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Topic: My new desktop.,..IMG not URL!
Aaron (the good one)
posted 05-09-2002 04:00:49 PM
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Vidi, vici, veni.
Nae's Stooge
posted 05-09-2002 04:13:52 PM
Veni, vidi, vici
Death of Rats
posted 05-09-2002 04:25:07 PM
The Truth About Parcelan

Parc-Hello, my name is Parcelan, and im an alcaholic prairie dog

A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 05-09-2002 04:26:30 PM
I think it's more of:

Parcelan Searches For Inspiration.

But that's a squirrel so it doesn't work too well.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Death of Rats
posted 05-09-2002 04:33:15 PM
crud, it somehow didnt post my entire post, it was a whole AAA skit
A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
posted 05-09-2002 04:39:56 PM
Triple A?

Anyway.. why is it everytime someone posts a picture of a squirrel (most of them with very humanlike traits), people start making Parcelan jokes?

That's it.

Everytime someone mentions a dragon, I expect Palador jokes.

Everytime someone mentions a ninja, I expect Pocky and RIG jokes.

Everytime someone mentions Ducks, I expect jokes about Maradon and Mr. Duck.

Everytime someone mentions impotency, I expect jokes about Fazumzen and DBZ.

Everytime someone mentions Grammar, I expect jokes about Mog and Kagrama.

I could go on for awhile here. Parce ain't a Squirrel.

However, we need someone to volunteer to become a squirrel. Like Secret Squirrel, you must work long hours defending wherever the hell you're supposed to live. Bloodsage will become a large Water Bison and give you orders. I shall also turn Karnaj into a Mole to be your sidekick.

Mr. Duck
Likes to ____!
posted 05-09-2002 04:48:25 PM
posted 05-09-2002 04:50:30 PM
Bajah had this to say about Knight Rider:
Everytime someone mentions a ninja, I expect Pocky and RIG jokes.

*sneaks up behind Bajah and ganks his Pocky, then FLIPS THE FUCK OUT AND KILLS HIM*

Ok, I'm done here.... *munch,munch*

Beep. Beep. Beep... Ohh... I think my porridge is done.
My fellow Americans, as you know, my foreign policy can be summed up in five words: "Iludium-236 Explosive Space Modulator."
When it comes down to it, searching the web without Google is like straining sewage with your teeth.
Kaglaaz How'ler
posted 05-09-2002 06:45:24 PM
Damned smart squirrel if you ask me.

Guinness rocks!

Nith D'vaz
posted 05-09-2002 07:13:34 PM

[ 05-09-2002: Message edited by: Nith D'vaz ]

Wherever I go,
everyone is a little bit safer because I am there.
Wherever I am,
anyone in need has a friend.
Whenever I return home,
everyone is happy I am there.

-Robert L. Humphrey (warrior creed)
Heart Attack
posted 05-09-2002 07:21:21 PM
Okay, Bajah.

Where do I start?

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

Road Warrior Queef
posted 05-09-2002 07:35:11 PM
I can do sidekick.
That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


posted 05-09-2002 09:18:23 PM
Excellent. Wrong kind of mole, though, Karnaj.

We still need our squirrel volunteer, though :/

Arttemis the Rogue
Amethyst's sex toy
posted 05-09-2002 09:22:09 PM
Agent Triple Zero, Secret Squirrel reporting for duty, sir.
Poing! Poing!
posted 05-09-2002 09:22:16 PM
[Edit: NM, Art Makes a much better squirrel ]

[ 05-09-2002: Message edited by: Ferret ]

posted 05-09-2002 09:25:07 PM
Excellent. Secret Squirrel has nice taste in hats, too, by the way.

Okey, how it works is that Bloodsage will come up with really stupid missions for you to do. And then you drag off Karnaj to assist in these missions! Usually, you'll fight against really strange bad guys... I'll leave those up to Bloodsage.

On occasion, you should visit Mortious the Brit guy to get super secret technology for your missions!

posted 05-09-2002 09:27:25 PM
Bajah thought about the meaning of life:
Everytime someone mentions Ducks, I expect jokes about Maradon and Mr. Duck.

You mean you don't hear jokes about me and Mr. Duck?

Heart Attack
posted 05-09-2002 09:51:16 PM

First mission: retrieve the missing Poing!.

Situation Update: The Poing! was last seen in the evil clutches of the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man as he trampled New York in 1984. Although it hasn't been seen since, rumors hint that an infestation of bad wordplay may be at the heart of the matter. So get thee to a punnery, where you will encounter the dreaded ER Delphi Soap Star . . . .

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

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