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Topic: RPG Recommendations
Caid '5 Fists' Berrit
I've had a few beers but I'm cool to drive
posted 10-04-2004 12:15:54 AM
I've been really craving some RPGs to play on my comp lately. As of right now I only own Dungeon Siege and Icewind Dale plus the Heart Of Winter expansion.

Older downloadable games are welcome, as I don't have much money, but in a few weeks when I get paid(just got a job, hooray!) I'll be able to pick up a few games.

Sooo...on with the recommendations!

oh and anything with RPG elements is welcome, doesn't have to be straight RPG.

'But if I had a shotgun you know what I'd do?
I'd point that shit straight at the sky and shoot heavan on down for you'

Bradley Nowell
Delphi Aegis
Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
posted 10-04-2004 12:18:00 AM
Mr. Gainsborough
posted 10-04-2004 12:24:02 AM
Purchase - Diablo 2 (with expansion)
Emulate - Chrono Trigger
Caid '5 Fists' Berrit
I've had a few beers but I'm cool to drive
posted 10-04-2004 12:24:16 AM
Assuming you mean System Shock 2, played the fuck out of it. Excellent game, but played it.

edit: Beaten Chrono Trigger, come close to beating D2...without the expansion mind you, so maybe I'll look into that.

Caid '5 Fists' Berrit fucked around with this message on 10-04-2004 at 12:25 AM.

'But if I had a shotgun you know what I'd do?
I'd point that shit straight at the sky and shoot heavan on down for you'

Bradley Nowell
Mr. Gainsborough
posted 10-04-2004 12:27:04 AM
Delphi Aegis had this to say about Matthew Broderick:

System Shock 2?
Serious Sam 2?
Shining Soul 2?

Delphi Aegis
Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
posted 10-04-2004 12:45:07 AM
Blah blah blah Mr. Gainsborough blah blah blah...
System Shock 2?
Serious Sam 2?
Shining Soul 2?




Mr. Gainsborough
posted 10-04-2004 12:47:50 AM
Everyone wondered WTF when Delphi Aegis wrote:



Yeah, rar to you too.

Try using real words next time instead of abbreviations before explaining what they are.

posted 10-04-2004 12:48:14 AM
Baldur's Gate 2, if you can locate it. The Fallout games would be a good bet, too, but are hard to find anymore.

Neverwinter Nights is okay, and getting to be cheap.

Knights of the Old Republic's probably come down in price by now. It's definitely worth a purchase.

MorbId fucked around with this message on 10-04-2004 at 12:49 AM.

Delphi Aegis
Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
posted 10-04-2004 12:50:07 AM
Mr. Gainsborough got bored and wrote this:
Yeah, rar to you too.

Try using real words next time instead of abbreviations before explaining what they are.

Except Serious sam 2 isn't an RPG.. And blah.

Caid '5 Fists' Berrit
I've had a few beers but I'm cool to drive
posted 10-04-2004 12:57:23 AM
Oh yeah, got Neverwinter Nights too....eh, didn't impress me. Baldurs Gate 2 would be nice, heard nothing but good things about it, have to keep my eye open.
'But if I had a shotgun you know what I'd do?
I'd point that shit straight at the sky and shoot heavan on down for you'

Bradley Nowell
Now I am become Death, shatterer of worlds
posted 10-04-2004 03:49:10 AM
Can still get Fallout 1 and 2 for ten bucks in a two pack at Best Buy.

At least, the Best Buy near my house still had one or two when I last browsed the ten dollar rack.

Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 10-04-2004 04:03:26 AM
Baldur's Gate I + II
Gothic I + II

Edit: And yeah, Fallout I + II.

Tarquinn fucked around with this message on 10-04-2004 at 04:05 AM.

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Rabin Crabmink
posted 10-04-2004 12:04:53 PM
Planescape: Torment
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 10-04-2004 12:36:43 PM
Planescape:Torment is probably my all-time favorite RPG for the computer. Can get it at Wal-Mart for about ten bucks.

Arcanum is another fantastic game (and you can get it for about 20 bucks last I checked, and it is completely worth it just for the sheer volume of a game you're getting your hands on).

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

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