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Topic: SWG EMU Bloodfin
Kaglaaz How'ler
posted 06-17-2015 10:51:19 PM
I've been playing this for the past couple of months. Very close to what we love and remember along with some new extras. Hoth and Dromund Kaas are two extra planets. JTL is being worked on but in the initial launch will just be a way to travel to some space bound dungeons with a full JTL being worked on.

This is PRE CU with some NGE additions (houses mostly)

You'll find the server friendly and fun.


Set up an account on thier forums and then download thier launcher and point it at your SWG install (You need your basic disks) and then verify your IP address matches your account (there was some hacking issues)

You'll typically find me on thier Vent server most evenings.

All times are US/Eastern
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