From: Jon
Subject: speech 00
Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. Thanks
Thank yuo for teh chance for me to spew my wisdome on yuo, but I CANNOT OPEN EMALE ATACHMENTS WITH OUTLOOK EXPRESSED!!! I dont know how and teh last tiem I opened up an emale from OUTLOOK EXPRESSED it was a danceing girl and I laughed but when I tryed to shuts it down it opened again and then a window oppened and it said "GAMBLE ONLIEN" and I cant gambal becuase last tiem I gamballed I lose 190 RUPIES!!!!
so thank yuo for sendineg me a fiel for me to look at but Im sorrey I cant figare out how too open it becuase my computar si a PACKARD BELL and PACKARD BELL isant excatly a symbol of QUALETY!!! ONE DAY I WILL MAKE MY OWN COMPUTAR ONCE I FIND ENOUGH WIRES AND BATERIES!!! ENGUGH!!!
Damn you.