Latebreaking news
"Hello there, I'm Gandi Mohatma with this urgent news. As of 6:00 PM, April 05, the US has a new leader. This leader has not yet been seen, and has been communicating all of his decrees via his cohort, the honorable Gydyon. A combined effort of the "Alliance" a mix of US, Canadian, a British soldiers couldn't hold back the horde of EC. Many of the "ECers" have begun the invasion. Already, dozens of small third world countries, and France have fallen.
From messages we captured, we were able to piece together some of the new threats objectives, weapons, and battle plans.
Their weapons so far, the Parceclone, is a horrid mix of orc and prairie dog. The original is the leader of the group. Apparently, having the Alliance around is raising futher bloodlust from the Parceclones.
The n00b, what appears to be an assortment of people taken from the streets, are the least threat. They die rather easily.
From what we have seen, these are the only weapons that have been released. Other transmissions point out the existance of a cookie goddess that lowers the fighting spirits of anyone who gets in the EC horde way.
So far, the leader of the horde, Drysart, has not shown up.
A large battleforce in Texas is getting ready to leave and head over to retake the capitol.
More broadcasts when we get more info." Ctrl-Alt-Del fucked around with this message on 04-05-2004 at 06:50 PM.
It was like you were actually trying to do what a real newscast would sound like, only more boring with lame one liners, that i'm not even sure are supposed to be funny. Korvus fucked around with this message on 04-05-2004 at 11:30 PM.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, forums