Personally, I'd like a little more description than just NSFW with this kind of link in the future. NSFW with headshot did not bring this sort of image to my mind.
But maybe that's just me.
Edit: Let me add, I do think he got what he deserves though. Ragabash fucked around with this message on 05-06-2004 at 08:38 PM.
i see your 9mm and raise you six 3 1/2-inch nails
Best. Headshot. Ever.
Guy (Phineas Gage if you care) got nailed with a tampering iron. He lived, and was physically fine (well, I mean, he still had a metal pole through his head so he was in pain but no lasting damage). It damaged his frontal lobe and completely reversed his personality. Love thy brain. Mr. Gainsborough fucked around with this message on 05-06-2004 at 10:04 PM.
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into Ragabash who doth quote:
NSFW with headshot did not bring this sort of image to my mind.
What sort of image DID it bring to mind? O_o
Anyway this is awesome. It's like that video of the irritating girl getting beaned in the head with the book: someone finally got what they deserved.
I was thinking it was a regional dialect for facial.