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Topic: Fishing Guides
posted 06-20-2007 04:53:18 PM
Does anyone know of any? I'm in the mood to raise my fishing skill and I want to do it as fast as possible. My noob friends who suck at leveling want me to wait up for them so I need something to kill time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 06-20-2007 05:03:18 PM
google wow fishing guide

there's too many to list and they're all pretty much the same


Gluttonous Overlard
posted 06-20-2007 05:08:14 PM
posted 06-20-2007 05:36:17 PM
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 06-20-2007 05:36:46 PM
C'mon, fear the fangs... plz
posted 06-20-2007 05:40:21 PM
My only suggestion is, if you don't care about what you are fishing up, I.E. you arn't raising up cooking by raising fishing, then just put yourself right next to the fishing trainer in Stormwind with the fishing book in your inventory and fish there until you have to do the quest, skill points are based solely on number of fish caught, not the difficulty of the region they are caught in.
Silently, the unnamed Senshi drew a small jewel-hilted athame from some form of pocket-space, and lightly ran it across the back of her left hand. Good, she wasn't one of those fools that slashed their palm open whenever one of the various reasons to use blood arose. I did the same with my own vorpal-bladed athame. It was a much plainer affair than my counterpart's, but I bet hers couldn't call up a higher-level demon just by carving a smiley face in the ground.
-Ranma in Can it get any worse by Dark Phoenix
posted 06-20-2007 05:49:10 PM
Malkav had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
My only suggestion is, if you don't care about what you are fishing up, I.E. you arn't raising up cooking by raising fishing, then just put yourself right next to the fishing trainer in Stormwind with the fishing book in your inventory and fish there until you have to do the quest, skill points are based solely on number of fish caught, not the difficulty of the region they are caught in.

Exactly, just fish in your town, lowbie area. If you're horde go fish deviate fish, sells for a lot still on my server. Alliance...well I dunno what you can do, diaf I guess.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 06-20-2007 08:34:10 PM
Ctrl-Alt-Del's account was hax0red to write:
Alliance...well I dunno what you can do, diaf I guess.

oho clever

Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 06-21-2007 12:02:50 PM
The main forums for wow have multiple guides for every profession from 1-375.
(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
posted 06-21-2007 01:34:51 PM
Thank you all for attending to my laziness. You have helped greatly.
posted 06-21-2007 05:34:24 PM
posted 06-21-2007 06:44:40 PM
Screw the fishing guides and all that crap about fishing in your home city. Get your fishing high enough to fish in the Barrens and camp yourself in the oasis just south of Wailing Caverns. Doesn't matter which faction you're from, Deviate Fish drop about 15% of the time there and the Savory Deviate Delights they make sell for about 3g per stack of five at the lowest.
Love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides and life and death alike follow in its wake. -Phèdre nó Delaunay, Kushiel's Chosen

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

posted 06-21-2007 07:23:27 PM
Anybody read the title of this thread as "Fisting Guides"?
"Jesus saves, Buddha enlightens, Cthulhu thinks you'll make a nice sandwich."
Mr. Parcelan
posted 06-21-2007 11:56:05 PM
posted 06-22-2007 01:19:02 AM
Well then. Carry on.
"Jesus saves, Buddha enlightens, Cthulhu thinks you'll make a nice sandwich."
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