMCthulhu> HEY!
<DMCthulhu> I like that song.
<Sutiiben> yeah
<Sutiiben> me too
<Sutiiben> hehe
<DMCthulhu> One final note to the PCs
<DMCthulhu> This is a comedy campaign.
<Waisztarroz> No sex with NPCs?
* Murdoc listens to the FFXI music set
<DMCthulhu> But that does not mean you preform stand up where-ever you-JESUS CHRIST
<Lyinar> ?
* DMCthulhu will KILL Waisz before he plays!
* Lyinar chuckles
<Sutiiben> I'm listening to the gerudo valley music
<DMCthulhu> It is a comedy campaign in the sense that, funny things happen
<Murdoc> *thud*
<DMCthulhu> That does not mean, you are the funny.
<Lyinar> Nah, just make sure it's with a lich in disguise. Give him mummy rot in...certain places
<Waisztarroz> Not even a little fornication to sharpen my...umm...accuracy?
<DMCthulhu> Your characters take this as seriously as in a normal D&D campaign.
<Waisztarroz> I know =P
<DMCthulhu> Sure, they laugh at things, but they won't find the Jewish Dwarves humours.
<Waisztarroz> I wasn't even intending anything
<DMCthulhu> humourours*
<Sutiiben> haha
<Murdoc> humorous
<DMCthulhu> Or the Elven Mafia. They take it seriosuly
<Lyinar> humorous dear
<DMCthulhu> Thank you.
<DMCthulhu> I'm typing like mad here. No time to spell.
<DMCthulhu> Okay then. Is everyone ready?
<Lyinar> That's apparent
<Sutiiben> YES
<Murdoc> I guess I'm ready
<Waisztarroz> I need spells =\
<DMCthulhu> ...
* Lyinar sits back and hushes
<DMCthulhu> Get them right now.
<Murdoc> okay, charsheet up
<Lyinar> Why don't you just let him have , say, the 0 level spells from PHB or such?
<Lyinar> Much easier
<Waisztarroz> Damn, I forget how many spells a L1 spellcaster get
<Waisztarroz> gets*
<DMCthulhu> A level one wizard gets how many lvl 0 spells and how many lvl 1 spells?
<Murdoc> 1 d something
<Waisztarroz> Especially if that spellcaster happens to be a wizard
<Murdoc> they get all 0 level spells
<Lyinar> I'm not sure. I don't have my book
<DMCthulhu> Let me check
<Murdoc> they can only memorize a few though
<DMCthulhu> 3 lvl 0
<DMCthulhu> 1 lvl 1
<Waisztarroz> I know my spells/day
<DMCthulhu> So what's the problem?
<Waisztarroz> I need known
<DMCthulhu> Okay..
<Murdoc> Just put four level 1 spells in your book, you should be fine.
<Sutiiben> I want to cast magic missile
<DMCthulhu> You can choose, or I will choose for you.
<Sutiiben> cast magic missile at what?
<Sutiiben> at the room
<DMCthulhu> It's "At the darkness"
<Murdoc> summary on pg 168
<Sutiiben> close enough
<DMCthulhu> Now silence.
<Waisztarroz> Okay, all L0 spells/4 L1 spells known?
<DMCthulhu> Yea
<Murdoc> known = in spellbook
<DMCthulhu> Now, tell me, which are memorized (once you choose your lvl 1 spells)?
<Murdoc> tell him in PM
<Murdoc> I wanna be surprised when you cast.
<DMCthulhu> Good idea
<DMCthulhu> Wait...isn't the skill cap at 4 ranks at the first lvl?
*** Lyinar has quit IRC (Quit: CGI:IRC 0.4.3 [EOF])
<Waisztarroz> Yes
<Waisztarroz> Plus ability mod
*** D- has left #CthulhusPlace
<Murdoc> 4 + modifiers
<DMCthulhu> YOu have three skills at lvl 7
<Murdoc> and chargen would've limited them as needed
<Murdoc> DM, that's from stat bonuses
<Waisztarroz> Yeah
<DMCthulhu> DOH
*** Lyinar has joined #CthulhusPlace
* DMCthulhu slaps himself
<DMCthulhu> Okay then. Waisz, you ready?
<Lyinar> Stupid thing
<Waisztarroz> Yeah, I marked 4 spells known
<DMCthulhu> Don't worry Lyinar, wouldn't blame you if you left
<DMCthulhu> Now, PM me what you have memorized
<Lyinar> Why would I leave? I asked to watch, remember? :P
<Lyinar> This IRC likes to boot me. Be glad when I get home.
<DMCthulhu> I REPEAT! Vise has posted
<DMCthulhu> Dammit!
<DMCthulhu> It was a flase alarm
<Lyinar> That sucks
<Sutiiben> haha
<Sutiiben> I told you he was on vacation
* Murdoc wants a flase alarm
* Murdoc steals Vise's flase alarm and sticks it in his closet.
