Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Get Total Experience if you get anything.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Kennatsu was naked while typing this:
JTL comes with Rage. It doesn't matter if you already have the original or not. If you buy The Total Experience you get the BARC speedbike, the fastest bike in the game.
Buy rage, get JTL.
Everyone wondered WTF when JooJooFlop wrote:
Yeah, the quest to get the Jedi Starfighter was so damn easy. And it beats the hell out of any Imperial ship before the ace level stuff.
The JSF is incredible even at Ace level piloting skills. This is the one ship that makes us even with the Rebels in Deep Space when flying against the A-Wing. About a week ago a few of us were dogfighting with a Rebel in Deep Space. These were 5 to 10 minute fights instead of 10 seconds of "WTF? I'm dead?"
The Grievious fighter is just as good from my understanding. I can't wait to get mine.
Kennatsu attempted to be funny by writing:
I'm not sure if it's still there, but I saw a vendor on the bazaar selling one for 1,040,000 credits. That vendor is in Freehold, btw...
The JSF or the Grievious ship? Either way you need to have completed the quest before you can generate the ship to pilot it.