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Topic: A question for anyone who's watched the older Bubblegum Crisis episodes..
hu�mor 1. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
posted 12-15-2004 05:22:06 PM
I heard somewhere that one of the girls is NOT HUMAN. Or at least part human. I'm still trying to figure out who that is. Anyone know?
The Unholy
posted 12-15-2004 05:29:27 PM
Sylia Stingray, am I showing my age or what
"Who is he?"
"He's an ***hole sir."
C'mon, fear the fangs... plz
posted 12-15-2004 06:31:07 PM
The Unholy had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Sylia Stingray, am I showing my age or what

Expanding on The Unholy's awesome insight I present this link which archives the entire usnet debate on the topic of Sylia's humanity, including an official post stating that she is a human with boomer AI mental enhancements.

Silently, the unnamed Senshi drew a small jewel-hilted athame from some form of pocket-space, and lightly ran it across the back of her left hand. Good, she wasn't one of those fools that slashed their palm open whenever one of the various reasons to use blood arose. I did the same with my own vorpal-bladed athame. It was a much plainer affair than my counterpart's, but I bet hers couldn't call up a higher-level demon just by carving a smiley face in the ground.
-Ranma in Can it get any worse by Dark Phoenix
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