<Murdoc> ... sorry
<DMCthulhu> Tell me: Level one wizard. How many memorized spells per day does he get? Three level zero, and
one level one. Correct?
<Murdoc> yes
<Murdoc> wait..
<Murdoc> he gets 1 level 1 unless his INT is high enough to earn him a bonus spell at level 1
<DMCthulhu> OH
<Lyinar> It's easier to do away with memorized spells entirely, though. And makes a wizard a much more
desirable character.
<Murdoc> he needs 12 INT to get one bonus spell
<Murdoc> you mean cast straight from the book?
<DMCthulhu> Where is this table?
<Lyinar> Okay, take it this way
<Murdoc> pg 8
<Murdoc> yes, I said page 8
<Lyinar> My character Riandar can cast any spell from MoP, MoF, PHB, and T&B
<Murdoc> gleep!
<Lyinar> But she's still held to this many a day for level 1, this many for level 5, etc
<Lyinar> It actually works out very nicely, because when limiting spells, you can't always allow for all
situations. It lets a wizard be more useful to be able to tailor a spell to a situation
<Murdoc> That's better than a wizard and sorcerer put together.
<Murdoc> at least limit it to the spells he scribes in his spellbook
<Murdoc> << sorry >>
<DMCthulhu> Ready now!
<DMCthulhu> <<think nothing of it.>>
<DMCthulhu> I'd like to welcome everyone, even the viewers to the world of Antaria. A world of generalzation,
confustion, idiocy, determination and most of all: Belief.
<DMCthulhu> <<Excuse my typos.>>
<DMCthulhu> A little back story before we begin.
<DMCthulhu> To begin with, there was nothing. Not a single thing. Oh, there were universes. Including ours.
Earth and the like. But somewhere, there was cold, bleak, darkness. Not evil. Just darkness. Well, one day.
On..light year. Whatever is used to tell time in this Dark Place, there appeared a thing. Not a him or her.
A thing. It's name, was The Believer.
<DMCthulhu> <<Tell me if any of this cuts>>
<Murdoc> << last I got was "The Believer."
<DMCthulhu> The Believer spent ages building a world. A universe. Galaxies, planets, dimensions. All that
jazz. Including the world, Antaria. The Believer created with sheer passion and thought. Nothing else.
<DMCthulhu> <<That's where it ends, 'Doc>>
<Murdoc> << Well, you said to tell you, so I was making sure >>
<DMCthulhu> Once The Believer had finished 'believing' the world, strong beings from others realms of
exsistance flocked to this world. Hey, when you have a shot at being a god or goddess, you take it!
<DMCthulhu> And so The Believer slowly introduced new gods and goddesses into the world, allowing them to
choose what ever realm they wanted to rule.
<DMCthulhu> <<Going to change colour. Easier if I type in another colour. Easier to read.>>
<DMCthulhu> 12And so it was. The Believer had done his job. He had created a world. And as time went on,
creatures. He allowed the gods to create people. Humans. Elves. Dwarves. All those. But from these people,
grew people who didn't believe.
<DMCthulhu> 12Un-believers. Non-believers. The antithesis of The Believer. Their actions would come to prove
something more then they ever expected.
<DMCthulhu> 12But I'll be damned if I'm going to tell you what happened! For, this is where the history ends,
the story begins.
<DMCthulhu> 3Merolen: You awake in your dormitory room. Today, is your graduation. You've been spending years
studying to be a wizard and finally, those old pompus bastards have let you have your cake and EAT IT!
Needless to see, you should feel a little excited.
<Waisztarroz> Woot!
<DMCthulhu> 3Your room is cluttered with your studies. Books, some wooden plates with some nuts and berries and
an beer mug or two. Otherwise, it's clean. The light shines in through the window, and the sounds of the
birds outside help you get up.
<Waisztarroz> Must not kill birds...
<Murdoc> << ... emote actions are your friend >>
<DMCthulhu> 12Just for reference, you do have a closet, with your robes and your graduation robes. Take a wild
guess which you should wear. And waisz, change your screename to Merolen.
*** Waisztarroz is now known as Merolen
* Merolen puts on his graduation robes carefully
<DMCthulhu> 13And avoid talking like a l33t hacker or an asylum patient. Must not kill birds? Well done. Hehe.
<DMCthulhu> <<Wrong colour.>>
* Merolen starts to check what time the graduation is...
<DMCthulhu> 3You put on your graduation robes as well as your graduation conical hat. The best you can tell,
seeing as you lack a gnomish clock, is that graduation should start soon. Either that, or you've missed it.
There comes a knock at the door.
<Merolen> Who's there?
