Since I need sleep, I stopped right before Kakashi is about to kill Zabuza with his own Jutsu, but man, what a show.
I don't like Naruto a whole lot, his voice and constant yelling are very annoying.
Sasuke I don't mind, he's pretty cool. I'm also indifferent to Sakura, but right now, she seems useless.
But, he is the ultimate guy. Holy crap. He's strong, smart, courageuous, nice, EVERYTHING. Kakashi is the MAN.
I can't wait to watch more of this series
Sakura, on the other hand, remains useless all the way through the current episode Maradon! fucked around with this message on 07-01-2004 at 04:19 AM.
I do love the series however
Inner Sakura is a big one there. Dunno if the game reflects the anime in that respect.
People need to upload more Naruto to Khy's FTP :-p
She's a cool charecter, but they havent done inner sakura in a long time