it was in black and white, and amde by like one of the most famous japense derectors of all time
it was about some guy haveing like a post mid life crisis, he worked in some overly beurocratic goverment branch, he gets cancer, and starts crusading to build a playground
sorry this description is horible, but it was realy a great movie, and im very intrested in seeign it again, anyone who knows the name will be greatly apreciated
i think the naem of the movie was like the main charecters name, im not sure though
Yuto had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Why don't you just contact the teacher of the Japanese class?
Hi. What name did you change from?
Darius! impressed everyone with:
Hi. What name did you change from?
Some minor sleuthing should reveal that.
Yuto's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Why don't you just contact the teacher of the Japanese class?
not only do i no longer go to that school, but he moved to germany to be with his girlfreind
Yuto had this to say about the Spice Girls:
Why don't you just contact the teacher of the Japanese class?
That has to be one of my favourite images from X. Good choice on the sig pic