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Topic: "Beware the Penis Nippers"
posted 07-11-2001 08:38:00 AM
From the Morbid Fact du Jour:
Two Papua New Guinea fishermen have bled to death after having their penises bitten off by pirahna-like river fish. The fish, which zero in on urine streams in the water, have struck terror among villagers along the Sepik River, in north-western PNG.

Authorities believe the killer fish is an introduced member of the South American pacu family and a relative of the piranha. In both of last month's fatalities, the fish demonstrated a trait of the piranha by following a trail of urine in the water, swimming to its source and then biting it off with razor-sharp teeth. Some believe the killer may be a food-source fish introduced from Brazil in 1994 by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation and the PNG National Fisheries Authority. However, marine biologist and aquaculturist Ian Middleton said he believed they were a different species, introduced from across the PNG-Indonesia border. He believed the fish had started biting humans because of a lack of naturally occurring food. "The reason for biting people on their genitals is a result of the fish detecting a chemical change in the water, swimming up the urine trail and biting the genitals." This behavior was well documented in the Amazon, he said. The director of the PNG Office of Environment and Conservation, Dr Wari Iamo, yesterday expressed "grave concern and dissatisfaction" at the way some government agencies and donor organisations had gone about importing exotic plant and animal


walks away, laughing

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Bajah ]

I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 07-11-2001 08:39:00 AM
Uhh... yeah... ok...
I have no idea what to think there...
Resident Psychopath
posted 07-11-2001 08:40:00 AM
never go to the amazon
"Some have said theres no subtley to destruction. You know what? They're dead.
-Wandering mage

From the Inferno MTG card

posted 07-11-2001 08:45:00 AM
I really don't think I'd be too quick to whip it out in some swampy river anyway.
Road Warrior Queef
posted 07-11-2001 08:51:00 AM
Originally posted by Maradon?:
I really don't think I'd be too quick to whip it out in some swampy river anyway.

I second that motion. I much prefer to pee on more civilized things, like the side of the buildings, or in someone's food.

That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 07-11-2001 08:55:00 AM
I piss in the toliet....
posted 07-11-2001 09:01:00 AM
Palador ChibiDragon
posted 07-11-2001 09:25:00 AM
Sounds to me like this would make for a good place to hold the next Survivor season.

Anyway, maybe the fish are just tired of people taking a leak into their homes?

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 07-11-2001 09:28:00 AM
"If you were a guy, that just lost his pecker, would you wanna live?" -Joefish, JoeCartoon
Hires people with hooks
posted 07-11-2001 10:18:00 AM
What? It's now not safe to relieve yourself while swimming in a jungle river?

Damn, there goes my next vacation.

"When mankind finally discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people are going to be upset that it isn't them."
"If you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish he'll just go out and buy an ugly hat. But if you talk to a starving man about fish, then you've become a consultant."--Dogbert
Arvek, 41 Bounty Hunter
Vrook Lamar server
Steven Steve
posted 07-11-2001 10:54:00 AM
God look around you. What is the place probably least inhabited? The ground, darr.
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 07-11-2001 11:07:00 AM
couldnt you just stand out of the water, pee in it and drivem the fish crazy?
Palador ChibiDragon
posted 07-11-2001 10:46:00 PM
Not to be TOTALLY gross, but I wonder if you could mix some gelatin and urine together, to make fishing bait to catch these things?

Knox-blokx for flesh eating fish....

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
Steven Steve
posted 07-11-2001 11:47:00 PM
That would be awesome!!
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Vampiric pixie that might eat your face, if you're lucky
posted 07-12-2001 02:22:00 AM
there's some bacteria, I think, that gets in the human body by travelling up urine streams and in through the private bits. Still, not as bad as this. And I'm imagining what this'd be like for a female...

*cringes at the thought*

Shhh. Everyone will hear us. Everyone will know.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-12-2001 02:36:00 AM
That was the gopher that said that, Ruyven.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

hu�mor 1. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
posted 07-12-2001 02:55:00 AM
You think that's bad...

I suggest if you're going to "relieve" yourself in the jungles of Guam, you ask the jungle spirits, known as the Taotaomona, for permission first.

If you don't, you may find yourself unable to relieve yourself next time...

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