sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
The famed Autobot Matrix is actually an MP3 player?
Kennatsu fell asleep and read just about every paragraph.
The famed Autobot Matrix is actually an MP3 player?
Probably more storage space that way.
The second I will carry around with me on a chain around my neck, as I kill people with a large knife, ripping their chests open and shoving it in to see if it fits. I'll kill some random people, but I'll make sure I also get a few I have a secret lothing for. Then, when they come to arrest me, I'll start screaming about looking for 'the chosen one' and 'hidden Autobots'. With the ranting and random murders, I'm sure to get off on the insanity plea.
Then, when they finally let me out of the looney bin, I can get the second out of storage and keep it on a shelf.
It is held in thought
only by the understanding
of the Wind.
Kennatsu wrote this stupid crap:
The famed Autobot Matrix is actually an MP3 player?
No but if you're whipping out the Matrix you have to have the proper musical accompanying the event.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me