<Merolen> <<In a loud voice>>
<DMCthulhu> 12Try and make sure to get out of bed before dressing next time. Think before you emote. What would
you do? You can enter the room until you open the door. Just reference.
<DMCthulhu> 3The response comes 1"Merolen! You jackass! Come on! It's Dirmin! We need to get to the graduation!"
<Merolen> Ah, of course.
<DMCthulhu> <<can't, to the blue comment>>
<Merolen> <<what?>>
<DMCthulhu> <<Nevermind.>>
* Merolen checks to make sure (after getting out of bed and having put on his robes) he's wearing what he
should be and walks to the door
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin continues, sounding rather aggrivated 1"Well, excuse me m'lord but could you move yourself a
little faster?"
<DMCthulhu> 12You are indeed, dressed as you are intended to
* Merolen opens it.
<Merolen> <<the door>>
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirming stands there, a little slouched. Arms folded. He seems rather angry. 1"Good morning! Now
come on!"
<Merolen> Ah, welcome Dirmin. I haven't been keeping you long, have I?
<DMCthulhu> 3As you open the door, you hear there is alot of running and shuffling in the hallway. Tons of
people getting ready.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin smirks 1"No, you haven't my fine fellow. Now throw aside the damned pleasantries. You sound
like princess."
<Merolen> Hey, shut up. I take it we need to be going now?
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin sighs 1"No your higness, I figured we could take a stroll in the courtyard, maybe drink some
tea. Yes, we need to go!"
<Merolen> Well then let's haul ass. Are your stubby legs ready to run?
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirming:1As much as they are ready to kick yours out from under you. Let's go.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin waits for you to exit the room and lock the door. Or not lock it. Either which.
* Merolen checks his room one last time and heads out the door, closing it and locking it after him.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirming:1"Alright Queen Amakiir, let's go!"
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirming begins to run down the hallway.
* Merolen follows somewhat closely making sure not to run into anyone in the crowded hallway.
<DMCthulhu> 12Once you exit the room, you see students running to and fro. From room to room. Down the hallway,
up the hallway. Some are exiting rooms holding arm loads of stuff.
* Merolen checks around to see who he knows as he runs along.
<DMCthulhu> <<I should explain: Blue text is what you see or do. Green is direct NPC action. I will use Purple
for descriptions of rooms and the like.>>
<Merolen> <<Okay.>>
<DMCthulhu> 12Several people you know are running. A few are being chased by other students. They seem to be
carrying items as well.
* Merolen tries to see what any of the items are.
<DMCthulhu> 12Old tomes from the library. Wands. Robes. Money pouches. One young man is carrying scrolls.
<DMCthulhu> 6A blast of some type of spell flies across infront of you into another room. A yelp is heard.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin continues running.
<Merolen> Whoa
<Merolen> Should we see what that was, Dirmin? I don't really care what happens to other people, but I'd like
to not get my ass blasted by some careless moron.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirming says as he rounds the corner of the hallway, towards the stairs 1"If you wanna be late!"
<DMCthulhu> <<Dirmin*>>
<Merolen> Okay then, let's continue on
<DMCthulhu> 12You continue forward with Dirmin, reaching a set of spiral stairs. You rush down them, passing
some students. Some tripping, some rolling down the stairs. You see one student wrestling with another as
books lay scattered about.
<DMCthulhu> !roll 1 20
<Dicebot> Roll for DMCthulhu: 1d20: *** 15
<Merolen> I see this place is in all hell as usual
<DMCthulhu> 3Your foot slips on one of the books, apply named 1"Improving Your Spell Reflxes"3 as you tumble down
the rest of the stairs.
<DMCthulhu> <<Er..wait..>>
<DMCthulhu> 12Your foot slips on one of the books, apply named 1"Improving Your Spell Reflxes"3 as you tumble down
the rest of the stairs.
<DMCthulhu> <<Doh>>
<DMCthulhu> 12Your foot slips on one of the books, apply named 1"Improving Your Spell Reflxes"12 as you tumble down
the rest of the stairs.
<Murdoc> << ... >>
<Merolen> Shit!
* Merolen mumbles some stuff in Goblin.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirming watches you as you tumble down the stairs 1"See you at the bottom!"
* Merolen attempts to stop tumbling.
<DMCthulhu> 12Thirty seconds later, you reach the bottom of the stair case anyhow.
<Merolen> Fuck, Dirmin, thanks for the help.
<DMCthulhu> 6The door to the courtyard outside is wide open. You see students are taking their places on the
<Merolen> <<That last part was said quietly>>
<DMCthulhu> <<'Fuck' will not longer be a word in this world. If I used it, ignore it. The word that is used
is now 'Bugger'>>
* Merolen gets off the floor and brushes himself off.
<Merolen> Bugger, Dirmin, thanks for the help.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin rushes down and pats you on the back 1"Your no worse for the wear. Let's go!" 3 and with
that, he rushes out towards the courtyard.
