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Topic: Advice needed
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 07-06-2002 04:40:00 PM
I'm here at CompUSA. I'm seriously considering quitting EQ, and giving DAoC a try.

what I need to know is not who plays... but who is ACTIVE.

Who plays REGULARLY...

How many EC'ers could I expect to play with? That sort of thing. I don't wanna play a game without my friends, so your input on this is greatly appreciated.

Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 07-06-2002 04:43:52 PM
I play on Guinvere Hib. Lash plays rarely...I tend to play a bit though.
Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
Aoshi Shinomori
posted 07-06-2002 04:53:44 PM
Guin Alb, I play
Kaiten Kenbu...

Time...chose the one who should live...
posted 07-06-2002 06:06:53 PM
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 07-06-2002 06:11:11 PM
You're right. I bought Warcraft 3 instead
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