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Topic: Hay EVE people, new ships
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 07-12-2006 07:16:58 PM
Linked because of size. These are the new tier 2 (not to be confused with tech 2) battleships and battlecruisers for all the races. Concept art, but if you look closely you can see the unreleased but completed Amarr Battleship on the latest EVE trailer. These are genuine.

Caldari Battlecruiser

Minmatar Battlecruiser

Amarr Battlecruiser

Gallente Battlecruiser

Caldari Battleship

Minmatar Battleship

Amarr Battleship

Gallente Battleship

hu�mor 1. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
posted 07-12-2006 08:50:12 PM
Makes me want to resubscribe to EVE. (that Amarr battlecruiser looks nice enough)

Kennatsu fucked around with this message on 07-12-2006 at 08:51 PM.

Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 07-13-2006 01:55:04 AM
New Amarr BC and Minmatar BSs look hawt in concept art.

Will be nice to have a Caldari rail BS tho

Still not sure WTF the Gallente BS is gonna do. Probably something crap like Sensor Damp bonus Damps FTL (Even tho I'm messing around with them right now, cuz they're cheap as shit YOU CANT SHOOT ME BIATCH tools).

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 07-13-2006 02:15:58 AM
Nice to see a few EVE ships that are NOT asymetrical.
~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
posted 07-13-2006 02:49:02 AM
No kidding. I would have to say the one thing that really turned me off about the game were the crazy ship designs
posted 07-13-2006 06:22:03 AM
Minmatar Battlecruiser

It's the Glorft!

Skaw fucked around with this message on 07-13-2006 at 06:22 AM.

Suicide (Also: Gay.)
posted 07-13-2006 08:38:56 AM
While you read this, I'm gonna go make out with Mortious's mom:
Amarr Battleship

Isn't this the terran battleship from 5th element?

Gluttonous Overlard
posted 07-13-2006 08:50:53 AM
Blindy. said:
Isn't this the terran battleship from 5th element?

Nah, those were really flat, kind of like air craft carriers but for space.

Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 07-13-2006 08:52:25 AM
Skaw had this to say about Tron:
It's the Glorft!


~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Not Squire... but a guitar!
posted 07-13-2006 10:19:59 AM
Wow, Minmatar get a ship that doesn't look like a bunch of space debris that got duct taped together? Inconceivable.
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 07-13-2006 10:35:42 AM
Arttemis said:
Wow, Minmatar get a ship that doesn't look like a bunch of space debris that got duct taped together? Inconceivable.

Oddly enough, if the Minmatar had been left alone their technology would rival Jovian tech. It was the Amarr invasion that hurled them back centuries and stunted their technological growth, they're actually very good shipbuilders.

posted 07-13-2006 10:43:02 AM
These threads always make me want to play the game, then I end up subscribing for a week and remembering how boring it is >.<
Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 07-13-2006 11:11:23 AM
Led had this to say about Cuba:
These threads always make me want to play the game, then I end up subscribing for a week and remembering how boring it is >.<

Get yourself into a good player corperation and it won't be boring. It's boring as fuck if you're a newbie wandering around on your own. Get into a good corp that PvPs and has 0.0 access and you'll be having a blast if you get yourself involved.

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
posted 07-13-2006 11:14:15 AM
I have like severe social anxiety disorder online or something The idea of trying to 'break in' to an established group scares me

Which is why I have like ten WoW characters over thirty and only one of them is in a guild

posted 07-14-2006 05:38:16 AM
I'm sure Drys could get you into Goodfleet if you PM'd him nicely. He got me in after all.

I'm having a blast flying tackling frigs around in gangs and watching big ships go boom! Especially now as The Swarm is having fun kicking German ass (the Dusk to Dawn Alliance), and expanding into conquerable 0.0 sec space.

PS: Only another 11 days until i get to start flying Covops ships.... NINJA OF THE NIGHT!!

very important poster
a sweet title
posted 07-14-2006 08:30:10 AM
While possessed by the spirit of Somthor, Cavalier- wrote:
I'm sure Drys could get you into Goodfleet if you PM'd him nicely. He got me in after all.

I'm having a blast flying tackling frigs around in gangs and watching big ships go boom! Especially now as The Swarm is having fun kicking German ass (the Dusk to Dawn Alliance), and expanding into conquerable 0.0 sec space.

PS: Only another 11 days until i get to start flying Covops ships.... NINJA OF THE NIGHT!!

You can only sponsor X people simultaneously in GoonFleet/Waffe, and I'm inclined to say it's 1. But yeah, it's an exciting time to be an EVE goon right now. The war seems to be going well and since we're now somehow allied or at least NAPed with SPARTA, life should get pretty rough for D2.

Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 07-14-2006 10:20:51 AM
Cavalier- wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
PS: Only another 11 days until i get to start flying Covops ships.... NINJA OF THE NIGHT!!

You'll get bored of doing it pretty damn quick. They're very useful tools, but quite fucking boring to fly ASK ME HOW I KNOW ASK ME HOW I KNOW!!! (And fucking 60 million for a covert ops cloak is retarted shit. And you realize a Cov Ops is damn near useless without a Covert Ops cloak so it can warp cloaked right?)

But more power to ya. Which race ya goin for?

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
Swims in Erotic Circles
posted 07-14-2006 10:51:37 AM
BetaTested got a whole lot of nerve:
You'll get bored of doing it pretty damn quick. They're very useful tools, but quite fucking boring to fly ASK ME HOW I KNOW ASK ME HOW I KNOW!!! (And fucking 60 million for a covert ops cloak is retarted shit. And you realize a Cov Ops is damn near useless without a Covert Ops cloak so it can warp cloaked right?)

But more power to ya. Which race ya goin for?

Goonswarm reimburses Cov Ops materials lost on Fleet ops. (So, pretty much anything)

Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 07-14-2006 11:23:21 AM
This insanity brought to you by Liam:
Goonswarm reimburses Cov Ops materials lost on Fleet ops. (So, pretty much anything)

That's pretty spiffy. Though you still have to pony up the 70mils to fly the fucker on your own right? (Ship + Equip)

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
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