* Merolen rushes out the door, making sure not to trip and fall on anything and further getting his robe dirty.
<DMCthulhu> 12Headmaster Ozimander Griswald is standing around helping students into their seats. He does so
with you and Dirmin.
<Merolen> *Muttering*Let's just get this over with.
<DMCthulhu> 6Thirty minutes pass.
<DMCthulhu> 12The Headmaster shouts out 1"Ludwig! Bastor! Lock the doors!"
<DMCthulhu> 12Two bulky men, dressed in wizard robes lock the tower door. You hear the wailing and shouts of
your fellow wizards inside. This year, they will not graduate.
<Merolen> Heh, sucks to be them
<DMCthulhu> 12For reference. The Headmaster wears a fine red robe, with archaic symbols and stars all over it.
Gold trim and a conical hat. The hat, sags down and is not fully straight, unlike yours which is. This goes
for the other graduating students.
<Merolen> <<Wait, my hat is the one that's odd, or mine and everyone else's is straight?>>
<DMCthulhu> 3Your graduating robe, as well as the others, are all black, carrying 'The Academy' symbol on the
upper left part of it. Your conical hats stand tall and carry a tassel, which hands to the right.
<DMCthulhu> 6The ceremony begins. There are speechs by your teachers. A few students recieve awards.
<DMCthulhu> !roll 1 100
<Dicebot> Roll for DMCthulhu: 1d100: *** 82
<DMCthulhu> 6You are one of the studnets. You have recieved a slender, rectangular box.
* Merolen receives his award in the normal fashion.
<Merolen> <<By normal I mean whatever everyone does in this ceremony like walk up and take it or whatever>>
<DMCthulhu> 6The ceremony goes on, with a few fireworks. Some cheering. An 'Alicord's Unseen Minstrels' is
cast, so indeed, near the end, when you recieve your graduation note, a band is playing.
<DMCthulhu> 6The sun now hangs a little lower in the sky, a little past noon as the ceremony ends.
<Merolen> Yes! It's over!
<DMCthulhu> 3The Headmaster speaks 1"Would the graduating students, please stand!"
* Merolen stands up.
<DMCthulhu> 3The Students rise.
<DMCthulhu> 3The Headmaster nods 1"Please be seated."
<DMCthulhu> 3The Students sit.
* Merolen sits down again, careful not to sit on his award.
<DMCthulhu> 3The Headmaster nods again 1"Rubba dub dub! Your a wizard now, bub! Yay magic!"
<Merolen> That was...odd
<Merolen> But, okay then, I'm glad to have that done.
<DMCthulhu> 3The audience of wizards and people who have come to see the graduation clap wildly.
<DMCthulhu> 3Motions to the graduation class, that they are dismissed.
<Merolen> <<Can you please not use black text for speaking? Even grey or something would be cool>>
<DMCthulhu> <<15Why?1>>
<Murdoc> << not grey. that's my background >>
<Merolen> <<Black is my background>>
<DMCthulhu> <<15Fine>>
<DMCthulhu> <<14This grey okay?>>
<Merolen> <<Yeah, thanks, as long as it's good with Murdoc...>>
<DMCthulhu> <<NEvermind, Murdoc fixed it for me>>
<Murdoc> << fine. or you could use the default. just tell it to select a color, then don't select one >>
<Merolen> <<That would work, too>>
<DMCthulhu> Dirmin pats you on the back as he heads back into the tower. No doubt to collect his stuff. "I'll
see you around Merolen. I've got a date with history."
<DMCthulhu> <<Bah>>
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin pats you on the back as he heads back into the tower. No doubt to collect his stuff. "I'll
see you around Merolen. I've got a date with history."
* Merolen heads back into the tower as well
<Merolen> See ya around, Dirmin. Maybe. Who knows where.
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin nods "Yep. See ya." 3and with that, he goes to his room.
* Merolen walks into the tower, up the stairs, and through the hallway to his own room.
* Merolen unlocks the door and opens it.
* Merolen enters his room, closing the door behind him.
<DMCthulhu> 12Your room is how you left it. Take what you will. Just not The Academies property.
* Merolen opens the closet and gets his other robe
* Merolen puts it on after taking off the graduation one.
<DMCthulhu> 12Your a free man now, baby cakes. Free to explore the grand city of Ana-Duril, the city in which
The Academy is in. And you still have yet to open that box.
<Merolen> <<Oh, right.>>
* Merolen examines the box closely and opens it slowly.
<DMCthulhu> 6Inside the box is the following. A small piece of parchment and a piece that is folded up a few
times. The small piece writes "Dear Merolen Amakiir. You have been an Honour Student for quite a while at
the Academy. Your parents also donated quite a bit of money to our instituation. Please accept this small
gift. It is a Wand of Magic Missle and contains Thirty charges. Use them wisely. Inclosed, we also have a
map of Ana."
