Any plans for the weekend?
I bought a new TV today, which is good. I can finally dust off my Ps2 now, and I'm thinking of getting Disgaea (sp?). However, that would require a job, and my half hearted job hunt is not going well. The only places I haven't approached yet are the fast food places, but they are my last resort.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna go DDR at local arcade-thiny and go to the comic book store to participate in the sidewalk sale they're having. Then I'll go home, and sit on my ass for several hours.
Mr. Gainsborough fucked around with this message on 06-18-2004 at 01:40 AM.
Oh yeah, on Sunday I'm gonna go see Prizoner of Azkaban with my family.
That's day 2 of 6 days that I'm working 7+ hours. Tuesday is my next day off. Oh woe is me, however I probably will like the paycheck. But even so, I shall be suffering greatly.
My plans for the weekend include work, and lots of sleep. That's about it. My girlfriend will probably squease her way in there somewhere too, and that's ok. So long as I can sit/lay down, I'll be happy.
Otherwise the next few days are pretty open for me. I guess. >_>
You'll see why at 12:01 board time.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Delphi Aegis was all like:
I look forward to saturday.You'll see why at 12:01 board time.
he goes silver, hah i spoiled
That will be my weekend.
Thing is, i have no symptoms but, in my family a high white blood cell count usually means two things.
1) Appendix is about to go boom.
2) B-Cell Lymphoma.
Overall, i'm betting it's prolly just somthing wierd like allergies. Yet being able to rationally think about really doesn't help since the "being scared shitless" response isn't somthing rational in the first place.
It really doesn't help that i've been feeling occasional stabbing pain in my lower right (my right) abdomen. But i'm chalking that up to psyching myself out about it or gas.
Nae had this to say about Pirotess:
I am going to sexxor my husband repeatedly, until he feels like his penis is going to fall off. Then I am going to make him a steak dinner, force him to eat it quickly, and then sexxor him some more.That will be my weekend.
Does that mean he's now home? Yeah for Nae and UBT!
Blah blah blah Mr. Gainsborough blah blah blah...
he goes silver, hah i spoiled
Only not.
Profile for Delphi Aegis
Registered: 07-31-2002
So quoth Delphi Aegis:
Only not.Profile for Delphi Aegis
Registered: 07-31-2002
You just wish you could be as smart as me with your soon to be 21 years of living experience.
I'm a big dumbass. Mr. Gainsborough fucked around with this message on 06-18-2004 at 03:30 AM.
A sleep deprived Mr. Gainsborough stammered:
You just wish you could be as smart as me with your soon to be 20 years of living experience.
Soon to be 21. You're a dumbass, twice.
Nobody really understood why Snoota wrote:
Soon to be 21. You're a dumbass, twice.
Thats why I edited it to say big dumbass.
This weekend's going to either be really bad, or pretty average. I can't say for sure yet.
Weekend probably won't be anything to sing about.
At least I got most of my college life figured out.
This weekend I will hopefully have a car, and therefore not be onbase.
I will be dragging my friends who are also bse-bound offbase and we will be carousing without alcohol (read-going to gameshops and stuff)
Working two ten hour shifts Saturday and Sunday respectively.
All in all, a so-so weekend.
Vernaltemptress said this about your mom:
Does that mean he's now home? Yeah for Nae and UBT!
He is on his way home. Should be in Germany.. but I am not sure, he hasn't called yet. He will be in Baltimore tonite, and home either really late tonite, or tomorrow.