I was in everfrost when I saw a barbarian shaman named "Wargraymon".
Second of all, he'll probably get his named changed. He should have cut off the mon like I did for my Dark Elf, Malomyotis.
Third of all, I should start a Dark Elf (Enter some class here) on a PvP server, name him Oikawa, and threaten to scan people's bar codes.
[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Mayor of Townsville ]
One thing that gets me: seeing ten thousand variations of DBZ names. Everywhere. At every time. I can only see so many "Supersaiyanvegeta"s before snapping.
Few nights ago I saw a human wizard named "Raiisstlin". I wanted to jump down his throat. ARRG... people too stupid to do anything but take names from books and TV. Just hit the keyboard a couple times. You'll come up with a suitable fantasy name in no time