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Topic: So I just bought the parts for a new comp
Falaanla Marr
posted 11-30-2007 04:47:43 AM
Pretty much, my laptop wasn't holding up like I would have wanted it to. It was bought with intentions of going overseas for a year, not for just sitting at my desk like I always have. So after some debating and getting parts, I've come up with:

Core 2 Quad Q6600
Corsair 530W PS
2GB Corsair DDR2-800 RAM
EVGA 8800GT (superclocked version)
Seagate 7200x11 500GB HD
Rosewill Case
Gigabyte Motherboard

Also grabbed a new copy of Windows XP Pro (OEM) since my copies are at home, a new Router and a wireless card for the PC. Total, with the OS/Netowrking junk was 1330 before rebates. A friend and I have been talking about this build for a month or so, and I showed it to multiple people before buying. It should be pretty damn cool.

I just hope I can still put a computer together from scratch, I haven't done it for 5 years.

Falaanla Marr fucked around with this message on 11-30-2007 at 05:08 AM.

Delphi Aegis
Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
posted 11-30-2007 05:09:52 AM
Many a friend of mine has run afoul of building their own computer by accidentally discharging static on a random part.

Don't do that.

Enjoy your new computer, it looks nice.

Shot in the Face
posted 11-30-2007 06:03:15 AM
Spray the carpet with fabric softener... and touch a cat before you do anything.. static isn't an issue.
Henry had been killed by a garden gnome.He had fallen off the roof onto that cheerful-looking figure. The gnome was made of concrete. Henry wasn't. - Dean Koontz, Velocity
In a Fire
posted 11-30-2007 09:23:24 PM
A sink or any pice of plumbing works for grounding yourself out. But really it shouldn't be an issue as long as your arn't silly about it.
posted 11-30-2007 11:22:22 PM
You bastard, that is almost exactly like my build. Oh well, atleast now I can kick you ass in whatever game we decide to play.
pain is temporary but pride is forever
Mr. Gainsborough
posted 11-30-2007 11:25:08 PM
The logic train ran off the tracks when Sabratiz said:
You bastard, that is almost exactly like my build. Oh well, atleast now I can kick you ass in whatever game we decide to play.

except for this apparently

Mr. Gainsborough fucked around with this message on 11-30-2007 at 11:25 PM.

Sports Advocate
posted 12-04-2007 03:29:41 PM
I think it's more like this

"He lets the last Hungarian go, and he goes running. He waits until his wife and kids are in the ground and he goes after the rest of the mob. He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they grew up in and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money. And like that he was gone. Underground. No one has ever seen him again. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. 'If you rat on your pop, Keyser Soze will get you.' And nobody really ever believes." - Roger 'Verbal' Kint, The Usual Suspects
Mr. Parcelan
posted 12-04-2007 11:27:48 PM
I would fuck Mavis Beacon.

I would slither into her office, stealthily, not unlike the chameleon crossed with the asp. My camouflage is superb, my fangs are ready, dripping with semen as I saunter into her office dressed as an officer. I'd see her at her work station, hammering out her latest script for instructing autistic children at the art of typing. The scent of her purity is overwhelmed by the aroma that comes from between her thighs at the sight of me.

At the sight of my badge, she stiffens. She knows this situation before, she remembers the feel of steel about her wrists, unyielding, not unlike an abusive lover she could not shake.

"Ms. Beacon," I'd utter.

"M-Mavis," she'd reply, breathlessly. "I mean...if you want, officer."

"Ms. Beacon," I have seen her name and chosen to refute it. The power is within my grasp now. I lean over her desk, tilt her chin up with my hefty black nightstick. "You are under arrest."

"What..." she gasps, "what are the charges?"

"Typing...without a bra on."

Her dark skin goes red. How could anyone have known?! She was so careful before, but there just wasn't any time before work. No one, she thought, would notice those perky nipples pressing against her powersuit like the upraised keys of a QWERTY-style board, so eager to be depressed, only to rise again as someone types out a college essay on her heaving breasts and then

Alright, I can't go on.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 12-05-2007 08:57:01 AM
delicious copypasta
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 12-05-2007 09:28:38 AM
Manufacturer-overclocked cards are a waste of money.

Just get a normal card and a third party application (or nTune unless it's still a pile of shite) and overclock it yourself. It's just the same damn card with an overclocked BIOS.

Falaanla Marr
posted 12-05-2007 12:58:52 PM
Mortious thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Manufacturer-overclocked cards are a waste of money.

Just get a normal card and a third party application (or nTune unless it's still a pile of shite) and overclock it yourself. It's just the same damn card with an overclocked BIOS.

yeah, it was like 20 bucks more. Thing is, it was one of very few 8800 GTs I could find in stock. Not to mention, I'd rather have it clocked from the factory in case something goes wrong with it. then it can't be turned around on me due to my overclocking it.

Even then, it was like a 20 dollar difference, but I got to get it now instead of later. And heck, now that I look at it, the plain 8800 GT cards of other brands are just as, if not more expensive, than this one. And they're regular clocked. I'd rather go with eVGA anyways, heard good things about the company.

And before you say "You should have checked another site first", I was ordering a chunk of stuff from here. Going to a different site to save a few bucks would have been neutralized by paying more for shipping.

Falaanla Marr fucked around with this message on 12-05-2007 at 01:01 PM.

Gluttonous Overlard
posted 12-05-2007 01:42:15 PM
Oh, $20 more is fine then.

I just remember back to the old cards that were like $100 more.

Falaanla Marr
posted 12-05-2007 01:48:54 PM
Mortious impressed everyone with:
Oh, $20 more is fine then.

I just remember back to the old cards that were like $100 more.

Yeah, I would not have paid 100 bucks for that shit. It's why I didn't get a GTX or anything. Sure, it performs a bit better...for like double the price.

Thanks, I'll drop 289 on a card that does really damn well and can hang in there with the big dogs.

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