<DMCthulhu> <<Does it cut?>>
<Merolen> <<Ends with Ana.">>
<Murdoc> << ... map of Ana." >>
<DMCthulhu> <<Okay. That is good.>>
<Merolen> <<So, is this room mine or do I need to get my stuff together and leave it completely?>>
<DMCthulhu> <<Take your stuff and vamoose! Your done here.>>
<Merolen> <<I figured as much.>>
* Merolen begins packing his stuff into its containers along with the nice new staff and map.
<Merolen> <<Err, wand.>>
<Merolen> Finally, I get to be done with this damn place. It's time to make with the free life!
* Merolen makes one last check that he has everything and opens the door, then closes it and heads to the city.
<DMCthulhu> 12You hear a loud, husky voice shout down the hall "OI! You have twenty minutes to get outa 'ere
before we start throwin' ya out!"
<Merolen> Save it for someone who cares.
* Merolen enters the city of Ana-Duril and takes out his map.
<Merolen> *I could use a drink right now*
<DMCthulhu> 12You exit, passing one of those burly mages. You exit the tower and and step out from the gates of
the Academy. Your free. The hustle and bustle of the city is a little overwhelming. You look at your map.
<DMCthulhu> 6Also worth note, the sky is getting darker. Seems it'll rain or snow soon.
<Merolen> *I better get inside, too. I need to find a tavern.*
<DMCthulhu> 6The date is, Sunday the Second, Zwerg. The Age is, The Age of Repetative Ages.
* Merolen examines the map for a tavern.
<DMCthulhu> 12On your map, you notice a key on the right. The key lists several fine..or..at least nice,
establishments. They are: The Galloping Weasel, The Stuffed Beast Inn, The Wooden Dabloon and fianlly, the
Lazy Hound.
<Merolen> *Hmm...The Galloping Weasel. I wonder what that is.*
<DMCthulhu> 12The Galloping Weasel is near the gates of the city.
* Merolen decides to check it out.
*** Ja`Deth has joined #Cthulhusplace
<Murdoc> << hello >>
<Ja`Deth> ((yo))
* Merolen heads over to the Galloping Weasel.
<DMCthulhu> 12Okay, you head right, following the map towards The Galloping Weasel. You walk, passing a few
shops, and something of interest. A Giant Chessboard. Nothing seems to be taking place at the 'Chessboard'
but the skies do grow darker. As you near the Chessboard, you hear to your left the shouts of merchants.
<Merolen> *How...odd...*
<DMCthulhu> 12These shouts come from a large Marketplace, that seems rather busy, despite the distrubing weather
<DMCthulhu> 12People pass you in the street. Varying races, varying sizes and weights. You continue on down the
main room, taking a right at the Chessboard and reach the gates.
<Merolen> *This city has always frightened me just a little.*
<DMCthulhu> 12The Galloping Weasel as a sign hanging from the inns front, of, a galloping weasel. Atop the
weasel is a rider. Perhaps a halfing? Regardless, you hear music and chatter from inside.
<DMCthulhu> <<Hiya Deth>>
* Merolen opens the front door and enters.
<Ja`Deth> ((yo))
<DMCthulhu> 6The interior of The Galloping Weasel is that of a typical bar. To your left, is the barcounter,
with a few patrons drinking groggily. Ahead, a staircase. To the right, tables with people talking, laughing
or playing cards. A small stage is elevated and a bard preforms for the people. Only a few seem to really
<DMCthulhu> 3A large bellied hairy man is currently in Bartender Default Position One. That means, he's
cleaning the bar with a rag.
* Merolen takes a seat in front of the barcounter and attempts to hear whatever he can from nearby people and
avoids getting in the way of the rag.
<DMCthulhu> 3"Murdoc": You've been sitting with Cedar all day. He's been explaining the city to you, for the
most part. Answering questions.
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar nods a little "And that, my young halfling girl, is why we have the Chessboard."
*** Murdoc is now known as Sassy
<Sassy> "Well that's... um... interesting."
* Sassy sips her drink
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar nods "Well, we go offer many types of entertainment for the nobles. That just happens to be
* Sassy stares blankly at Cedar for a few seconds.
<DMCthulhu> 3Merolen: You hear the halfling couple talk as well as two men next to you discuss the "life
threatening illness the king has.
<DMCthulhu> "
<Merolen> *Wow, get a look at those two! It's not often you get to see such strange people. I wonder if the
king will be okay, but it doesn't matter. He's such a figurehead.*
<Merolen> "Excuse me, Bartender. What do you serve here?"
<DMCthulhu> <<Merolen, mayhaps you'd like to tell me who you are talking to? Or is that just a mutter? Or a
mental note.>>
<Sassy> "I'll never understand how someone can be that rich and that bored at the same time."
