Blizz went ahead and re-did the 'scroll of resurrection' thing for re-introducing people to the game. If you invite a friend back, you get a spectral mount. I wouldn't mind another mount and the perks seem decent enough for people who want back in.
I play on Mal'Ganis, in the (infamous) Goon Squad guild there; tons and tons of raiding opportunities, and I'd be happy to sponsor someone to join if they're interested.
Also the boost to cataclysm apparently also gives you TBC and WOTLK if you didn't have those so three free expansions I think. Khyron fucked around with this message on 03-08-2012 at 11:20 AM.
But I kicked the habit.
He's now kicking himself.
Khyron had this to say about pies:
Oh hey look at that why do I have two accounts here
Lots of people have two accounts, here.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Sangwyyn was all like:
Lots of people have two accounts, here.
Mortious thought about the meaning of life:
No thanks.
So how's SWTOR going these days?
Random Insanity Generator said:
So how's SWTOR going these days?
I love it!
Tons more content coming in April.
Everyone wondered WTF when Vin~ wrote:
I just see too much of wow in swtor, the same needlessly en-lengthened grinds. I'm running around from game to game currently until GW2 comes out.
Yeah, that's correct.
And GW2 will be pretty much the same.
Mortious was naked while typing this:
I love it!Tons more content coming in April.
Augh. Did they push it back to April? T'was supposed to be in March.
Sangwyyn said:
Augh. Did they push it back to April? T'was supposed to be in March.
Yes, yes they did.
I'd rather they push out a finished product than rush it though.
Vin~ stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
I just see too much of wow in swtor, the same needlessly en-lengthened grinds. I'm running around from game to game currently until GW2 comes out.
Right now I'm checking out TERA through its beta events.
I'll say this: I find it a lot more fun than SWTOR. I don't know if it'll have much longevity at the level cap, but the process of leveling is pretty damn fun.
Plays nothing like any other MMO I've played before. Comparing it to other console games, it strongly reminds me of Monster Hunter at times. Willias fucked around with this message on 03-10-2012 at 08:05 PM.