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Topic: 300.
posted 03-09-2007 02:34:17 AM
An absolutely amazing movie. Hands down a must see.

I'll leave the more wordy posters to give a more in depth review.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 03-09-2007 03:37:00 AM
Did we really need two threads?
posted 03-09-2007 01:05:47 PM
Tribute? You steal men's Mr. Gainsboroughs, and make them your slaves!
Did we really need two threads?

To be fair, his thread is both appropriately named and tagged. Yours...is not. I clicked on this one first.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 03-09-2007 05:54:22 PM
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 03-09-2007 05:56:12 PM
And which is the thread with actual discussion and 5 times as many posts.
posted 03-09-2007 06:42:44 PM
Tough shit gains.

There is usually a buildup thread to a movie or game, and then there is a thread dedicated to discussion, which usually contains spoilers.

My apologies if you felt a 2nd thread was some sort of threat to your status as a poster, but thats generally how things go 'round these parts.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 03-09-2007 06:43:49 PM
Mr. Gainsborough
posted 03-09-2007 06:43:58 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-11-2007 03:10:37 AM
I thought it was excellent and I really liked his wife.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

I am not a woman
posted 03-11-2007 06:07:38 AM
At the aftermath of the first wave I nearly yelled "HEY, WHERE DID HE GET THAT APPLE?!"
posted 03-11-2007 06:25:31 AM
He willed it into existence.
Urinary Tract Infection
posted 03-11-2007 06:50:55 AM
Lyinar Ka`Bael posted

I thought it was excellent and I really liked his wife.

Pencil erasers.

posted 03-11-2007 01:21:31 PM
Saw it on IMAX the day it came out...was frigin sweet
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-11-2007 05:38:01 PM
Janus. had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
At the aftermath of the first wave I nearly yelled "HEY, WHERE DID HE GET THAT APPLE?!"

I laughed at that part because it was amusing to see him casually eating an apple while his men are in the background stabbing survivors to death.

I laughed at his meeting with Xerxes too, when he said the fighting had made his leg unable to kneel. He had a lot of places like that where even if he was being defiant, his dialogue was witty and I found the delivery and words rather funny.

It helped to lighten the mood of the movie some, so it wasn't all dark and dreary, since if you knew anything about the history of the subject, you knew they were all going to die.

Deth pointed this out to me, because I had seen the face but hadn't recognized it. Did you notice the guy who lost his eye was Van Helsing's little buddy? Man, did they give him steroids or something?

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 03-11-2007 05:50:44 PM
that was an amazing movie.
posted 03-11-2007 08:06:15 PM
What is a Alidane? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk... Have at you!
Pencil erasers.

I prefer them that way. :3

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Mr. Parcelan
posted 03-11-2007 11:06:54 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Deth pointed this out to me, because I had seen the face but hadn't recognized it. Did you notice the guy who lost his eye was Van Helsing's little buddy? Man, did they give him steroids or something?

That was Dilios, spinning his stories, later to become Captain Dilios, who told his best story...the one about the Hot Gates. He was played by David Wenham, I believe, who was also Faramir in the Lord of the Rings movies.

If you check their video production journals, they show you their exercise routines that made them all as psychotically buff as they did. They were doing shit like throwing tractors tires around, weight lifting while attached to bungee cords, some severely hardcore crap to get them as hard as they were.

Not Much Fun Anymore
posted 03-12-2007 09:57:51 PM
I gotta say, the only thing better than 300 mostly naked dudes with washboard abs would be 400 completely naked dudes with washboard abs. Trust me though, after 400 it just goes downhill.
"France tried to turtle, but Hitler did a tank rush before they were ready. Just shows how horribly unbalanced real life is. They should release a patch."
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