<Merolen> <<** indicates mental note, I guess>>
* Sassy sips her drink again. She glances over at the bartender for a second, then returns her gaze to Cedar.
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender nods to Merolen and walks over 1"We serve Ale, Mead, Honey Mead, Sour Ale, Dwarven
Spirits, Red Wine, and Boggle. That's from cheapest to most expensive."
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar sighs 1"Well then? Any other questions?"
<Sassy> << What's Sassy drinking? >>
<Sassy> << nevermind, answered privately >>
<Merolen> "You know, I think I'll pass for now. That is, if you allow people who aren't drinking something in
your bar."
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender shrugs "Why? Whatcha want?"
<Merolen> "I'd like to find out what goes on around here."
<DMCthulhu> 3A man walks into the inn. He is breathing heavily. He makes a weak hand gesture to the bartender
and the tender nods in response. The man tacks a piece of of partchment on the door and then opens the door,
leaving. Under his arms he carries many more papers.
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender cocks a massive brow "Do you usually ask bartenders?"
* Sassy glances over at the parchment, reading what she can from her seat.
<DMCthulhu> 12Too far away.
<Merolen> "You know, I think I will have a red wine."
* Sassy shrugs, and turns back to Cedar, "I wonder what that was about. Care to give that poster a gander?"
* Merolen listens closely to the conversation between Sassy and Cedar, hoping not to look like he's listening
but find out what that was about.
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar shakes his head "Naw..for adventueres..I prefer my career in redistrubution of other peoples
goods. Take alook is ya want."
<DMCthulhu> !roll 1 20
<Dicebot> Roll for DMCthulhu: 1d20: *** 12
<DMCthulhu> 12Sassy: You seem to notice an Elven man listening in on you. It might be the honey mead, but he
seems to be lean towards your table a tad.
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender nods to Merolen and sets him up with a glass of red wine. "Thirteen gold."
<Sassy> "Adventurers? Hmm... hold my seat," she says to Cedar. She goes to have a closer look at the poster,
glancing at the elf in the corner of her eye on her way by.
<Merolen> "Thirteen gold? That's outrageous!"
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender sighs "I am not at liability for your actions. You negected to ask for a price,
prior to the purchase of the beverage, which I supplied. If you were care to take it up with managment,
please do so."
* Sassy looks up at the poster, trying to get a good view.
<DMCthulhu> 12Sassy: The poster reads as such: Adventurers Notice. Several new assignments have been added to
the roster. See below. Guild notice: Guild payment are due the 17th of Zwerg or memberships will be revoked.
<Merolen> "Oh...right. I won't make this mistake twice, though."
* Merolen reaches into his money pouch and pulls out 12 gold, then passes it over to the bartender.
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender cocks his massive brow as he counts the gold over. "You seem to be a nice lad.
Probably one of the graduates from the Academy. Nice place. Regardless. I would like my thirteen gold. This
is twelve."
<Merolen> "13 is such an unlucky number. Are you sure you want that?"
* Sassy sighs, and nods her head slowly. She turns back to face her companion, combs her fingers through her
hair once, then heads back. As she walks, she watches the elf.
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender sighs "I will answer that, with another question. Do you enjoy your handsome elven
features?" 3The tender grins, showing his teeth, which are rather white.
* Merolen reaches into his pouch and nervously grabs another gold, then hands it over to the bartender, not
wanting to create more trouble.
<Merolen> "Hehe, right."
* Sassy vaults up onto her seat next to Cedar again, and looks down into her glass.
<DMCthulhu> 3The bartender nods 1"Thank you for your patronage! Enjoy your drink."
<DMCthulhu> 3The tender goes back to Bartender Default Position One
* Merolen sips from his wine, trying to calm himself after being threatened.
<Merolen> "Uhh...sure."
<DMCthulhu> Cedar smiles at Sassy "Well? Interested in that?"
<Sassy> "I'm not sure. Do the guild's fees follow the standard schedule?"
* Merolen heads over to the table with Cedar and Sassy while looking over occasionally at his wine, making
sure no one takes it.
<DMCthulhu> 6For note, the following was on the poster: Patty McLear is paying fifty gold to get rid of the
rats in her basement. The town of Eroth requests heros for help with orcs. Unspecified ammount. The King is
willing to pay any sum to help cure what ails him.
<DMCthulhu> 6Of course, it doesn't sound so coloqial in the poster.
<Merolen> "Excuse me, would either of you happen to know of a good thing for someone who is looking for
something to do and has some time to spend?"
<Merolen> <<good thing to do*>>
* Sassy takes a sip of her mead, then looks up at the elf, "You must be one of those folk that use the chess
<Merolen> "Pardon?"
