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Topic: I'm in tears from laughter
Road Warrior Queef
posted 04-12-2007 01:45:55 PM
I'm sure you're all at least cursorily aware of the whole "Vote for Sanjaya" thing on Idol. Now, I don't watch the show and I don't vote, but I find it somewhat interesting to see if he's made it through another week. Well he has, and that's all fine and good.

I was poking around on votefortheworst.com, and I found the article about Sanjaya staying for another week. The article is stupid, but the comments are fucking priceless, especially from some guy named "sanjayasucksdick:"

fucking idiots. simon cowell owns that show, you really think hes gonna let some fucking jackass like sanjaya win, and have his show be ruined. youre wasting youre fucking time.sanjaya will never win cause simon will NOT allow it. just watch and see. that fuck-face will make it to the last 2 and thats it.good enough for you fucking low lives that enjoy ruining peoples entertainment though right? fuck-off. like the name says,sanjaya sucks dick.

OK, that's kinda funny. The guy's pissed or whatever, but when goaded, he re-registers(I assume it's the same person, it might not be) as "fucksanjaya", and it starts getting really funny.

your a fuckin jackass and so is anyone who votes for him cuz hes gonna leave him in til the end for entertainment. so anyone who thinks if you vote for him is gonna win are a bunch of fuckin stupid asses. your mothers are whores and fuck anyone who votes for him. if i ever see that skinny faggot in the street i will break his fuckin jaw and have my friends rape his sister

Ah, the wonderful anonymity of the internet. It lets us say such amazing things! A few posts later, we get this from "fucksanjaya":

god your fuckin stupid where you raised by animals? i mean im sure your mom was a cunt but for you to belive that youve kept him around is retarded do you have any kids? if you do then id have my friends molest thier little asses til they bled

Then he's quiet for a couple pages, but comes back on page 3 with a bang!

your man sangaya? you fuckin fag. did your dad touch you in the wrong spot as a child. i bet you got so many dicks in your face you cant even tell what sangaya looks like.

That's about it for fucksanjaya, but I'm only about 11 pages into the comments. I did find this, from "Aeva58":

Fuck all you Sanjaya fans or just the retards voting for him cuz you think its funny. You love Sanjaya so much why don't you go fucking tap his mom's asshole. Fuck all you aids infested grandmas. Get off the computer and take ur lard asses for a walk or something instead of sitting on the motherfucking phone. I hope you all commit suicide, grandmas. =)

The =) does it for me. But enough quotations, you should check out the comments for yourselves. I'm only on page 13 or so, and it seems like it's going to go on forever. Enjoy.

That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Hostile Makeover
Evil as chocolate covered thistles
posted 04-12-2007 03:36:34 PM
I hate to admit I'm paying any attention to the whole Idol thing, but this is some funny stuff.
With no one to ever know
posted 04-12-2007 08:08:57 PM
Yeah, I keep hearing about it on the Detroit radio station, and they are talking a lot about the weeny kids that are jabbering on about Sanjaya. His sister has some big hoo-hoo's though.
"The MP checkpoint is not an Imperial Stormtrooper roadblock, so I should not tell them "You don't need to see my identification, these are not the droids you are looking for."
posted 04-12-2007 08:17:01 PM
His sister has some big hoo-hoo's though.

wink wink wink wink

Although my distaste for you as a human being is brobdingnagian,
what I'm about to do isn't personal.
With no one to ever know
posted 04-12-2007 08:24:57 PM
Blackened enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:

wink wink wink wink

Sure, if you want to use the correct term for those sweet mounds.

"The MP checkpoint is not an Imperial Stormtrooper roadblock, so I should not tell them "You don't need to see my identification, these are not the droids you are looking for."
posted 04-13-2007 12:31:40 AM
What's "Idol"?
Love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides and life and death alike follow in its wake. -Phèdre nó Delaunay, Kushiel's Chosen

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

Pooh Ogre
Keeper of the Shoulders of Peachis Perching
posted 04-13-2007 05:14:29 AM
My wife howls every week he doesn't get voted off. He does look like a little bitch to me, but I guess he gets the 14 year olds voting.

There was a guy named Sundance earlier this season that comes from a town about 20 minutes away from me and had kind of a blues thing going. He didn't last long, but I'm surprised he hasn't been able to make it in Austin. They have a pretty active blues / soul scene up that way.


posted 04-13-2007 05:48:32 AM
This insanity brought to you by Damnati:
What's "Idol"?

are you fucking serious

i don't even watch tv and well

come on


posted 04-16-2007 03:20:13 PM
Kegwen attempted to be funny by writing:
are you fucking serious

i don't even watch tv and well

come on


No, I'm not serious. I don't watch TV at all, largely because of shows like this. I don't find stupidity entertaining and a lot of TV is based on just that; in the case of things like I Idol, I don't much care for popularity contests.

Love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides and life and death alike follow in its wake. -Phèdre nó Delaunay, Kushiel's Chosen

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

Gluttonous Overlard
posted 04-16-2007 04:22:17 PM
Damnati said:
No, I'm not serious. I don't watch TV at all, largely because of shows like this. I don't find stupidity entertaining and a lot of TV is based on just that; in the case of things like I Idol, I don't much care for popularity contests.

It's made for teenage girls.

posted 04-16-2007 09:59:35 PM
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into Damnati who doth quote:
No, I'm not serious. I don't watch TV at all, largely because of shows like this. I don't find stupidity entertaining and a lot of TV is based on just that; in the case of things like I Idol, I don't much care for popularity contests.

I pretty much completely agree with this.

posted 04-16-2007 11:55:56 PM
Maradon! said this about your mom:
I pretty much completely agree with this.

Hey, man, there's a reason I don't plan on paying for cable when I move into an apartment this summer.

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