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Topic: The Shield!
Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 04-11-2007 03:29:59 PM
Man, the whole Kavanaugh thing was pretty anti-climatic. I was figuring they'd drag it on for an episode or two and then have a big scene where Dutch tore into his story. Not just a lame, "oops, i did it lol" after two minutes of his informant being interrogated.
posted 04-11-2007 03:44:01 PM
There's no way it's over that easily.
Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 04-11-2007 06:56:08 PM
I dunno. His police career is definately over, and he seemed to realize he made a mistake in lowering himself to Mackey's level so I don't see him coming back for some kind of illegal revenge.
With no one to ever know
posted 04-11-2007 09:23:54 PM
Yeah, it ended way to peacefully. And that little confrontation with Kavanaugh in his cell leads me to think that Kavanaugh is still going to be watching over Vic. I just keep wondering what's going to happen to Guardo when he shows up, if Vic is going to make it slow and painful, or some crazy shit is going to hit the fan.
"The MP checkpoint is not an Imperial Stormtrooper roadblock, so I should not tell them "You don't need to see my identification, these are not the droids you are looking for."
Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 04-12-2007 07:04:39 AM
Lechium wrote this stupid crap:
Yeah, it ended way to peacefully. And that little confrontation with Kavanaugh in his cell leads me to think that Kavanaugh is still going to be watching over Vic. I just keep wondering what's going to happen to Guardo when he shows up, if Vic is going to make it slow and painful, or some crazy shit is going to hit the fan.

Previews showed Shane Begging Vic not to kill Guardo. When Vic asked why, Shane said, "Just don't do it, for me."

Dun dun duuuuun!

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