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar cocks a brow "What? No. You can partake in quests without joining the guild. But many people
who avdenture do. Including theives. You know Mortin? He's apart of the avdentures guild. He-" 3Cedar turns
towards Merolen
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar says "Excuse her sir. What was your question?"
<Merolen> "Oh, the chess board out there? I'm not quite familiar with around here. I'm from the Academy, so
I'm a little new to the town--"
<Sassy> "Oh," Sassy smirks, "might wanna hold onto your drink then."
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar sighs "Another rich brat taught to make fancy colours dance...over there, on the poster is
work for adventurers. Of you can go the House of Trade and sign up."
<DMCthulhu> <<Or*>>
<Merolen> "Fancy colors dance? I think you're a little confused about magic, but I'll be sure to check out
the poster and the house."
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar nods "I'm sure you will.." 3He mutters "Bastard.."
* Merolen returns to the counter, grabs his drink, and walks over to the poster, reading it.
* Merolen pulls out his map and decides to look for a "House of Trade.
<Merolen> "
<DMCthulhu> 12Merolen: Your glass is empty. Someone drank your wine.
* Sassy eyes Cedar, and a smirk curls on one lip.
*** Lyinar has quit IRC (Quit: CGI:IRC 0.4.3)
* Merolen decides not to try and find out who did it, not wanting to get into a brawl with these morons.
<Merolen> *It's not worth my time.*
<DMCthulhu> 6Merolen, you have the distince felling someone is laughing at your misfortune. Not in the room.
Maybe on another plane. Maybe a god? Either way, it's laughter.
<DMCthulhu> <<feeling*>>
<Sassy> << distinct feeling? >>
<DMCthulhu> <<Yes, thank you.>>
<DMCthulhu> <<I lack the typing ability today>>
* Sassy turns to Cedar, and asks quietly, "We have anything doing tonight?"
<DMCthulhu> <<Bugger all! Okay everyone. Please wait. I need to check something.>>
<Merolen> *Grr...I hate being the butt of jokes, but we'll see who's laughing when I become strong of power.*
* Merolen turns gets a good look at everyone again, mutters something about them being "not worth the flesh
they're made of" and heads out the door.
<Merolen> <<turns,*>>
<Sassy> << him say wait >>
<DMCthulhu> <<Back. Thanks for waiting.>>
<Merolen> <<I know, I was just throwing it out there.>>
<DMCthulhu> 3Before you can exit, theee gentleman walk in. An elven man, dresses as a wizard. He has a floppy
brimmed conical hat. Beside him, a halfling, dressed in leather armour. By each side a dagger. Next to him,
a dwarf. He carries an axe on his back. He is wearing chainmail armour. They seem to be laughing and joking.
* Sassy takes a quick swig from her mug
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar shrugs "Not much Sassy. I don't intend on anything and there's nothing to do.."
<Sassy> "What say we follow that stuck-up wizard and have a little fun, then?" she whispers
<DMCthulhu> 3Behind them, enters Dirmin.
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar shrugs "I suppose. I intended on heading down to Patty McLears to spend the evening but..eh,
he might have something worth while.
<Merolen> 3mutters,"I don't see what they have to be so happy about."
<Merolen> "Hey, Dirmin. What's going on?"
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin smiles and walks over to Merolen "Not much. Looking for some work. Seen this on the door?"
* Sassy takes another quick swig, trying to finish as much of her drink as she can without losing track of the
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin motions to the poster.
<Merolen> "Yeah. Sounds like something to do in this boring hell hole, eh?"
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin chuckles "Yea. The Adventurer's Guild throws the freelance people some work sometimes."
<Sassy> << GM, is Merolen out the door or still in the doorway? >>
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin grins 'I intend on joining some day!"
<DMCthulhu> <<A little infront of the door.>>
<Merolen> "What say you we take up one of their little challenges and show them what it's all about?"
<Sassy> << http://lanys.evercrest.com/user-images/380/Sassy.jpg for reference >>
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin nods "Sure, just lemme talk to a friend of mine."
<Merolen> "Sure thing."
<DMCthulhu> 12Sassy, you see a young human, dressed in wizard robes walk over towards your table after having
talked with the elf.
* Merolen stands by the door but out of the way.
<DMCthulhu> Cedar turns around to see the man and nods to him "Heya Dirmin."
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar turns around to see the man and nods to him "Heya Dirmin."
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin nods to Cedar in greeting "Hello. I suppose your looking for payment right? And who's your
new girlfriend?" 3he says chuckling as he nods to Sassy.
* Sassy glances at Cedar, then at the newcomer, then back at Cedar, "So, you gonna introduce me?"
* Merolen looks bored already, noticing that the bard really stinks.
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar nods to Sassy and the to Dirmin "Dirmin, Sassy, Sassy, Dirmin. Dirmin is a customer of mine."
