It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
The whole process is faster than it takes to write about it.
Verily, the chocolate bunny rabbits doth run and play while Nina gently hums:
Google image search for whatever you want a wallpaper of, set size to Large or Larger than (big amount of pixels), save pix, open in photoshop and resize, crop + resave.The whole process is faster than it takes to write about it.
Only works if you know what you're looking for in advance, though. Try googling "cool shit," and you better hope your filters are set!
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Random Insanity Generator had this to say about (_|_):
Filtering Shit... isn't that what the waste treatment plants are for?
A shame there wasn't one operating in your mother's uterus.
I've quit trying to understand her....
Random Insanity Generator had this to say about dark elf butts:
Yeah. Explains why I have a sister who broke off her second wedding because she decided to come out of the closet, and now years after that she is married to a black guy.I've quit trying to understand her....
She's a slut and like big black dicks and pussy?
There was much rejoicing when Random Insanity Generator said this:
See, that's what I don't want to know. It's like having a friend walk up and tell you that your younger sister is hot. NO. I don't want or need to know this shit.
Quit being a big gay babby. Who cares as long as you're not attracted to her.
Skaw had this to say about Duck Tales:
Quit being a big gay babby. Who cares as long as you're not attracted to her.
Haha you lose RIG
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, forums