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Topic: Just an idea
Wise enough not to pee on the electric fence?
posted 06-12-2001 10:08:00 PM
i wanna see what everyone would be like if they got their ancient RP groove on so now when you reply tlak like " Doust thy know WHAT THY F*** is attempting?!?!?"
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 06-12-2001 10:24:00 PM
Might I be forced to shove my boot so far up thine ass it will not.. something. Damnit I suck at old English.

Go away, you didn't see this post.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
an unflattering title
posted 06-12-2001 10:37:00 PM
Thine art a candy arse!
Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 06-12-2001 10:38:00 PM
go thither and get your arse severely whooped.
Kekvit Irae
posted 06-12-2001 10:40:00 PM
[southpark]Dost thou knowst what thou art? Thou art a female dog! And dost thou knowest what else? I bet thou wouldst like to suckth it.[/soutpark]
Wise enough not to pee on the electric fence?
posted 06-12-2001 10:44:00 PM
Daniel Gow
The Official "Whasap" Bear
posted 06-13-2001 10:01:00 AM
Up thine!
Nub nub nu...THWACK!
posted 06-13-2001 10:08:00 AM
Thou impertinent knotty-pated hedge-pig!

Verily, I would like a curse! http://www.tower.org/insult/insult.html

Nub, nub me do.
Nub... nub... nub!
Nub is all doo need!
Cantor Trinkett
posted 06-13-2001 10:21:00 AM
Thy old English is better than that of which mine is. My old english is only adding extra words (such as of which and such as) to lengthen a sentence beyond the point of which it is necassary. I am not even seaking english in my overly lengthened sentences which have too many words and should be shortened. The only word in the entire post of which I am typing that is old english is thy, and my sentences are basically repeating the meaning of the others by saying that they are lengthier than they have to be because I am putting more words than are necassary. Geez, this post has four sentences which have been enlarged to become the gigantic post you see here, though it is not really more than some people might type in a storyline if they really have gotten thier minds into it and indulged themselves in the story. I'm gonna quit now.
"In general, the act of government is taking money from one class of people and giving it to another."
Cantor Trinkett
posted 06-13-2001 10:27:00 AM
Conversation I had while RPing:

Me: Hullo. Can you tell me where the nearest city is?

Lady: The nearest city is not far, but your soul searching quest is just beginning.

Me: what do you mean?

Lady: Your fate has been sealed. You will cross the bridge to the east, and go to the farthestcity in the opposite direction of the nearest one.

Me: Why?

Lady: Your fate has been sealed. Your destiny awaits you in Halajos.

Me: so the nearest city is to the west?

Lady: yes, but you must head east! Make haste, young one.

Me: I'm already on a quest to the city to the west of here FROM Halajos.

Lady: But there is danger in halajos. You must save it!

*Cantor cuts the lady's head off*

Me: Women! All they do is nag, nag, nag!

"In general, the act of government is taking money from one class of people and giving it to another."
Wise enough not to pee on the electric fence?
posted 06-13-2001 10:30:00 AM
WTF??? that was an RPer on crack or was it an NPC?
posted 06-13-2001 10:43:00 AM
Thine arse Is Fate to Meet Mine Boot today.?

Prepare Thineself for a smoteing thouest never forgest?

Does thou Feel Lucky today Punk?

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