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin motions for Merolen to come over to the table.
<Sassy> "Charmed," Sassy nods, holding her hand out, palm down.
* Merolen walks over, gladly accepting it over listening to the tone deaf bard.
<Sassy> << I type too slow >>
<Merolen> <<gladly accepting moving, that is>>
<Sassy> << and my time grows short. need to wrap this up soon >>
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin nods to Merolen "Hey. This guy here is one of the reasons I was able to handle that damned
Academy. Merolen, meet Cedar. He's the finest damned smuggler you'll ever meet!"
* Sassy lets her hand drop, "Answers that."
<Merolen> "Umm..hi. I suppose if you're a friend of Dirmin, you can't be too bad. Sorry we got off to a bad
<Merolen> To Dirmin, quietly:"Your friend here is a real jerk."
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar nods to Merolen "Yea, sorry. I do that sometimes. No hard feelings."
* Sassy elbows Cedar
<DMCthulhu> Cedar winces "OW! Oh..yea..uh..Merolen..this is Sassy. Sassy, Merolen. Dirmin, Sassy, Sassy,
<DMCthulhu> 3Cedar winces "OW! Oh..yea..uh..Merolen..this is Sassy. Sassy, Merolen. Dirmin, Sassy, Sassy,
<Sassy> "Small world, isn't it? Pleased to meet you."
<Merolen> "Hello Sassy." 3Mumbling, in goblin,"I see your name fits."
<Sassy> "What was that now?"
<DMCthulhu> 3Dirmin smiles and nods "Pleased ta meetcha."
<Merolen> "Oh, nothing."
<Sassy> "A pleasure, again."
* Sassy smiles at Dirmin
<Sassy> << can we call it a night? i have to get up in 6.3 hours >>
<DMCthulhu> <<Sure.>>
<Merolen> <<Okay.>>

Comments? Anyone? Dying to know your opinions.


Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-29-2002 12:00:39 AM
Good God. You posted the entire log. I thought you were going to upload it to something and have it available to DL

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 07-29-2002 12:01:23 AM
G.S. Waisztarroz
posted 07-29-2002 12:05:04 AM
I feel like maybe I should be ashamed of my RPing and afraid of having people read it.
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 07-29-2002 12:05:11 AM
I said it before and I'll say it again, the thought of Murdoc roleplaying a young halfling girl named 'Sassy' is somehow very disturbing.
posted 07-29-2002 12:05:35 AM
Sorry, my eyes crossed and blurred after about the fifth line.
posted 07-29-2002 12:06:43 AM
Eh. It's there if ya wanna read. I don't want to hear how many words make da braen hert.


posted 07-29-2002 12:32:51 AM
I hate you with every inch of your body. Now go make me a sandwich - or I won't tell you about the government coverup of the Ducky Incident.

Chop chop, manmeat.

posted 07-29-2002 12:46:34 AM
What crawled in your ass and died?


posted 07-29-2002 01:07:25 AM
Cthulhu's fortune cookie read:
What crawled in your ass and died?


I'm not quite sure, but it wasn't too pleasant. Nasty bugger was shouting for weeks that it smelt like cabbage.

Do you know how hard it is to get to sleep with something in your ass screaming about rotten cabbage?

posted 07-29-2002 01:27:27 AM
I can guess.


Sassy :D
posted 07-29-2002 08:12:02 AM
Khyron had this to say about Knight Rider:
I said it before and I'll say it again, the thought of Murdoc roleplaying a young halfling girl named 'Sassy' is somehow very disturbing.
Why thank you.
roleplay character ^_^
Vise the Stompy
Title now 100% ass free!
posted 07-30-2002 12:01:04 AM
My word that was a long read, very interesting session though, I am sad I missed it. But now I am back early*Yay!!!* So now I can join in whenever you plan the next one.
Cold in an Alley
posted 07-30-2002 12:05:15 AM
[23:45] {DMCthulhu} OKAY! No need to talk in OOC anymore
[23:45] {DMCthulhu} Good night of gaming, folks.
[23:45] {Merolen} Night everyone
[23:45] {Merolen} It was fun.
[23:45] {DMCthulhu} Enjoyed DMing. Been a while. Thanks for baring with me.
[23:45] {Merolen} Hopefully we can everyone together next time
[23:46] {DMCthulhu} And what of Mr. Deth and Ms. Rosaline. What did you think?
[23:46] {Sassy} That was fun. Look forward to... Wednesday you said?
[23:46] {DMCthulhu} Ya, hopefully
[23:46] {DMCthulhu} Yea. I'll post it.
This followed the above log.
Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

Vise the Stompy
Title now 100% ass free!
posted 07-30-2002 12:12:26 AM
He probably picked that day cause I said I would be back then.
All times are US/Eastern
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