I received an offer from this company, but turned it down in favor of a more challenging position with another company. More responsibility, more authority, more autonomy, and more money. It's going to be a tough job, but with valuable returns. Electrical power generation industry.
Thing is, my start date isn't til late January. I'll be unemployed for the next three weeks, since I didn't accept the aforementioned direct position with the medical company.
Now that I've turned in all my things for the old job, it's really starting to hit me that HOLY CRAP I walked away from a good job offer with easy work for amother offer that starts at tough and gets harder.
I'm not showing it outwardly, but I'm a pile of exposed nerves right now.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
I've spent years at jobs that were easy and ultimately unfulfilling because they were boring. I've migrated up to a position that for the last 9 months I've been wondering how the fuck I'm going to do what they've hired me to do and being slightly paranoid about them finding out I'm a fraud and firing my ass.
Got my performance review today, I'm the only one in my group that's "Exceeds Expectations" across the board. And my boss is putting me on the list for a raise despite not being here a full year yet.
The challenge is worth it. You'll learn and grow or you'll find out what your limits are. Either way, it's good stuff to know.
Now have fun, go out and relax!
My first day is Monday, where I get to spend the whole week doing Web based training. The following week will be spent in Tampa for indoc, followed by several months of training in Houston, followed by a few more months of job shadowing. It's a remote travel job, so I'll be going EVERYWHERE and I can't freaking wait. May even get the opportunity for international jobs once I'm spooled up.
And Blindy, I'm going to keep that sage piece of advice written in my notebook that I always carry with me. I know I'm not the only one who can benefit from that wisdom. Thanks.
Still nervous though.